Prevention of pressure ulcers in nursing home residents

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Order NowThis article identifies pressure ulcers as problems in people’s lives. They become health burdens. Once they occur they become difficult to treat. The article seeks to describe how prevention can be achieved. Proper risk assessment approach is suggested as one of the best measures to prevent pressure ulcer development. In addition, the article proposes the use of preventive interventions to prevent occurrence of pressure ulcers. For instance, the article proposes that the use of advanced static support surfaces were better than use of standard mattresses in preventing pressure ulcers in patients who are at risk. However, the article accepts that there was no enough evidence to support nutritional supplementation, skin care as well as repositioning interventions as more effective compared to the standard care.
Prevention of pressure ulcers in nursing home residents
This article identifies a problem of heel ulceration. It pays special attention to this form of ulceration in the nursing home setting. Heel becomes an important anatomical part of the body that is prone to ulceration. That is because it has a thin subcutaneous tissue that is between the skin and the bone. The article describes the effect of education as well as the level of knowledge on the prevention of development of heel ulcers. The article proposes educating patients in the nursing home residents as a solution to this problem.
The cost of pressure ulcers in the United Kingdom
This article identifies the cost of treating pressure ulcers as a problem. In August 2011, the cost of treating pressure ulcers ranged between 1,214 Euros for stage one to 14,108 Euros for stage four. It was found out that the cost of treating pressure ulcers increased as the case became severe. Severe cases took longer to heal, therefore, required more attention than less severe cases. The article proposes that prevention of development of pressure ulcers as the only solution to prevent high costs of pressure ulcer treatment.
Strategies to improve the prevention of pressure ulcers
This article looks at the lack of proper preventive measures of development of pressure ulcers as the main problem in the fight against pressure ulcers. The article describes factors that can improve prevention of pressure ulcers. It was found that early risk assessment on heel pressure ulcers reduced the development of heel pressure ulcers. Therefore, the solution that the article proposes is to initiate an early risk assessment. When risk is found to be high, appropriate measures are used to prevent pressure ulcers from developing.
Registered nurses’ thinking strategies on malnutrition and pressure ulcer ulcers in nursing homes: a scenario-based think-aloud study
This article identifies the problem of the thinking of the nurses and their attitudes on the prevalence of pressure ulcers. It is based on the fact that clinical reasoning is an important aspect of nursing practice. Pressure ulcers are the biggest problems that encounter patients especially in the nursing homes. According to the article, registered nurses think about making choices, forming relationships as well as making conclusions. They missed one important aspect in reasoning. They did not consider risk assessment. This article proposes that registered nurses in the nursing homes should be trained on the need of risk assessment as part of the clinical reasoning.
Assessment and management of pressure ulcers in the elderly: current strategies
According to this article, the problem of pressure ulcers is a big menace in the health system. The article identifies the bedridden elderly as the most vulnerable populations. If not handled in time, pressure ulcers progress to chronic stages and can have lifetime implications on the individual. the article also identifies factors that predispose the elderly to this risk. They are impaired immobility, nutritional deficiencies as well as other debilitating chronic diseases. In addition, an aged skin has less ability to protect tissues from interfacial pressure. According to the article, when managing pressure ulcers in the elderly, focus should involve more than just the wound. For instance, it is important to consider nutritional state, severity of the condition, functional state, co-morbidities and social support of the patient.
A pressure ulcer prevention program specially designed for nursing homes: does it work?
This article tires to answer the problem of whether a pressure ulcer prevention program specially designed for nursing homes was effective. It was important to determine whether it was feasible to implement it and what its impact on the care staff was. In addition, the article seeks to describe the impact of the program on the pressure ulcer outcomes. It was found that the program was very effective and was feasible. It produced positive outcomes and it was acceptable. It was found to promote prevention of pressure ulcers better than the normal care program. The article suggests that the program should be introduced and implemented in all centers that take care of the patients at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
Acute care patient mobility patterns and documented pressure injury prevention – an observational study and survey
The article identifies the issue of repositioning as a major way of preventing pressure injuries. The article is based on the observations made on various positioning patterns and their impact on the development of pressure injuries. It also identifies a problem in the documentation of the strategies used in order to assist in the continuity of care. Different positions adopted were recorded. It was discovered that most acute patients were mostly in positions that increased their risk of pressure injuries. The article suggests that proper pressure injury prevention measures should be adopted such that they account for the patient movement patterns in the acute care. Such strategies should also address the deficiencies identified in the documentations of care. The article recommends that repositioning is the best strategy that can be employed to prevent pressure injuries. However, according to the article, there is suboptimal application of the pressure injury guidelines. Another solution that the article suggests is that patients who can move independently can be taught on the importance of repositioning themselves. That is because by doing so they redistribute pressure on the body tissues.
Innovations in the reduction of pressure ulceration and pain in critical care
The article explains new techniques that can be adopted in the prevention of the pressure ulcers. In addition, it describes different approaches that can be employed to reduce pain in critical care. It was established that emotional support for the patients in the critical care reduced pain significantly. In addition, frequent repositioning was found more effective in prevention of pressure ulcers compared to the traditional repositioning strategy. The article proposes that it is important to incorporate different methods as provided in the nursing guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers.
Knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention among nursing professionals
The article tries to describe the level of knowledge of nurses as far as prevention of the pressure ulcers is concerned. Nursing professionals studied were those that deal with adults and elderly. The article identifies a problem of whether nurses really have adequate knowledge needed to assist in the prevention of the pressure ulcers effectively. According to the article, it was realized that nurses demonstrated a significant deficiency in the knowledge required in the prevention of the pressure ulcers. Effective prevention of pressure ulcers in the hospital environment is important and indicates the quality of care being received by the patients. However, such effective prevention is possible if the nurses involved have necessary professional knowledge and skills needed. The article suggests that proper strategies should be adopted in an attempt to increase the level of knowledge of the nurses. The article proposes that there is need for a strategic planning to be used to disseminate prevention measures that nurses need to know.
Patient repositioning and pressure ulcer risk – monitoring interface pressures of at-risk patients
The article sheds light on the impact of the patient repositioning on the pressure ulcer development. It tries to find out whether patient repositioning helps in the prevention of the pressure ulcers. It also tries to establish whether repositioning prevents interface pressure. According to the article, it was important to find out whether it was true that repositioning did not relieve all areas that were at risk as advanced by the previous works. Patients in routine repositioning program in preventing the risk of perisacral pressure ulcers were assessed. According to the article, it was discovered that some areas of the body had a high potential for development of the pressure ulcers despite all repositioning strategies. It was also discovered that nurses did not know the effectiveness of their repositioning interventions on the pressure ulcer prevention on different body tissues. The article proposes that repositioning practice needs to be improved for it to be successful in the prevention of the pressure ulcer development.
‘Beyond the cushion’: a study of occupational therapists’ perceptions of their role and clinical decisions in pressure care
According to this article, the problem being addressed is the perception of the occupational therapists in their role as carers in the pressure ulcer management. In addition, there is the article describes the influence that these perceptions have on the clinical decisions that occupational therapists make. It was established that most of the occupational therapists do not understand their role in the pressure care. In addition, most of them expressed concern about how other health care professionals viewed them in that role. It was also established that the ability of occupational therapists to make clinical decisions was influenced by their knowledge and experience. In addition, availability of resources influenced decision making. The article proposes that the role of occupational therapists in pressure care should be made clear. Occupational therapists should promote their role to be recognized by other health care professionals.
The role of barrier protection in pressure ulcer prevention
The question being answered in this article is whether skin has any protection on the development of the pressure ulcers. The skin is a natural protection of the body tissues. Being a good barrier, it should prevent development of pressure ulcer development on the tissues. It was found that skin has no demonstrable ability to prevent pressure ulcer development because of the impact of the pressure on the superficial skin itself. The article proposes that the skin should be protected from high impact actions.
Registered nurses’ attention to and perceptions of pressure ulcer prevention in hospital settings
The problems being answered in this article are with regard to how nurses perform, document and reflect on pressure ulcer prevention. It is recognized that nurses should provide qualified and safe pressure ulcer preventive measures. It was found that nurses did their interventions guided by their experience. There was variability in the application of the evidence-based guidelines. There was lack of nurses’ attention on prevention because the registered nurses trusted on the ability of the assistant nurses. The article proposes that application of evidence-based practice was important in the prevention of the pressure ulcers.
Nurses’ attitudes and perceived barriers to pressure ulcer prevention in Jordan
The article addresses the problem of the attitude of nurses in Jordan regarding pressure ulcer prevention and the barriers that are encountered in the prevention of the pressure ulcers. It was found that positive attitude on the side of nurses was increased by their level of experience. Perceived barriers to the care were lack of adequate staff, time and patient condition. The article stipulates nurses’ positive attitude is not enough in prevention of pressure ulcers. Overcoming barriers is also very important.
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