Alcoholism Among Teenagers

- Pages: 11
- Word count: 2750
- Category: Alcohol
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Order NowThis study is focus on alcoholism among teenagers. This alcoholism phenomenon is something that is becoming an increasingly large concern to some parents. Instead of worrying about cigarettes, or drug addiction, they fear their children to becoming addicted in alcohol.
Teenagers can easily buy alcohols by adding their extra pocket money, and by that way they can drink all along. Statistics shows that 62 % of all 15 to 18 year old teenagers are drinking alcohol and the worst is most of them are girls.
The teenagers become addicted in alcohol because it is more advantages for them to less their depressed, if their alone, problematic or sometimes it’s just a trip. It can make them relax and active, they say, but how it can be? Alcohols are not solution for that,
To prevent teenagers for being addicted in alcohol is not easy but there are many ways to prevent them in drinking alcohol, like recreational activities like joining in a sport clubs that they will surely enjoy and that will distract them from alcohol, and the benefits of this is they can start a new life without thinking about alcohol or other problem that can distract their minds .
This study does not cover the topic about excessive intoxication that can cause harmful things like sex, riots and drug use which can causes many more laws against it and injuries .
How can you tell if someone has a drinking problem?
Signs of a drinking problem include behaviours like drinking for the purpose of getting drunk; drinking alone or keeping it secret; drinking to escape problems; hiding alcohol in odd places; getting irritated when you are unable to obtain alcohol to drink; and having problems at work, school, home, or legally as a result of your drinking. Other warning signs of alcohol abuse include losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, having blackouts because of heavy drinking, and getting annoyed when loved ones say you may have a drinking problem. Behaviours that may indicate that a person is suffering from alcohol dependence include being able to drink more and more alcohol, trouble stopping once you start drinking, powerful urges to drink, and having withdrawal symptoms like nervousness, nausea, shaking, or having cold sweats when you don’t have a drink. Can an alcoholic just cut back or stop drinking?
While some people with alcohol dependence can cut back or stop drinking without help, most are only able to do so temporarily unless they get treatment. Individuals who consume alcohol in lower amounts and tend to cope with problems more directly are more likely to be successful in their efforts to cut back or stop drinking without the benefit of treatment. Is there a safe level of drinking?
Recent research describes potential health benefits of consuming alcohol, including decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Given that, it is fair to say that low intake, along the lines of 4-8 ounces of wine per day, is likely safe. STATISTICS
Teen Alcohol Abuse Research by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Research studies demonstrate that teen alcohol abuse starts at a very early age. More precisely, the average age when teenagers first try alcohol is 13 years old for girls and 11 years old for boys. The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly, according to these studies is 15.9 years old. According to a research study undertaken by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), teens who begin drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to suffer from dangerous alcohol side effects like dependency on alcohol than those who begin drinking at 21 years of age or older.
In fact, according to Joseph A. Califano, Chairman and President of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, “a child who reaches age 21 without smoking, abusing alcohol or using drugs is virtually certain never to do so.” Are the above underage drinking and teenage alcohol abuse statistics important? Consider this: in 1998, United States alcohol dependency and alcohol abuse researchers embarked upon a study to ascertain the total cost associated with to the negative consequences of underage drinking such as teenage alcohol abuse and teenage alcoholism. The cost was more than $58 billion per year! ALCOHOL STATISTICS IN THE PHILIPPINES
MANILA, Philippines – The Geneva-based World Health Organization, in its report released early this month, warned of excessive alcohol use, saying its toll in terms of human lives has become increasingly alarming. Some 2.5 million people die annually due to harmful alcohol use, the report said. The global status report on alcohol and health is based on figures gathered in 134 countries worldwide on the impact of excessive and hazardous use of alcohol. Alarmingly, in Southeast Asia, Filipinos were found to be the second highest consumers of alcohol, second only to the Indonesians. In the study, beer appears to be the favourite drink of Filipinos due, principally to its affordability compared to hard drinks. Based on the latest available data, however, Filipinos are seen as the No. 1 wine drinkers in the whole of the Asian region. The prevalent rate of alcohol consumption is estimated at 5 million Filipino drinkers in a population of 90 million. Some of the harmful effects attributed to excessive alcohol use include being the direct cause of about 4 percent of all deaths worldwide – more deaths than those caused by HIV-AIDS and tuberculosis and, globally, 6.2 percent of deaths of young men, compared to 1.1 percent of female deaths.
Also, globally, 320,000 young people aged 15-29 years old die annually from alcohol-related causes, resulting in 9 percent of all deaths in such age group. The World Health Organization considers alcohol as an evidential contributor to the burden of disease in most countries, although it says its impact is not the same in all countries in the regions. According to the report, the highest consumption rates are found in mostly developed nations such as in Western and Eastern Europe, although not the highest rate of high-risk drinking. In the Americas, alcohol consumption is higher than the global average, and the typical consumption pattern is unreliable.
According to the report, abstention rates are high in North African and South Asian countries with large, typically non-drinking populations while marked increases in alcohol consumption were found in South Africa and Southeast Asia during the time the survey was conducted. The Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health is the basis of the recommendation for countries to implement measures that have shown to reduce alcohol-related harm, including raising alcohol taxes, restricting sales to reduce availability, raising the age limit for purchasing alcohol, and passing and enforcing effective anti-drunk-driving laws. In the meantime, on top of all that is drastic reform in the advertisements of alcoholic drinks. Advertisements present a direct link between alcohol and happiness, sexual conquest, success and excitement: Alcohol drinkers are often portrayed as heroic, attractive, athletic, and well, macho.
Preventive Measures
The saying ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ is applicable in this situation. With earlier prevention and information, many adolescents will not be involved in drinking at an early age. With this, parents and guardians of the adolescents must take responsibility over them to inform them of the consequences of being an alcoholic. It has been reported that one way to prevent adolescent drinking is to stay involved and interested in the teenager’s life (‘Alcoholism’ 2004). In this way, the parents know the activities of their children, including their peers and their schedule in school. Another way is to talk openly to your children, especially to pre-teens and teens, about the widespread presence and dangers of alcohol and drugs (‘Alcoholism’ 2004).
This will serve as a warning for them and information to prevent the incidence of alcoholism. Act as a role model and do not drink excessively or use other drugs or smoke (‘Alcoholism’ 2004). The adolescents will realize that their parents are good example of moral values, and not indulge themselves to becoming alcoholics. With these, the parents can interact properly with their children and somehow monitor their behaviour. The key concept in this issue is communication. With good and constant communication, parents and children can have a good and lasting relationship. This can help both parties to educate one another regarding life and become involved with the activities of one another. Good communication can help each other create a good environment for one another.
Chapter 2
Method of Study
* Survey research
* Surfing the net
Instruments and Techniques
* Questionnaires
Name : Gender:Age:Interview sheet: 1. Do you drink alcohol? Yes______ No________ 2. If yes, do you feel you are a normal drinker? Yes______ No________ 3. What do you think the problems or factors that affect teens like you to take too much alcohol? Family______ Friends______ Study______ Other answer______ ______ 4. As a teenager, what do you think is the most affected when you’re drinking alcohol?Study______ Health______ Family relationship______ 5. Are you aware of the possible bad effects of drinking too much alcohol?Yes______ No______ 6. Are you willing to stop drinking alcohol?Yes______ No______ ** THANK YOU **|
Treatment of Data
Result of the Survey
Respondents| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6|
Female – 63| Yes= 33| Yes= 51| A= 23| A= 8| Yes= 59| Yes= 61| | No=30| No= 12| B= 20| B= 45| No= 4| No= 2| | | | | | | |
| | | C= 15| C= 10| | |
| | | | | | |
| | | D= 5| | | |
| Yes= 29| Yes= 22| A= 12| A= 29| Yes= 36| Yes= 36| | | | | | | |
Male- 37| No= 8| No= 15| B= 13| B= 6| No= 1| No= 1| | | | | | | |
| | | C= 9| C= 2| | |
| | | | | | |
| | | D= 3| | | |
| | | | | | |
TOTAL: 100 Teenagers| T = 100| T = 100| T = 100| T = 100| T = 100| T = 100|
This table shows that 62% of the teenagers are drinking alcohol and 27% of it is considered as addicted to it. But there are 95% are still aware of possible bad effects of alcohol to their lives and 97% of the teenagers are willing to stop drinking alcohol. The main factor that influenced teenagers is family with 35%. 33% of the teenagers are influenced by their friends. 24% are influenced by their study. And 8% have their own reason why they are being addicted in drinking alcohol. And this table also shows the things that are affected when teenagers drink too much alcohol. Based on the graph, the most affected is our health with 51%. Teenagers are aware that alcohol is very dangerous to our health. While 37% sacrifices their study and 12% sacrifices their family relationship because of drinking alcohol too much.
Factors that affect Teenagers to be addicted in drinking
The bar graph presents the factors that influenced teenagers to drink alcohol. It shows that the main factor that influenced teenagers is family with 35%. 33% of the teenagers are influenced by their friends. 24% are influenced by their study. And 8% have their own reason why they are being addicted in drinking alcohol.
Things that affect when Teenagers drink too much Alcohol
The pie graph shows the things that are affected when teenagers drink too much alcohol. Based on the graph, the most affected is our health with 51%. Teenagers are aware that alcohol is very dangerous to our health. While 37% sacrifices their study and 12% sacrifices their family relationship because of drinking alcohol too much.
Chapter 3
Presentation and interpretation
Number of Teenagers | number of teenagers who are drinking alcohol | teenagers who are addicted in alcohol| teenagers who are aware to the bad effect of drinking too much of alcohol | teenagers who are willing to stop drinking alcohol | Female (63)| 33| 12| 59| 61|
Male (37)| 29| 15| 36| 36|
T OTAL = 100 Teenagers| 62%| 27%| 95%| 97%|
This table shows that 62% of the teenagers are drinking alcohol and 27% of it is considered as addicted to it. But there are 95% are still aware of possible bad effects of alcohol to their lives and 97% of the teenagers are willing to stop drinking alcohol.
Chapter 4
Summary of Findings
Alcohol is one of the increasing problem of our country , specially it is become a problem of some parents with their son / daughter who are addicted in alcohol. They can buy alcohol in easy way , by adding their extra money, in by that way they can buy alcohol and can drink all along .Co teenagers are one who influenced them to drink alcohol . Sometimes teenagers are drinking alcohol by nonsense explination, like having a bonding with friends or classmates , having a problem , depressed and etc. Most of the teenagers, 95 % are aware what is the bad effects of alcohol in their health, and 97 % of them are willing to stop drinking alcohol . they also know what are the things they can sacrifice in drinking alcohol and that are their study,health and family relations . And to prevent teenagers for being addicted in alcohol is not easy but there are many ways to prevent them from it like a recreational activity like joining in sports clubs that they will enjoy and can extract them from alcohols.
For a teen who is studying , this alcohol can distract our concentration in family relationship and the most is our concentration in study. It can make a more efforts or attention in Drinking alcohol that can cause a distraction to their health and studies .and it can be happened if they continue drinking too much alcohol which can lead them to a disease and sacrifices in their future . Few would disagree that alcoholism is costly for those identified as alcoholics and for those close to them, as well as for the culture that has identified alcoholism as a social problem. Even fewer, however, seem to agree on the best way of responding to it. Evidence that alcohol dependence is destructive, is balanced by compelling evidence that the methods brought to bear on overcoming such dependence are so variable and fraught with unanticipated consequences, whether in the clinic or the courtroom, that reasonable people might be forgiven for suggesting that alcoholism is a problem that cannot be solved. What is required first of all if the problem of alcoholism is to be effectively solved is clear thinking about it.
For a teen who is studying in school, this destroys any concentration that they may need to learn. Constant texts mean that attention can no longer be devoted to the task at hand, and the problem stretches outside school as well, and it can be seen many states that have passed laws against using cell phones while driving, which causes many more injuries than you would think. For most texting addicts, the hook comes with a cost and it’s not just on their phone bill. Teenage brains are still developing and they haven’t fully developed the area that processes consequences and regulates impulses, which can be a problem especially while driving and texting. There are several other disorders that are caused by repetitive texting. Here are some reports of growing “monster thumbs” because of excessive texting. Repetitive Thumb Syndrome, depression, low self esteem and anxiety are some of the other ill effects of text addiction. Surprisingly, there are people who believe that there is no such thing as text addiction. Did anyone know that cocaine or marijuana were addictive until people started getting addicted to them? Similarly text addiction is in the initial stages now. The sooner we start quitting this addiction the better.
[01] Alcohol Abuse: Drinking Facts,
[02] Alcohol and mental health,,
[03] Drug Rehab Information, Alcoholism and Alcohol Treatment, 2007
[04] Michael bolyn, Factore influence teenagers alcohol abuse [05] Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, Alcohol and Teens, MedicineNet, [05] Scientific consensus “Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004”,Green facts
[06] WebMD, LLC, September 13, 2006