Thesis Documentation

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I. Background of the study
The system of the Library and the Event attendance is manual. ICC only list those important information in a piece of paper that may be lost and damaged, and sometimes the information or the data is not reliable. In ICC’s library, Students borrowing book will write their name and the date and time they borrowed the book. In ICC’s Event attendance, Students will write their name and also the time they enter the place of the event. 1. Historical Background
Interface Computer College then known as Interface Computer Learning Center was established in 1982 at the 2nd floor of Cartimar building along Claro M. Recto Avenue in Quiapo Manila. It then became a college in 1994 when IT-related programs were added to its already existing wide-range portfolio of short-term courses. Proud to say that all the programs and courses offered are duly recognized and authorized by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) and accredited by Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) , Civil Service Commission (CSC), and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
Responding to the clamour and growing demands of the public to be more accessible, ICC opened its door to reach out to more people thereby opening branches in Caloocan, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo and now in Cabanatuan. Since then, ICC has grown and pioneered to be come one of the largest private non-sectarian institutions in the Philippines. It boasts of its status as a non-franchised institution with the end view of sustaining its standard of quality education.
Committed to improve the curricula offering, Interface Computer College has taken a big leap in offering virtual classroom through e-learning where students can interact with the instructions through internet, e.g., download course topics, submit assignments, know their standing grades, and even takes examination, all through the use of internet.
Today, with thousand and more students added to the alumni every year, ICC takes pride in pursuit of academic and technical excellence in consistently participating and contributing to the technological progress locally and globally. Across the myriad socio-economic and political landscape of the country, one thing remain constant with ICC – the vision of committing itself in enhancing the potential skills of the students through the delivery of quality, equitable, accessible and yet affordable education to all. 2. Organizational chart
II. Statement of the problem
1. General Problem: Manual Systems
2. Specific Problems
Book Inventory System
Late returning of books
Damaged or lost of borrowed book records
Unreliable book records
Event Attendance System
Slow listing of names
Slow listing of time enter and exit
Unreliable information
Damaged or lost name records
III. Objective of the study
1. General Objective: To provide the ICC Integrated System
2. Specific Objectives
Book Inventory System
On time returning of book
Secure the book information
Reliable book records
Event Attendance System
Fast listing of names
Fast listing of time enter and exit
Reliable information
Secure name list and information
IV. Significance of the study
V. Scope and limitation of the system
1. Scope of the system
Book Inventory System
Keeping of book record
Borrowed books deadline reminder
Books availability
Add, delete, edit, refresh, and search of book
Event Attendance System
Reliability of data
ID scanning
Short time of queue
2. Limitation
Book Inventory System
Lost borrowed books
Event Attendance System
Damaged or lost ID
VI. Definition of terms
VII. Acronyms
1. I-BIDIS – ICC Barcode ID Integrated System
2. ID – Identification Card
Chapter II: Related literature and studies and conceptual framework
I. Related literatures and Studies
According to Kendall 2002, Barcodes (and other machine readable tags like RFID) are used wherever physical objects need to be tagged with information that is to be processed by computers. Instead of painstakingly typing long strings of data into a terminal, the operator only has to display the code to a barcode reader. It also allows for processing without the help of human operators in fully automated environments.
According to Ting 2000, There can be no doubt that the world is advancing at a rapid pace, especially when it concerns technology. Today, with the emergence of innovations and breakthroughs, change is really inevitable. It is the wave that transforms our world into the future. Computers are one of the greatest advancement that brought information technology to reality and it is the major component in innovating the world. We all know that through these devices, we can create unimaginative things and top of the line technologies covering communication, transportation, education, governance, business and even recreation. It establishes ergonomic conditions and ease conventional hassles.
1. Foreign Literature /Studies
2. Local Literature/Studies
II. Theoretical Framework/ Conceptual Framework
III. Conceptual Model
Chapter III: Feasibility Studies
I. Technical Feasibility
II. Operational Feasibility
III. Economic Feasibility
1. Cost & Benefit Analysis
Chapter IV: Methodology of the Study
I. Research Methodology (Design)
II. Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
III. Description of Respondents
IV. Research instrument
V. Data-Gathering Procedure
VI. Statistical Treatment of Data
VII. Presentation of Data
VIII. Analysis of Data
I. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations