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Porters Five Force Analysis of Honeywell

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  • Pages: 3
  • Word count: 625
  • Category: Company

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Honeywell International, Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate company that produces a variety of commercial and consumer products, engineering services, and aerospace systems for a wide variety …Wikipedia Stock price: HON (NYSE)US$ 83.32-0.19 (-0.23%)

Honeywell is a Fortune 100 company that invents and manufactures technologies to address some of the world’s toughest challenges linked to global macrotrends such as energy efficiency, clean energy generation, safety and security, globalization and customer productivity. With approximately 132,000 employees worldwide, including more than 22,000 engineers and scientists, we have an unrelenting focus on performance, quality, delivery, value and technology in everything we make and do. Download Today’s Honeywell Corporate Overview |

EnablersHoneywell’s ability to continually improve comes from successfully achieving two seemingly competing tasks at once – productivity and growth. Our global processes – or Enablers – are Honeywell’s core internal business processes that drive efficiency and service quality. Enablers bring world-class products and services to market faster and more cost-effectively for our customers.Our Business UnitsAerospaceHoneywell Aerospace mechanical and electrical product offerings are used today on virtually every commercial and defense related aircraft platform. The division invents and integrates thousands of products and services that deliver safe, efficient, productive and comfortable experiences worldwide.

Automation and Control SolutionsHoneywell environmental controls, life safety, security, sensing, scanning, and mobility products, as well as building and process solutions, are at work in homes, buildings, industrial facilities, and public and private utilities around the world.Performance Materials and TechnologiesHoneywell is a global leader in developing and manufacturing high-purity, high-quality performance chemicals and materials. Our technologies can reduce emissions, stop bullets, enable the production of cleaner, more efficient fuels, increase capacity in oil refineries, speed drug discovery and protect medicines.Transportation SystemsHoneywell Transportation Systems provides world-class technologies and solutions to automakers, their suppliers and consumers. Our technologies enhance the performance and efficiency of passenger and commercial vehicles worldwide.

In 2002, David M. Cote was named Chairman and CEO of Honeywell. Under his leadership the company focuses on five key initiatives: Growth, Productivity, Cash, People and the company’s Enablers – Honeywell Operating System, Velocity Product Development™ and Functional Transformation.During Cote’s tenure, Honeywell has delivered strong performance in sales growth, earnings per share, segment profit and cash flow. Today, the company has great positions in good industries globally with approximately 50% of its products and solutions providing energy efficiency benefits.More than 125 Years of InnovationHoneywell can trace its roots back to 1885, when an inventor named Albert Butz patented the furnace regulator and alarm. He formed the Butz Thermo-Electric Regulator Co., Minneapolis, on April 23, 1886, and a few weeks later invented a simple, yet ingenious device that he called the “damper flapper.”Here’s how it worked. When a room cooled below a predetermined temperature, a thermostat closed the circuit and energized an armature.

This pulled the stop from the motor gears, allowing a crank attached to the main motor shaft to turn one-half revolution. A chain connected to the crank opened the furnace’s air damper to let in air. This made the fire burn hotter. When the temperature rose to the preset level, the thermostat signaled the motor to turn another half revolution, closing the damper and damping the fire. The temperature correction was automatic. Over the years, many Honeywell products have been based upon similar, but more complicated closed-loop systems.The Consolidated Temperature Controlling Co. incorporated, acquired Butz’s patents and business, and by 1893, had renamed itself Electric Heat Regulator Co. The first company ads ran in 1895 featuring the now famous thermostat. In 1898, the company was purchased by W. R. Sweatt, who, by 1916, had changed the name of the company to Minneapolis Heat Regulator Company, expanded its product line and patented the first electric motor approved by Underwriters Laboratories.

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