The Giver Questions I Give Credit to Who Ever Made This Not Mine

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Order Now1. “It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened.” (p.1) This is the opening sentence of The Giver. What kind of picture does this produce in your mind? What feelings does this sentence create?
2. Explain the difference between feeling apprehensive and feeling frightened.
3. Jonas’ father is a nurturer. Explain the responsibilities of nurturers.
4. Describe how assignments are given.
5. Explain the changes an individual faces one they are “assigned.”
6. Define the word utopia. Give four negative society outcomes that are eliminated in Jonas’ community.
The Giver
Chapters 3-5
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. Explain why you think there is no real need for mirrors in Jonas’ community.
2. Explain why Jonas wanted to take home the apple that he and Asher were playing with.
3. Using the Venn Diagram below compare and contrast Roberto and Edna’s release ceremonies. Create a larger one on the back if necessary.
4. Explain the purpose of chapter five. What point about the community is the author trying to get across to the reader?
The Giver
Chapters 6-8
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. What conditions must Jonas’ family adhere to if Gabriel is to stay with them?
2. Explain the Matching of Spouses. Give reasons this would be a good idea and reasons this is not a good idea.
3. Write a summary of the main points for the Ceremony of Loss. Identify the replacement child from the novel.
4. Why do you think members of this society must do volunteer work when they are young? Explain why this is a good or bad idea.
5. Explain Asher and Fiona’s assignments and why they are suitable for them.
6. List the qualities Jonas has that qualify him to be the next Receiver. How does Jonas react to his assignment?
The Giver
Chapters 9-10
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. Upon reading about his assignment, what rules can Jonas now break?
2. Explain how Jonas reacts to each rule.
3. When Jonas arrives at the Receiver’s home, many things are different. Explain what is different in the Receiver’s home.
4. Explain the Giver’s job, what is Jonas supposed to receive?
5. Explain why at this point in the book you think the community is not allowed to have these memories.
6. What does the Giver mean when he tells Jonas, “I am so weighted with them [the memories]?”
7. Jonas says, “I thought there was only us. I thought there was only now.” Do you think that’s a good way to live?
The Giver
Chapters 11-13
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. Explain why things such as snow and hills were removed from the community.
2. The Giver explains to Jonas that he does not have power; instead he has great honor. What is the difference between the two? Which would you rather have?
3. When Jonas goes to school the day after his training, why doe he feel alienated from his friends and classmates?
4. Explain the benefits the community has due to the lack of color and Sameness.
5. Discussing Sameness with Jonas, the Giver states, “We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.” Discuss what this concept means.
6. Do you agree with Jonas that people have to be protected from wrong choices? Explain your answer
7. Explain why as Jonas continues his training, he often finds himself angry with his group mates and family.
8. Explain why a Receiver is necessary in the community.
9. The Giver says that without memories, knowledge is meaningless. What does he mean?
The Giver
Chapters 14-16
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. What is the first painful memory and what is its effect on Jonas?
2. Do you think it’s fair that one person in the community—The Receiver—should have to be burdened and pained by memories so that no one else is?
3. Explain how the Giver explains the necessity of The Receiver holding onto the painful memories of the past. In other words, what is his function in society and why is he necessary?
4. What happens when twins are born?
5. How does Jonas comfort Gabriel? What does he think of this?
6. Why do you think The Giver asks Jonas to forgive him?
7. By chapter 16, how has becoming the Receiver changed Jonas?
8. What is the Giver’s favorite memory? Explain.
9. Explain Jonas’ reaction to the Giver’s favorite memory. What are some advantages and disadvantages of this?
10. Do you think Jonas’ parents love him? Do you think they know what love is?
The Giver
Chapters 17-19
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. When Jonas saw his friends playing the game of war, how did he react? Why?
2. Should Jonas have asked them to stop playing it? Why or why not?
3. Explain what happened to Rosemary and its impact on the community.
4. Do you think Rosemary sounds like she was or wasn’t brave?
5. Explain what “release” is.
6. Why isn’t Jonas’ father bothered by what he has to do in releasing the newborn child?
7. How does this new knowledge of release affect Jonas?
The Giver
Chapters 20-23
Answer the following questions as completely as possible for full credit. Your responses should be in full sentences.
1. Jonas and the Giver discuss memory. What are their insights?
2. After the Giver and Jonas make Jonas’ plan of escape, Jonas knows that if his plan fails, he could be killed. But he believes that if he stays, his life is no longer worth living. Explain this.
3. Do you think the Giver should go with Jonas or stay? Why?
4. Why does the Giver refuse to go?
5. Explain the plan that the Giver and Jonas devise.
6. Explain why the plan changed.
7. Upon fleeing, what rules did Jonas break?
8. After fleeing, Jonas is tired, hungry and weak. He wonders whether he made the wrong choice when he decided to run away. Explain whether or not he made the right decision.
9. Although most of the memories have left Jonas, the feelings have not. Why do you think that is?
10. Explain what happens to Jonas and the community he left behind when the story ends.