Customer service plan

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1697
- Category: Customer Customer Service Marketing Service
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Innovative Widgets is a large firm of about four hundred staff, and is the largest producer of widgets in Australia. Established in 1952, its widgets are used as components in a broad range of televisions. At Innovative Widgets we are dedicated to providing all internal and external customers with the best possible level of customer service. To ensure this, we have created our own customer service plan as followed: Vision
Innovative Widgets vision is to be recognised as the number one producers and suppliers of widgets in Australia. Mission
Innovative Widgets is dedicated to providing high quality, competitive priced products, on time with a personalized service. To guarantee our success we will achieve our profit goals and continue to be the leader in our industry. We will be dedicated, innovative and give our employees the opportunity for personal professional growth.
The dimensions of our Innovative Widgets will vary between each widget; it will all depend on what size will best suit you. But we promise that our widgets will always be in the range of 32” and 80”. Tolerances
The tolerances we have on our widgets are strict, and will ensure they agree with our promises each and every time. Our widgets will never be less than 4% or exceed more than 7% of the dimensions we have stated. Pricing
For each widget, depending on the size and materials used, the prices will vary. We are confident on selling the cheapest yet best quality products to all our customers. If you decide to purchase our product in store, we will offer you 10% off delivery. For some customers, getting to the store might be more difficult than others. For these particular customers we will offer 10% off on shipping and delivery. Materials
Our widgets are only made from two kinds of materials – stainless steel and plastic. Delivery
For customers who need their widget delivered and are within a 400km radius, we will always deliver by our company trucks. For any customer who needs delivery outside of this radius we use train or aeroplane – whichever is most convenient for both the organisation and the customer. If the customers’ item is delayed then we will promise to make it our number one priority to be delivered within 24 hours, and wipe the delivery costs from their bill.
Innovative Widgets is dedicated to ensuring our customers know we care, and are committed to confidentiality. To provide this, we have set standard policies and procedures for each situation we come across. Gathering Customer Needs
Identifying customer’s needs is important for any type or size of organisation. Innovative Widgets have written up a clear policies and procedures for gathering customer information. When a customer is presented with service from an employee, it has been found through research that they rate their service on five dimensions. This is called the RATER model, as shown in the diagram below: Reliability
Dependability and accuracy of goods or service
Employees courtesy, knowledge, confidence and trust
Appearance of employees, building, equipment and communication Empathy
Care and attention paid to customer
Provision of help, service and problem solving
The customer relations manager is responsible for identifying the needs of all our customers- internal and external. These needs to be identified as often as possible; Innovative Widgets have decided every three months would be an appropriate amount of time between each over view. Staff who come in personal contact with customers, will be the staff who conduct this research and gather the information needed. PROCEDURES
Identifying needs must be conducted in a standard procedure. The customer relations manager must create surveys/questionnaires etc. for customers to answer. These will be handed over to employees who work directly with
customers, and gather as much information as they can. These will be answered by not on the external customers, but the internal customers also (employees and suppliers). A step-by-step procedure for Innovative Widgets includes: Consider what questions will be appropriate; you don’t want to upset anyone’s feelings, or invade their privacy Run through the questions with any other staff who are involved in the process Write up the survey/questionnaire, or even questions an employee may want to ask the customers face to face or over the phone Explain to the employees of the importance of this process, and to ensure they are respectful of the customers answers and to treat it all with 100% confidentiality using the RATER model – Ensure the employees make sure the customer knows their answers will be reliable – Make sure the employee assures all customers of their trust and knowledge, and is confident about the research in itself.
– The tangibles is one of the most important factors. All employees must be presentable in both the way they look and the way they speak. The building itself must most definitely be clean, tidy and have a welcoming feel to all customers. – Employees must provide empathy to the customer, and pay attention to anything they decide to say or do. – The employee must offer their services and help to each and every customer who walks through the front door. Once the results have been provided, they need to be recorded and kept confidential. At the end of the process, once all customers’ needs have been identified – it is up to the organisation what they will do to ensure all customer needs are met.
Responding to customer complaints
At Innovative Widgets we have a responsibility to manage any complaints we may have under strict policy and procedure. We promise to treat all discussions confidential, and will handle the manner in the most appropriate and necessary way.
Innovative Widgets is committed to handling complaints, in a clearly defined, effective matter. We will always act on customer feedback, and recognise that a complaint received is an opportunity to resolve. All staff are to complete mandatory training on the customer complaint handling process. Customer complaints can be received through various channels including: Phone
Directly to staff representative
Our values are to treat customers, employees and suppliers with respect by acknowledging their right to complain and have a complaint handled professionally. “Innovative Widgets must be committed to the principles embodied in the Australian Standard for complaints handling.” The current Australian Standard is AS/ISO 10002-2006,Customer Satisfaction Guidelines for complaints handling in organisations
All customer complaints are to be responded to within twenty-four hours by phone, or customer preferred method. In each case, the complaints resolution processed outline below should be followed: Immediately acknowledge the complaint
Record the complaint in a complaints register, gathering sufficient detail to enable a proper investigation If the complaint is unable to be resolved within twenty-four hours, it must be escalated to the next level manger All complaints must be closed out within the register within five days.
Managing Records and Data
Ownership, responsibility and control of customer, supplier and employee records by Innovative Widgets carries an obligation to maintain confidentiality of all records. For all practical records, all records are considered confidential unless otherwise noted. Confidentiality is essential to maintain trust between all parties. POLICY
Innovative Widgets is committed to confidentiality of all customer, employee and supplier records and data. “This includes the collection, use and storage, and disclosure of personal information and access to, and correction of that information.” Privacy Act 1988
All personally identifiable information for internal and external customers, must be secured from access from all unauthorised persons. All paper records such as complaints feedback, surveys etc. records must be secured in a dedicated locked cabinet Key distribution must be limited and documented by the customer relations manager All electronic records such as accounts, complaints, surveys and feedback must be treated the same as paper records. Must be stored in a password protected folder
Only the customer relations manager will know the password to these folders Records can also be produced through conversations. All conversations with customers, employees and suppliers must be documented in the customer file These documents must also be saved in a password protected folder The customer relations manager is the only person who will know the password
Innovative Widgets has produced their own customer service plan to ensure the best possible level of customer service. This plan is taught to each and every staff member who comes on board as an employee within the organisation. Innovative Widgets’ customer service plan is sure to work, and will achieve quality customer service for both internal and external customers. This organisation has a vision for the future, to be the number one suppliers of widgets in Australia. They will always be dedicated to providing high quality personalized service, and continue to be the leader in their industry. With product standards set in place, Innovative Widgets will never fail to break promises they make. These standards are stated clearly in the customer service plan. The set policies and procedures have and will continue to be taught to all employees who join Innovative Widgets. As a result of this, our employees are encouraged to demonstrate their responsibility, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness.
Innovative Widgets conducts surveys, questionnaires, discussions etc. to gather important information from all our customers, to ensure we are always providing them with the service, product and knowledge they expect. Handling customer complaints can often be a confronting and difficult situation to handle. This is why our organisation trains our staff to deal with these confrontations in the most appropriate and necessary manner. Innovative Widgets customer service will work to achieve the highest qualities of customer service. This is said because it is a large and experienced company with dedicated employees and customers. This new customer service plan will work over the previous one, because of the training which is now provided. The plan is clear set, and provides all the important information necessary to achieve quality customer service. For each important factor, there are explanations on who is responsible for each task. As well as step-by-step instructions on how to handle each situation appropriately. Innovative Widgets new and fresh customer service plan, will work to achieve quality customer service and legal compliance.