Cisco Essays

Cisco Systems Inc. was founded in 1984 by two of Stanford University’s computer scientists. In 1990, a matter of just six years from the start-up date, Cisco became publically traded. With the massive growth of Internet Technologies, demand for Cisco products increased dramatically, resulting in Cisco dominating the marketplace. The …
Question 1: How is building a brand in a business-to-business context different from doing so in the consumer market? The Cisco case study gives some examples of strategies that the company used as it transitioned into and gained market share in the consumer market, but to get some perspective of …
Summary On November 13, 2007, a global, cross-functional team at Cisco Systems, Inc. was seeking the green light to start manufacturing a new router, code-named Viking. The team faced a number of challenges in launching the low-cost but powerful router for telecommunications service providers. After overhauling the project to sharply …
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