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Kinsey movie review

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Wow what can I say Prop (Alfred Kinsey) was passionate about his work and he defiantly loved and was passionate about his work. He first stared studying Agar Wasps until he started teaching a marriage sex De class which really got him interested in sexual behavior. Him and one of his colleague started observing and talking to homosexual males and he also experimented with it and found he liked it, then he and his team went around the United States interviewing people about their first encounter with sex and all their different kinds of sexual behavior with different people and animals.

Then they started observing females in different states of arousal and how he and his staff and all their spouses do with different partners. He taught his colleague to always maintain nonjudgmental body language when interview people, the strengths are they got a lot of data in all aspects sexually and his willingness to keep at it even with all the controversy going on all around him, but the weakness is there were a lot of people hurt even though they volunteered to be a part of the study or illegal activities went on.

Sometimes he was to straight forward and hotheaded, he had too many anger issues. Yes I think it was ethical because with research they were able to look in to pedophilia and rapist and see how they tick and think. They were also able to determine that homosexuals were just born that way it was something you could not cure and that most married couples did not do well with multiple partners, they prefer fidelity over infidelity. He proved that sexual morality needed to be reformed and science will show the way.

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