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Social Change and Modernization

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Social change by definition is the referring to any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms. There are four key features of social change and each of them works in their own unique way to create change in society. Alternative social movement is a movement that would be limited to a smaller population such as the 1998 Mayor of New York beginning to regulate bicycle messengers. Reformative social movement is a movement that has limited change but affects all. An example of reformative social movement would be the use of cities having car pooling vehicles.

A redemptive social movement is a move that targets individuals and seeks more radical change. An example of redemptive social movement would be the creation of the GSA Alliance, which was created to promote acceptance of Gays and offer resources. Revolutionary social movement is a move that causes radical and more extreme change. A example of revolutionary social movement would be Martin Luther King Jr, who was an advocate for promoting advancement and civil rights for blacks. Modernization by definition is making modern in appearance or behavior. The are many key features of modernization.

Some key features would be the changes that have come with diversity. As times have changed so has the acceptance of all different groups of people. Another huge key feature of modernization would be the making of your own personal decisions. Most people and groups are able to make their own personal choices and decisions without ramification from others. Incline and decline in smaller communities is also a example of modernization. As people leave smaller communities to go to larger areas for work and to gain more financial stability the smaller communities decline.

Messenger Mayhem,” Charles Mahtesian, Governing, June 1999, p. 18.

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