Pegasus Airlines
- Pages: 1
- Word count: 168
- Category: Earth
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You are a member of a spaceship crew who have to return with their spaceship to the mother ship at an illuminated place on the moon. As a result of mechanical failure you have in fact to land at a place which lies approximately 300 kms from the mother ship. During the landing much of the equipment on board is damaged. You can only survive if you reach the mother ship. Attached you will find a list of fifteen items which have remained undamaged after the landing. Arrange them in order of importance for your crew so that you can reach the mother ship.
Magnetic compass First aid kit containing i.e. hypodermic needles Parachute silk 25 litres of water in 5 cans Box of matches Box of milk powder 25 meters of nylon rope Solar powered FM radio transmitter/receiver Food concentrate Self-inflating life raft Firework rockets Two 50-litre tanks of oxygen Map of the moon Two 45 caliber pistols Portable heater unit.