Why Plagiarism Is Wrong
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- Word count: 548
- Category: Books
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Order NowPlagiarism is wrong for several reasons. For one it deprives myself the ability to acquire knowledge and gain writing skills. Secondly I am taking credit for the authors work, which is lying. Lastly it is disrespectful to my teachers and fellow students.
Plagiarism deprives myself the ability to acquire knowledge and gain writing skills. Knowledge is not gained because I am not the one writing the information down from my research and knowledge on the topic. All I do is research a source and copy and paste the given information. Which is not benefiting me in any way. This is not helping you with your writing skills either. If you never write a paper you will never know the right grammar and formats used on Microsoft word
Plagiarism checker online is also taking credit for the author’s work, which is lying and stealing. This defines you as being lazy and Showing you don’t care for the work you have been assigned. Being lazy and not caring for your work will not help you later in life, especially in college.* This is not helping you with your writing skills either. If you never write a paper you will never know the right grammar and formats used on Microsoft word.* you also do not want to be known for plagiarizing because colleges and business will not find that as an acceptable quality. This will result in not getting accepted into colleges or not getting your desired job.
When plagiarizing you also sinning against your teacher, the author and God. You are sinning against your teacher by lying to them. You are saying that someone else work is actually your own and you try to get credit for it. You are stealing and being disrespectful to the author. You are stealing their work for yourself because you are to lazy to read the information and write it in your own words. This is being disrespectful because you are using their information the wrong way They are nice enough to put it on the internet so people have a faster and easier way of learning but you are abusing that privilege. You are abusing it by not using the information you gather in the right way, you are using it but not rewording it. Most importantly you are sinning against God.
The bible commands us in exodus 20 not to steal or lie. These two are part of the ten commandments! By disobeying the commandments we are sinning against God. We should try to obey these commandments as best we can, even though no one is perfect. I could have easily dodged this sin by doing my own work with the help ,and help only, of the information I found on the internet. By doing this one thing I disobeyed God in two ways, I realize what I did is more in-depth than coping someone else’s work. It has led to me sinning against more than one person, and next time when I have to write a paper I will think of this. Even though I did commit a sin I can repent and God will forgive me and I should also ask for forgiveness. This is a good life lesson and I wont do it again.