Understanding Customer Services

- Pages: 14
- Word count: 3387
- Category: Customer Customer Service Service
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Order Now1. Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations.
Please ensure you provide a description for each organisation, rather than a list.
Organisation type Name of organisation Description of products and services Commercial Greggs Their products are bakery related like pastries, bread, cookies and organisation other related savouries and sweets baked goods, you can also find sandwiches. They are focused in providing value for money products and friendly customer services. Commercial Next Retail Chain Their products are fashion related, such as clothes, shoes and organisation accessories. Friendly customer services and low value products. Public Fire Brigade A non-profit organisation that protects the public from dangerous organisation situations such as floods and fires. They offer their services on a 24 hour bases. Public Police Force A government controlled organisation that protect the public from organisation crime related issues such as theft, murders and fraud.
1. Continued.
Organisation type Name of organisation Description of products and services Third sector Charity shops Organisation that care for those in need by selling donated to them organisation goods, like clothes and shoes, electric appliances and furniture. Third sector Marie Currie Hospice An organisation that cares for the sick and provides support to organisation families. Mostly funded through fundraising and donations.
2. Complete the table below by describing the differences in customer service between commercial, public and third sector organisations. You should outline how customer service is carried out in these types of organisation and highlight the differences in customer service across these organisations.
Organisation type Description of customer service and the differences between organisations Commercial Providing good quality customer service will make the organisation successful and able to keep their organisation customers and will increase the profits. The difference from the other two sectors is that customers are always paying for service and products and they expect a specific kind of treatment. Public Since this sector is mostly government funded the service they offer will be more to help and assist their organisation customers Third sector This sector is almost similar to a commercial organisation, but they aim not to make a profit but to save the organisation money they make to be able to fund their activities. They will still sell products and make offers to customers and try to keep them and also make new ones.
3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), outline the role that customer service plays in this organisation and its industry as a whole.
With the good and friendly customer services that Gregg’s provide, they are assured that their market share will stay strong, they will have loyal customers and there will be no financial loss or stuff becoming redundant.
4. Who are the major competitors to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with)? Gregg’s competes with everyone who sells bakery products and food on the go, from supermarkets to other bakers, coffee shops, sandwich retailers and fast food outlets. They compete with the national multiple chains as well as the independent food retailers.
5. Identify at least two factors that could affect the reputation of your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with).
The factors that could affect our organisation are low quality products and bad customer services.
Section 2 – Understand employee rights, responsibilities and organisational procedures
1. Use the table below to give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under employment law and the importance of having these (consider the importance to the organisation, employees and customers, where relevant). You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer.
Rights and responsibilities Why are they important? 1. Employer Health and Safety Health and safety is very important in a work place, it can reduce accidents losses and cut absenteeism, improve profit, help both employer and employees to be more efficient and to improve the company’s profile to customers. 2. Employer Equal opportunities and diversity creates a working environment in Equal Opportunities and Diversity which enhanced contributions from all employees works to the advantage of the business, of the employees themselves and to society generally. It offers the opportunity for organisations to develop a workforce to meet business goals and to improve approaches to customer care. 1. Employee A business contract states the terms and conditions of any business Written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment: All transaction, including product sales and delivery of services.
This employees, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are helps the parties involved to avoid any type of misunderstanding that entitled to receive a written statement from their employer, within twomay arise in the absence of a written contract. Is very important for months of starting work. The statement describes the main terms of the the employee to help avoiding any misunderstandings. Written contracts contract of employment. protect both the employee and the employer. 2. Employee Having the right to train in your workplace will help you make your job The right to ask for training: employees have the right to ask for better and help your employer’s business, It allows you to learn new training if they work for an organisation with 250 or more employees, skills, makes you more valuable, and can combat worker boredom. have been working for their employer for at least 26 weeks when they make the request and they don’t already have a legal right for paid time off to study or train.
2. Give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act. You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer.
Employers have a legal duty under this Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of the people for whom they are responsible and the people who may be affected by the work they do. Employers have the responsibility of ensuring the minimum first-aid provisions are in place, including a first aid box and someone who has been appointed to deal with first aid situations when they arise. Employers have a duty to undertake an assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their employees and anyone who will be affected by the employer’s undertakings. Employers with five employees or more must keep a record of their risk assessment and review it periodical. Employees should take reasonable care for the health and safety of themself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.
3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), describe the organisation’s procedures for health and safety and any relevant documentation that is used.
If possible, provide relevant health and safety policies / documents from the organisation to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections.
The charity retail association is using the Health and Safety programme aims to develop good practice in charity retailing, particularly focusing on: H&S safety management, risk assessment, accident reporting and investigation, manual handling and vulnerable workers. The Association, with the support of Oxfam, has produced an induction guide for charity shop teams on health and safety issues. This 20 page A5 booklet is written in plain English with colour illustrations throughout. Also the Association has produced two health and safety training resources for shops, one for operations managers and one for shop. There is a free learning zone that the members of the Association can access which hosts an eLearning course on Health & Safety. Last the association has launched this new health and safety interest group at the end of 2006 for members.
4. Outline how the Disability Discrimination Act relates to employment.
The Act covers all forms of discrimination in the workplace, including recruitment, terms and conditions, promotions, transfers, dismissals and training or any other detrimental treatment because of disability. It also encourages employers and employees to work together to break away from rigid employment practices, identify what adjustments and support might be needed, and find flexible ways of working that may benefit the whole workforce.
5. In addition to the information provided in the questions above, identify the other key legislation that specifically relates to your chosen organisation and its industry as a whole.
key legislation that affects most organisations covers the following areas:
♣ First aid and accidents
♣ Display screen equipment
♣ Manual handling
♣ Personal protective equipment
♣ Risk assessments
♣ Slips, trips and falls.
6. Describe the procedures followed by your chosen organisation in relation to equality and diversity. Your answer should include details of any monitoring that takes places and documentation used.
Marks and Spencer is committed to an active Equal Opportunities Policy from recruitment and selection, through training and development, appraisal and promotion to retirement. We promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation where everyone will receive equal treatment regardless of: • Age
• Religion or belief
• Ethnic or national origin
• Marital or civil partner status
• Hours of work
• Sexual orientation
• Race
• Gender
• Disability
• Colour
• Gender reassignment
• Nationality
• Pregnancy/maternity
Any decisions relating to employment practices will be objective, free from bias and based solely upon work criteria and individual performance. We are responsive to the needs of our people, customers and the community at large. We are an organisation which uses everyone’s talents and abilities and where diversity is valued.
Section 3 – Understand career pathways within customer service
1. Describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available within a customer service role.
Charity store sales volunteer- Charity store team leader volunteer- Assistant charity store manager- Charity store manager- Area manager.
Part time bar staff- Full time supervisory bar stuff- Assistant bar manager- Bar manager- Area manager.
2. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on the customer service industry, occupations and career progression.
A person can find information either from internal sources of information such as the Organisation Handbook, the Line Managers, the learning and development experts and the organisations intranet, or from external sources of information such as the Institute of Customer Service, Websites, National Careers Services, Public libraries and Local colleges
3. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what methods of learning are available to help with career progression?
Specsavers has a wide variety of opportunities for career progression. Employees will manage their personal development plan with the store manager. This will give them a structured path that could take them into a managerial role if that’s where they want their career to go. Whatever their role, if they show the drive and determination to succeed, Specsavers will give them the scope to develop their career in any part of their business. Specsavers, is committed to give their people all the training and development opportunities they need to achieve their full potential.
When you join one of their stores you receive a full induction into the Specsavers business, together with the training and support you need to be the best you can be. Throughout your Specsavers career, you’ll have your own personal development plan and will continue to have access to a variety of training. This will include everything from hands-on workshops and one to one mentoring to team exercises and external courses. We even have our own Specsavers Academy, which offers a full range of opportunities. Your Manager will support you every step of the way and will monitor your progress against your development plan. In summary, you’ll benefit from a full range of training resources that will enable you to build an enjoyable and successful career with us. It’s up to you to make the most of them.
4. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what is the procedure for accessing formal learning programmes? What is the procedure if an application for access to learning is refused?
If possible, provide relevant organisational procedures to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections.
The learning and development team offers training days and arranges courses to improve organisational performance. Also my organisation may be able to help me access customer service qualifications. Examples of such qualifications include an NVQ at Levels 1, 2 and 3 in Customer Service, for which I may be given day release to study at a local college, or an e-learning based qualification. I can also use my own initiative to broaden my knowledge of the customer service sector.
5. Explain how new customer service situations can help with self development and career progression.
New customer service situations are hugely beneficial to someone looking to progress towards managerial roles. Each new situation requires you to respond differently and, as you come across a larger variety of customer service situations, you will gain vast experience and a broad knowledge of working in such an environment. You are able to understand the customer, to solve problems, been able to apply the new skills you learned in real life situations. You learn more about the organisation and with tie you are able to manage others.
Section 4 – Understand how employees are supported within the customer service role
1. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least three sources of information in your answer.
A person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities from External sources of information that can be found outside an organisation. Those can be the libraries, the citizen advice bureau, the chambers of commerce, etc. Also you can get information from internal information sources such as: Line managers, Personnel specialists, Books and documents held within the organisation, etc.
2. Complete the table below with details of the representative bodies related to your chosen organisation / industry. You should also include details of the main roles and responsibilities of these bodies and their relevance to the organisation / industry.
Representative body Roles and responsibilities
Relevance The Union of Shop, Distribution and Allied The aim is to recruit, organise and represent For the retail part of Mark’s and Spencer’s Workers (USDAW) workers in the retail, distributive, manufacturing and service sectors for the purpose of securing the best possible terms and conditions and providing support and protection at work. The Institute of Customer Service (ICS) This is the independent, professional For any part of where customer services are membership body for customer service. They are applied the first port of call for every aspect of customer service. Members are organisations — from across the commercial, public and third sectors — and individuals. The aim is to help members learn from each other and offer wide-ranging support so they can continue to improve their customer service. The United Transport Union (URTU) The United Road Transport Union (URTU) is the For the logistics department UK’s only union dedicated to serving the interests of workers in road haulage,  distribution and logistics. They are an active union constantly campaigning, negotiating and lobbying to ensure that members are properly rewarded for the skilled work they do. This involves reviewing health and safety procedures, working conditions, pension schemes and basic salary.
3. For a customer service role in your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), use the table below to provide details of the support that is available in relation to the following issues: • Equality
• Health and safety
• Career progression
Issue Sources of support Equality From the HSE handbook: Equality is about creating a fairer society in which everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. People are not alike. Everyone is different. Diversity, therefore, consists of visible and non-visible factors which include personal characteristics such as gender, race, age, background, culture, disability, personality and work-style. Harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued, their talents are fully utilized and  organisational goals are met. Diversity is about recognizing and valuing difference in its broadest sense The following guidelines have been developed and are available at www.hse.ie, Guidelines on Equality Legislation Equal Opportunity/Accommodating Diversity Booklet and C.D. Rom Equal Opportunity/Diversity Strategy and Policy Objectives Equal Opportunity aspects of Recruitment, Selection and Promotion Guidelines on the Employment of people with disabilities Dignity at Work Policy Health and safety From the HSE handbook: Occupational Health Services look after the health and safety of all Employees.
The emphasis is on preventing the development of occupational health related accidents and disease and empowering staff to promote and protect their own health. Services include: Pre-employment screening assessment – to determine the health status of potential Employees, taking into account the demands of the job in question. The pre-employment assessment interview with Occupational Health also provides opportunity to discuss immunisation requirements and give specific advice on the hazards of the particular post. The Occupational Health Department looks after the occupational health and welfare of staff with the emphasis on health promotion and preventing work related accidents and disease.
This is done in various ways, e.g. pre-employment screening, vision screening, sickness absence management, manual handling advice, infectious disease prevention, work-place inspections with ergonomic advice, immunisation, health and surveillance, influenza vaccination, advice on compliance with legislation and hazardous substance assessment. The Line Manager will advise of details of local Occupational Health Department. Career progression From the HSE handbook: Promotion All staff are encouraged to develop their career by competing for both temporary and permanent assignments and promotion through the HSE’s Recruitment Service. The HSE welcomes feedback from candidates and carries out recruitment surveys periodically. Recruitment and selection for appointments in the HSE are carried out under the licences issued by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA).Designated senior posts are managed by the Public Appointments Service and are advertised on their website www.publicjobs.ie . Appointments to positions in the HSE are subject to the Code of Practice published by the CPSA.
The Code of Practice sets out how the core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis and details the responsibilities placed on candidates who participate in recruitment campaigns. The Code of Practice also outlines procedures in relation to requests for a review of the recruitment and selection process and review in relation to allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice. Information on the review process is available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, information for candidates.” Details of the Code of Practice are available on www.careersinhealthcare.ie. Vacancies are advertised on the HSE’s career site www.careersinhealthcare.ie , in selected newspapers and are notified internally by means of e-mail and notice boards. Each vacancy posting to the website contains a full job specification which describes the service where the vacancy exists, the eligibility and selection criteria and the duties and responsibilities that are attached to the post. The recruitment and selection process involves eligibility screening, shortlisting and selection interview. Only those applicants who pass through these filtering stages are progressed to interview. Following interview candidates are entitled to receive details of the scores they achieved and an evaluation of their performance.
Section 5 – Know the organisation’s policies and procedures
Please answer all of the questions in this Section in relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with).
1. Use the table below to describe the main principles, policies and procedures of your chosen organisation. You should also include details of documentation used to support these principles, policies and procedures.