Statement of Ethical Consideration

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Order NowI confirm that I am meeting the pre-requisites for E210, as set out in the pre- registration information for students, and have a valid Agreement with Confirmer form. For this eEMA I have only used material drawn from the setting identified on my employer Permission Agreement Form. I have adhered to ethical consideration by:
Gaining informed consent from practitioners, parents, carers and children at my setting to reference their contributions made within tours, questionnaires and presentations. Changing all names within the assignment so that individuals could not be identified. I informed practitioners and parents and carers that I would not disclose their names or identities to any third party. Changing the name of the setting and all individuals mentioned to maintain confidentiality. Using a marker pen to cross over any information that may lead to my setting or individual being recognised. Seeking consent from fellow colleagues via the online OU Forum for E210 to use quotes or discussion during my eEMA. I have ensured that when I have referred to someone else’s work I have used the full and correct referencing and include a full reference list at the end of the eEMA. Reading the guide to E210 to ensure I fully understand what is meant by ethical guidance.
Part 1: My professional journey – what have I learnt?
As a practitioner it is important to recognise ones need to develop and professionally grow within practice. The use of the Mosaic approach has allowed me to become a better and more informed listener. Developing the skills for practitioner research has enabled me to acquire new tools with which I can answer questions relating to listening to children and understanding the main research question of this module “what does it mean to be in this place?”(Block1, E210.p.47). One of the main tools I used was child led tours. This put me in a position where I had to allow a shift in power to take place. As outlined by (Williams, 2012) through the analysis of my findings I had discovered I had created an unequal balance of power” The child wanted to co-ordinate and she supervised the tour and was able to lead me throughout the process. This put me in the valued position of having nothing else to do but follow and listen. I am in agreement here with (Clarke, 2011) who states “corrmmunicating with young children involves a question of power” The evidence suggested I must look to change this .This is an area of development in the setting I want to address and improve, so in accordance with the Every child matters outcomes “making a positive contribution” I have begun to create opportunities for children to become empowered through better participation with the curriculum and become active learners (UNCRC Article 12).such as working on the curriculum planning together in groups or with individuals. As I moved on with the activities in Block one and in particular Activity 2.7(Block 1, p.85) where I learnt to bring together the different tools such as child interviewing and photo books. I realised I was gaining the ability to put the research tools into action and learn to identify strengths and limitations of the data I was collecting. A positive effect of using the photo books arose when I did the child and parent interview for TMA .
The parent spoke little English so by using the photo book we had a very interactive session, the need to demonstrate sensitivity and ensure that interviews are adapted in a way to enable all participants to be actively involved is extremely important(E210,Block 1.p59).The Mosaic tools are versatile in this way and I am learning that they can be used within my setting to listen to both children and adults . I had learned a lot about the child’s culture and community and in particular here I learnt about the families dining experiences at home and church .I also felt that as I worked through Activity 6.2(Block 6.p.145) I was adding information to my emerging `picture of practice’. Through the study of Bronfenbrenners ecological model of the environment (E210, Block 2.p78) I was building a picture of the connections the child was making with the settings meal times and eating habits she had at home. By engaging with this knowledge I was able to support links between the Microsystems and the mesosystems, at this stage by discussing with the child and parent the ways in which they eat at home and school .Together we could incorporate her desire to eat as she does at home and I could give the child “opportunity to articulate these skills and share a learning opportunity with others” (Williams 2011) With regards to sharing knowledge and listening to children and adults, I felt at this point I was developing my multiple listening skills and as (Clarke, 2005) (reader.p.20) clearly points out “the Mosaic approach creates opportunities for multiple listening
with practitioners and parents”. By understanding the data that I had collected and analysed from the tours and the emerging theme of participation, as a reflexive researcher I have been able to also define my own values and beliefs as a practitioner which at this point is being able to empower children.
Reference list.
Department for children, schools and families (DFES) (2008) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation stage: setting the standards for learning, Development and care from Birth to Five. Nottingham DCSF. Hargarve, D. (18 March 2012) `inclusion`Activity 5.14 Sharing perspectives on inclusion. Phillips, C. And Jenner `Inclusion at Bangebandhu Primary school` in Nind, M.j Sheehy, K.and Simmons.K (eds) Inclusive education: learners and learning contexts.London, David Fulton in association with The Open University. The Open University (2011) E210 Extending professional practice in the Early Years, Book 2 Extending practice: promoting participation and evaluating professional roles, Milton Keynes, The Open University. United Nations (1980) Convention on the Rights of the Child.UN General Assembly Documents A/RES/445 New York. United Nations.
Did you know the Early Years Foundation says “children should be treated fairly regardless of race, religion or abilities”? Did you know it also “includes listening to families and taking part in a sensitive two – way exchange of information?” What does it mean? It means how we include you and you’re children in our setting. How do we do that? Read on and find out what we are doing to help children in school feel better about speaking and listening and how we are working to include you more in the things we do. You may even want to be a helper or show us how to master a new language. There may be many things that you don’t know about what we can do to support your child and family here at nursery. This information sheet will give you ideas on how we can help your family and children if they speak more than one language, and how you can come to see what we do in school to help you all with inclusion and being part of a family together. In a recent interview with parents and staff we found out about some things we want to do better. Those things were. Having English as a second language.
Many children that come into our school have lots of worries about talking and speaking to each other, some children feel worried because they speak a different language and might not be understood .Some grown up felt this way to and staff as well. Making sure we tell you what we are doing and how we are doing it. Many parents think it is their job to fit into what is already happening at school and they have to speak English when they come, they also said they didn’t know what we did and what they could do to make inclusion better. At our setting we want to work hard to improve inclusion and make everyone a part of what we do .It is important to look at the things that make us feel like we are not included such as how people feel when they come through the door, you may ask yourself questions like can my child’s wheelchair get in here? How will people understand me? Being inclusive means looking at all those things that might concern us and make us feel that we are not a part of what’s going on. Inclusion in our setting means working towards building on our knowledge of each other and learning about home, school and community. Making sure that we know about the policies and the rights children have. Working towards giving all children opportunities to learn and play. (E210, Block 5 P.95). Children that use more than one language are called `bilingual’. There are lots of children who come to school and use another language. The government say it is very important to “include those learning English as an additional language” (EAL) (EYFS principles into practice cards 1.2 and 2.1).They have also done lots of research into how important it is to support you and your children and the Bullock report says it is important to recognise “a child’s cultural identity, cultural knowledge and mother tongue” (cited in E210, Block 5 p.111)
There are lots of things we can do to help. Some ideas include not making you speak English, make pictures with important words on in your language or ask the parents to come in and help with stories and songs. Spend time making picture books of important things to your child. One new idea is making CDs of your family’s favourite music to bring in and play. These are just a few ideas. One other important thing that I found out from interviewing parents and staff was that we all know what we want to happen for our families in our school with inclusion, but we are not doing it well together. We are not communicating. (E210, Block 5, P123).We are not sharing our views on Inclusion and what it means to us. I agree here with`lumsden` (cited in E210 Block 5 p128) “children and families are active participants so professionals do not make assumptions about their needs and asks how this can be done in a meaningful way”. This means that I should talk to you and find out what you need, not decide for you. There are things we can do to make this work better. Some ideas are to ask you to help write the inclusion policy our setting needs, Give us your views and ideas on ways to make you feel welcome, valued and important. Spend time with us as helpers and teach us about your culture, language and community.
Become partners and share your news and views and we can make sure we inform you better about events or things your child has done in school. For us to spend time with you telling you about your child. Improve our skills in ICT by sending you newsletters that can be translated with translate services on the internet. Or as one of the staff said in their interview “become better listeners”. Each child and their family is unique, if we work together with all the people in our children’s lives we can grow an environment that is perfect for the needs of children and families. We need to listen better to children and adults so we can plan for their learning in a way that everyone reaches their fullest potential. To promote participation and inclusion in our setting we must become good at talking and listening .Then we can put into practice all the things discussed in the leaflet. I am training all staff in the Mosaic approach and have put a date on our notice board for a community coffee, Kawa, Kava, Kaffe, morning.
Department for children, schools and families (DFES) (2008) StatutoryFramework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: setting the standards for learning, Development and care from Birth to Five. Nottingham DCSF. on 29/03/2012) on 26/03/2012) The Open University (2011) E210 Extending professional practice in the Early years, Book 2 Extending practice: promoting participation and evolving professional roles. United Nations (1980) Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN General Assembly Document A/RES/445.New York, and United Nations. on 26/03/2012) on 01/04/2012)