The Movie ”The Awakening”

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Order NowFrom beginning to end the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove something. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to prove something and make into a law or theory based on your final product andThe Awakening
findings. It is composed of several steps, it starts with observations. Observations are where a person collects known data concerning what you are going to test on. Next they formulate a hypothesis based on their observations. After they have a hypothesis they perform several experiments to prove or disprove it. After this, they then form a theory and experiment based on their hypothesis. More observations and experiments follow this, until they finally come to a conclusion which is called a The Awakening
the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams uses the observation, hypotheses and experimenting steps in the scientific method. Observations included, noticing the lifeless behavior shown by the patients, their reflexes to moving objects, and the fact that they all had cases of encephalitis before. After he did all the research he formed several hypotheses and experimented to prove them. Robin Williams used strobe lights, talked to them, measured their brain patterns, and used games such as a Ouija The Awakening
English: The awakening 2 2000-07-09 The Relationship of The Awakening and Creole Society In The Awakening, Kate Chopin brings out the essence of through the characters of her novel. …
Awakenings: Scientific Studies
Dr. Sayer was a very caring doctor who had started working with patients who have been comatose for several decades. He was a very determined human being and when he was told that there was no hope of any cure for his patients, he felt let down but that did not cause him to give up. He was a very open minded person and always believed that you can make anything happen if you worked hard enough at it. He was a loving man with a loving heart.
Dr. Sayer loved having conversations with his patients, whether they were able to respond or not. He was talking with this one woman by the name of Lucy who would never respond to him. He began wondering if there was anything that she would react to. He gets her glasses from her and moves them around but she showed no sign of reacting. He then lets go of her glasses in mid air to see if she would keep them from hitting the floor and she did by catching them. The next day, he was working with Lucy again and couldn’t help but notice that she was constantly looking towards the window. Dr. Sayer walks toward the window and tries to encourage Lucy to get up out of her wheelchair and walk to him so she could look outside. She never moved. He looked out the window in disappointment and saw this little girl playing hopscotch on the sidewalk. He got a random idea that if he painted the tiles of the floor in the pattern of a checkerboard, maybe Lucy would see the floor as a game such hopscotch and would give her more encouragement to want to start walking again. With the help of one of Dr. Sayer’s nurses, he gets the tiles of the floor painted. The day after they had painted the tiles, he brought Lucy in the room and once again, he tried getting her to get out of her chair and walk. It took him a few minutes but his test had worked and she was up and was able to walk.
Another one of Dr. Sayer’s patients was a man by the name of Leonard. Leonard is a board to prove some of his hypotheses. After he formed several hypotheses and experimented with them, he came across an article that explained how the use of a certain type of medicine which was used to treat a disease related to the one that he was investigating. He tried administrating the medicine to one of his patients, and observed The scientific method is a process of acquiring new knowledge and to find reasoning in a given hypothesis. The scientific method is also explained as the collection and correlation of data through observation, experimentation and formulating and testing a hypothesis. Only some university students are able to learn and practice the scientific method whilst at university. This essay will provide four arguments on why only some students are able to learn and practice the scientific method at University.
These arguments include the student’s choice of studying a science degree and practically learning the scientific method. Or the willingness of the student to acquire a new knowledge and find reasoning; we explore this idea through a brief knowledge of the social enlightenment and the resulting change in social behaviour and authority rebellion. Also we look at the difference in the academic disciplines encountered at university; science, arts, commerce and humanities, each discipline containing a varying approach to learning and acquiring the scientific method in relation to new knowledge. Finally we will explore how those whom do not study a science degree learn to acquire new knowledge using a non scientific approach to the scientific method. These theories will follow a brief insight and background into the scientific method and the process’ it contains and concluding in why only some students learn to practice the scientific method at university.
What is the scientific method? The scientific method is the establishment of techniques use to test a phenomena or acquire a new knowledge subject to its own specific reasoning. The knowledge we acquire comes from testing, observing and collecting data in accordance to a hypothesis. The scientific method is staged out in steps the first being developing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is referred to as a “directional relationships between phenomena … a question, explanation, conclusion, contention, assumption and model.