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The Sandwich Blitz

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The Sandwich Blitz locations are situated on very small parcels of land. This was a strategy meant to give Dalman and Lei a competitive advantage. However, new local health codes require that trash dumpsters be a minimum of thirty feet from the rear entrance of the building. The new laws also states that all out buildings must be a minimum of six feet from the property line; Sandwich Blitz is in violation of these laws. The enclosure that houses the trash dumpster is five feet away from the property line. The government inspector has told the unit manager that he would be willing to approve this if Sandwich Blitz provides the food for his department’s holiday party. In this paper, I will explain some of Sherman’s eight steps to integrity and how they apply to Dalman and Lei in this particular case.

It is clear that the new codes affect all of the Sandwich Blitz locations as an ethical business; they should never run from challenges. A company that wishes to promote integrity must lead by example and follow the rules. The first of Sherman’s step that I thought applied to Dalman and Lei was “doing what we say we will do”. This is basically a definition of integrity that all business aspiring to have integrity should do. This means that Dalman and Lei should be ready to take the appropriate measures to abide by the new local health codes. The other step that I thought suited this dilemma quite well was “doing the right thing” which refers to what a person or an organization judges right. I think that following the new health codes is the right choice for Sandwich Blitz to make. Respecting others is another step that applies to Dalman and Lei situation.

Even though they might find themselves in a bad situation they should always respect the decision of the new codes and also respect the integrity and the people behind those laws. Checking the mirror is also very important. When questioning themselves and the contemplating which option is the best one, Dalman and Lei should give themselves a second look and ask if they are willing to go own a path that might lead to little to no integrity. Lastly, the final step, defining the rules and values, applies as well to Dalman and Lei and the situation they are facing “defining the rules and values.” In this situation the rule is already in place and we will assume that Dalman and Lei run a business that follows the rules and values of the their company.

However, it is also in this step that they can suggest an alternative and find a common ground that would benefit everyone. It is not only about agreeing with values and rules, but also trying to agree on what is best for everyone. Since Sandwich Blitz is a successful business they should have a positive impact on their environment. There is no reason for them not being able to continue their business because of one foot. However, if the health department is unable to adjust the rules, Sandwich Blitz will either have to move their dumpsters elsewhere or leave the area with those codes in order to maintain their integrity.

As a business you should always fight to obtain and maintain integrity. Although it might seem difficult at times, it is also worth it in the long run. The payoff is customer and employee retention, respect, quality of decision-making, and reduced risk of catastrophic misbehavior. For society at large, the potential benefit is a sense of community that derives from shared values, enabling people to live together without suffering the extremes of chaos or oppressive rules. Integrity is available to anyone who practices it with awareness and discipline. With discipline and effort any business can achieve integrity.

Works Cited

Bateman, T.S., & Snell, S.A. (2013). Management. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Sherman, S. (2003). Rethinking Integrity. Leader to Leader, (28), 39–45. Retrieved from EBSCOhost, Business Source Complete.

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