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Thesis of Cinderella

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The story of Cinderella is all based on equality; it is the perfect example of treating others with fairness. In the story the poor Cinderella is treated awfully and neglected. Added on to the fact that she has lost both of her parents, she now is treated like a slave. She has no hope left in her life at this point, just one chance to impress the prince. Her chances are slim from being controlled by supposed “superior”, to becoming a princess. In the story, the people who thought that they have a place among others, something special about them, end up getting shoved below the person they once neglected. There are plenty of sayings that go with this, and plenty of theory’s that go around on this, such as “karma”. The story comes to a happy ending, the tarnished and neglected slave becoming a princess, and the evil stepsisters and stepmother forced to live below her. This play is a great example of things working themselves out, to create balance in the world.

Critique over A Streetcar Named Desire Ben Toal
5th hour intro to theatre – Shwartz
The movie A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, follows the life and story of Blanche DuBois. A troubled woman who has seemingly lost everything except her sister. The movie itself would not have made much sense to me if I had not done the research on it beforehand. Now if the movie was remade today, with better techniques to get information to the audience, it would be a different story. The movie itself jumped around from scene to scene, with little information provided beforehand you could get the gist of the movie from these scenes, but it was hard to follow all the details as one storyline. Blanche was obviously under pressure from Stanley, the psychopathic soul mate of her sister. From my research she was raped by him, but in the movie it only showed signs of an intense struggle between the two. Then the scenes jumped again to the future, I believe. Overall the storyline is good, just with a few miscommunication mistakes, or maybe I just wasn’t paying a good enough attention, but I doubt that.

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