Share Jesus Without Fear Book Review

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1596
- Category: Book Review Books Fear God Religion
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Order NowFay’s concern for those reading the book will have one of two results: those who only talk about the lost or those who talk to the lost. Fays desire of those reading the book will be engaged in witnessing to the lost. Fay writes, “We must realize if we don’t explain our faith, our friends may never understand it and, therefore, never have an opportunity to be led by the Holy Spirit to believe it.” Fay begins his book with the focus on his personal life and shares certain attempts of others sharing the gospel message with him. He closes this chapter with the encouragement that salvation is not the work of the person sharing the gospel but God. Jesus said in John 6:44, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” Fay says, “Success is sharing your faith and living your life for Jesus Christ.” Fay encourages believers to share their faith in his chapter Catch the Vision and to reach out to those who are spiritually drowning. He also says that believers should be excited about sharing their faith but many commit the sin of silence.
Fay writes, “We deny Jesus by never opening out mouths. We deny him with our silence.” Chapter three is an important section in the book and most likely the most on how to overcome fear. Fay discusses the fear factor of sharing one’s faith and breaks the types to six different excuses people use. They are fear of being rejected (p. 17), fear of friend’s opinions (p. 19), fear of sharing with coworkers (p. 21), lack of faith knowledge (p.23), fear of losing friends and family (p. 24), and simply not knowing how to share one’s faith (p. 26). Chapter four moves to the instructional portion of the book and begins with the Share Jesus Questions. Chapter five Fay encourages the person being witnessed to be the one to read the Scripture passages being shared. This is where the Power of God will take over and God will use His word in the person’s life. Chapter six concentrates on bringing the person to a point of a decision. Fay offers five commitment questions that he believes should be asked in sequence to bring a person to the point of a decision. The last question is the invitation of the person to accept Jesus into their heart. The remainder of the book provides more specific instructions on different topics. Concrete Response
When traveling with someone for a few weeks both people are subject to being vulnerable with the other. I moved to the Atlanta area due to a promotion with my company. The position required frequent travel every other week. Initially, while my family was still at our home in Florida, awaiting sale, I felt it better to travel as much as possible to gain as much experience as imaginable on the road to not take as much time away from my family when they arrive. I was fortunate to travel with team members and to learn from each of them. One particular guy, Mike, is whom I spent the most time. Mike and I developed a friendship and still stay in touch today.
Mike showed me the ropes of the job; we traveled to the wine country and visited San Francisco together on one weekend in California. Mike knew I was a believer and at times asked different questions about my faith. There was no five-question interaction or a special time of sharing the gospel with him. Mike began questioning his quality of life. He was searching for answers and meaning to life. Just a simple request; would you and Linda come with us to church? Mike started coming to our church. In a few weeks he accepted Christ. In a short time later his wife Linda accepted Christ and they serve Jesus in St. Louis. Reflection
The book is entitled Share Jesus Without Fear. Fay does a remarkable job and giving the believer the encouragement, direction, and tools to carry out this mission for Christ. The book is like a crash course on evangelism 101. The book could easily be many more chapters with more specific detail into different religions, more specific witnessing examples, and ideas on how to share our faith. This book is valuable in the hands of a new Christian as well as a seasoned Christian that needs an energy drink of Christ’s mission.
One particular item noted is it seems that Fay puts a great emphasis on the prayer of the one inviting Jesus. Salvation is much more than just words uttered. True faith in Jesus, and Him alone, and repentance is what is taught in the New Testament. Emphasis on repentance is forefront of the message of John the Baptist, Peter, and Jesus. Fay’s question number 5 puts importance on John 1:12, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, the gave the right to become children of God.” Fay writes, “I cannot emphasize how important prayer is at this moment.” More could be added to the 4th question, “Are you willing to surrender your life to Jesus Christ.” This would be the appropriate area to add more details concerning repentance in this student’s opinion. Action
Sharing Jesus Without Fear is simple and challenging. It is a great reminder of the great responsibility of the believer. Not saying anything of our faith is a denial of Jesus. The signs of a dying Christian, “Am I sharing my faith? Do I have only Christian friends? Do I hang around the dead, the diseased, and the lost?” are clear reminders of our responsibilities as Christians. This book is a walk up call to be aware of the opportunities around us to share Jesus. Additionally, the book is a reminder that we should be intentional with our faith and not just wait for the opportunities to come to us. Although I’m sure Jesus would have had a great following just staying in one spot, he was intentional in taking His message around the countryside.
The apostles also continued this same model; they took the challenge to spread the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth seriously. The section on Let’s Go, is another reminder that it is an obedience issue also to share the gospel message. I also like the reminder it isn’t enough just to have a burden for someone and pray for him or her, this is the call to be a minister and witness for Jesus. Praying for them is a great service, but as Fay writes, “We must venture into the spiritual lives of others, to point the way to Christ.” Mark records this directive in 16:15-16, “And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
Sharing my faith at my job is the most challenging aspect of my life. There I witness others not living a Christian life but lives in constant pursuit of upward mobility at our company, pleasure, and self-interest. There are those that follow other beliefs that are a dead end when life in the world is over. They follow other doctrines and those not of Christ. There are lives that are filled with additions to cigarettes, alcohol, and inappropriate sexual relations. The plan of God is hid from those that need God so desperately and this world is full of sin and distractions. Satan has his plans to blind the minds of people to keep them away from God’s loving pursuit. Peter says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8).” We need to be in the Word of God to ensure we have the proper armament to stay in the fight against Satan and do not lose ground. “So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs (2 Cor. 2:11).” Sharing Christ at the office is a sensitive issue.
Taking time away from job is not a good witness as an employee but at the same time, this may be the only time the coworkers see an example of Jesus. Opportunities arise for a Godly comment daily. I need to be bold and now be afraid of the potential consequences. I must keep in mind any negative talk is not an attack on me but an attack on God. Jesus says in Mark 13:13, “And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” May God grant me boldness as the apostles in Acts 4:29, “And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness.” Being sincere and taking a genuine interest in others is a positive witness. Offering prayer in a time of need is also a great way to show care of a coworker. Paul’s writing to Timothy is a great reminder of an encouragement he gave to a trainee on the job. “Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God (2 Tim.1:8).”
Fay, William. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 1999.