Computer Aided Instruction

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- Category: Books Computers E-Learning
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Order Nowhis research study cited books, articles and laws were obtained through different books, magazines, journals and internet, which are relevant to the present investigation. It is composed of related literature and studies, both local and foreign, which contain facts and information on the research problem at hand. It also provides explanations and logical connections between previous researches and the present work
2.1. Review of Related Literature
2.1.1. Foreign
Stauffer, B.L. (2008)“Compared to the more traditional educational paradigm – the broadcast model, where knowledge is delivered from professor to student from on-high – e-learning turns teaching and learning into a shared endeavor” Their study says that E-learning methods and techniques can augment traditional classroom learning and if compared with the traditional, E-learning is more learner-friendly alternative but the teacher is more of a facilitator, that’s wht he suggest that it is much butter to create a mixture of E-learning and classroom interaction.
Goodwin, R. & Al-Doub, E. (2007)The aim of this study is to investigate student’s attitudes towards information and communication technology (ICT) in Kuwait’s Higher Education and the E-learning is a technique to enhance learning and teaching experiences and used to educate students with or without their instructors, throught any type of digital medial and/or utilizing many information and communication technology. They also stated same factors for the success of E-learning during implementation in higher education instutions: “Poor preparation can affect the use of E-learning facilities” Poor instructor awareness and training in using E-leaning facilities will lead to poor outcomes. The availabilty of connections to E-learning websites combined with slow download discourages students from using E-learning. With the various facilities of information and communication technology and the rapid growth of E-learning, computers are now used by students for academic purposes. Processes are valuable toos in learning higher education. Accessing online learning resources has become flexible and fast without any geographical barriers.
2.1.2. Local
According to Lopez, G.B. (2009). “The findings of the study revealed aspects of community college student perceptions about online courses, related these perceptions to the social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence components of the Community of Inquiry model, and provided examples of successful instructional design and course facilitation techniques utilized in the online courses. The study findings provided insights about student perceptions related to communication and interaction, isolation, preferred course activities, and the positive impact of prompt and helpful instructor feedback.” The purpose of this study was to explore Community College Student perception of online learning within the theoretical construct of the Community of Inquiry (Col) model. After conducting a research issued in national and local level in students was satisfied and the online learning is successful in the aspect of online courses, related these perception to the social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence component of the Community of Inquiry model and they provided a successful instructional design and course facilitation techniques utilized in the online courses. The study in the school was made to prove that learning system was helpful for the community.
According to Guevara, M.L. (2007) “This research was not about assessing the difference between online vs. face-to-face instruction; rather, this research is more about how we can use technology effectively in the classroom and how students react to it. Technologies as used in online and blended learning situations have the potential to enrich the learning experience, to do more than what can be done in face-to-face or other approaches. The results from this study provide clues in how online components and strategies might be implemented to enhance teaching and learning in the 21st century, specifically as we work to engage students actively in learning, to provide real-world contexts for learning, and to promote critical thinking and deep learning.”
The online learning is an effective way to deliver the instruction and training but if the online learning and traditional approaches are combined, it will more effective comapred to one learning approach only. They propose in the future research is to explore how previous experiences with technology and online learning affects student’s attitudes towards success with E-learing and the effect of interspersing online unites that are considerably shorter in leangth into the traditional classroom mode l
Flores, N. (2011) Performance Analysis of Information Technology Application in Cavite is a study of IT applications in the areas of informational and operational processes in selected operating cooperatives in Cavite. Among other things, results show that as informational and operational processes increase, performance analysis also increases. The study also recommends that information technology application of cooperative organizations is to be utilized to fortify efficient improvement of cooperative, enhance staff productivity and generate accurate information.
2.2. Review of Related Studies
2.2.1. Foreign
According to Adewum, M.G. Olojo, O.J. (2012) “E-learning can be defined as a learning process created by interaction with digitally delivered content, network-based services and tutoring support. E-learning is any technologically medidated leaning using computers whether from a distance or in face-to-face classroom setting (computer assisted learning), it is a shift from traditional edication or training to ICT-based personalized, flexible, individual, self-organized, colaborative learning based on a community of learners, teachers, facilitators, experts.” This study shows that E-learnerning users have manifested increased retention rates and better uitilization of content, resulting in better achievement of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
According to Davies, J. & F. Graff, M. (2005) “the reported beneficial effects of online participation and interaction do not necessarily translate into higher grades at the end of the year, with students who participated more frequently not being significantly awarded with higher grades. However, students who failed in one or more modules did interact less frequently than students who achieved passing grades. Participation in online discussion forums serves a dual purpose: to improve learning and to provide support. It may, therefore, be the case that factors such as the frequency of the interactions are likely to be more important in providing support, whereas quality and dynamics of the interactions may be the more important influencing factors in learning and performance.”
It has been suggested that interaction in online learning programs promotes student-centered learning, encourages wider student participation, produces more in-depth and reasoned discussions than traditional face-to-face programs. It is also relevant because learners experience a sence of belongginess, enjoying mutual interdependence and trust among community members. Which means that the members of the community has the same interests. According to Mortagy, Y. (2008) “In conclusion, it seems online education is more effective comapred to traditional age students. This statement is based on the fact that students in online classes scored more than students in F2F classes.” Even though online education is being offered by many colleges and universities, the success of such programs remains a challenge. A number of online degress and programs have been cancelled due to low enrollment, low retention rate, and high withdrawal rate and that’s how this study compares how students’ backgrounds influence the learning outcome in two delivery modalities – Online and face-toface (F2F) education – in order to identify some of the factors that affect learning outcome.
2.2.1. Local
According to Mendoza, J.D. (2010)“One of the most important factors that should be taken into consideration is a student’s learning style. Learning styles depend on how our senses process the information. The three basic types of learning styles are: auditory (listening and speaking), visual (seeing and reading) and kinesthetic (doing).” Everyone learns differently, while online learning may be the best choice of one person. They said that there are three (3) basic types of learning styles: the auditory, visual and kinesthetic. The visual learners learn and enjoys from distanced learning while the auditory learner often struggle. One feature of the E-learning was the posting of video thru online. It is for visual and auditory type of learner. That’s why many teachers prefer this teaching technique, while the traditional classroom is for kinesthetic learning. According to Mateo, A.Y. (2006), “As Information technology becomes more robust and easier to use, it increasingly permeates academic activities in higher education. Course management systems let instructors easily integrate technology into their instruction. This study shows that online communication and information access expand a course’s range to wherever and whenever an instructor or student logs on”
Santiago, D.B. (2006) said, “The extracurricular activities provides a setting to become involved and to interact with other students, thus leading to increased learning and enhanced development. Specifically, a student’s peer group is the most important source of influence on a student’s academic and personal development. And the study proves that engaging to extracurricular activities has a good impact to the student’s emotional, intellectual, social and inter-personal development by working together with other individuals. Also student learns to negotiate, communicate, manage conflicts, and to lead others.”
2.3. Theoretical Framework of the Study
Existing System
Figure 1.0
Theoretical Framework of the Existing System
The paradigm shows how their existing teaching process. They, the teachers, teach their students manually, through chalk and blackboard, and other reading materials. This can cause to student’s inability to keep pace with the teachers’, because every student has different learning abilities. Some are fast learners; others aren’t, especially in mathematics subject. Being said that, we came up with a computerized math-learning system that can aid the beneficiary to enhance the existing system.
Proposed System
Figure 2.0
Theoretical Framework of the Proposed System
The paradigm shows how the proposed system answers the inadequacy of the existing system. From the traditional classroom teaching, through the proposed system, the students will be kept in pace because the teaching ration is 1:1. Thus, this can lead to students’ having eminent grades and exceptional academic performance.
2.4. Conceptual Framework of the Study
Existing System CriteriaProposed System
The paradigm above shows the difference of the existing system and the proposed system. The proposed system will provide the user, user friendliness, reliability and record-keeping. User-friendliness in terms of the user can easily understand the interface of the system, the users can easily move around the system even if the target users are elementary pupils. Reliability on the information that are going to be distributed to the users which will be coming from the respective curriculum. Record-keeping for which the activities that the users will be saved and stored. These records can also be easily search and retrieve by the admins.
2.5. Synthesis
In the advancement of the technology nowadays, most academic institutions uses E-learning. The E-learning provides a new way of learning process which helps the users to adopt the modern way of learning and to help them in the competition of the modernization around the world. Using E-learning can get the full attention of the attention of the playful children. Thus, the children will understand more the lesson to gain the score in the activities they wanted. pedagogical Some of these studies say that the E-learning is better than the traditional way of learning because they said that
E-learning can give more information and can get the attention of the students compared to traditional learning or without the presence of an instructor. Some says that the traditional way is recommended because the traditional way can improve the potential of the student when it comes to communication, interpersonal relationship and confidence of the individual. But there are groups of people that believes that when they combined traditional and E-learning, the process of teaching will get more effective, therefore the majority favored that the said processes of teaching should be combined for the student’s welfare.
2.6. Operational Definition of Terms
For a better understanding of the different terminologies used in the study, the proponents has provided operational and conceptual definitions. The following are used in the context of this study:
Student – The main user of the proposed system