Research Proposal

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1329
- Category: Management Police
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Order Now1.Research Project Title The relationship between turnover rate and employee satisfaction in the public sector organization.
2.Project background (management dilemma present some facts to prove the existence of the dilemma, also the significance of this dilemma) In a global economy, most organizations in Hong Kong face challenges such as an uncertain economy, globalization of markets and ever-changing technology. To meet these challenges, it is important for an organization as well as public sector organization to strive for both health and productivity through investing in human resources to enhance employees motivation and job performance so as to seek competitive advantage. Therefore, investment in developing positive capacities is an attractive course of action for human resource managers in Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF). Considering the challenging circumstances faced by the HKPF nowadays, it seems that the exploration of possible resources that promote police officers satisfaction to their jobs, protecting them from adverse effect from work stress, and finally reducing the turnover of employees are most importance.
3.Project problem statement (management problems the major concerns of management) After the effective recruitment selection process, the company obtained competency of staff, but how to nurture him and make it possible to enhance job satisfaction, retain ultimate success of any employee, gradually become a very important issue in HKPF. When the turnover rate is too high, it will make the organization to recruit and re-education and training of staff costs increased, and also lead to low staff morale (Hom and Griffeth, 1995 Hom and Kinichi, 2001 ).
4.Research objectives and research questions (research questions are the more specific questions that help to answer the management problems) The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention in the context of organizational culture. More specifically, the following research questions guided this study -Does increased job satisfaction predict decreased employee turnover intention -Do demographic characteristics, such as, age, influence the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention -Does the level of satisfaction with organizational culture moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention -Does increased satisfaction with organizational culture decrease employee turnover intention
5.Critical literature review (exploratory study summarizing some useful secondary data, theories, models, concepts, constructs, variables, factors., using the theories, secondary data and models to derive several hypotheses) There are many literatures about the topic of relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Rate. Our team will mainly based on the findings of Elizabeth Medina (2012) on employee turnover intention for our research. The literature is concluded that the job satisfaction is associated with the turnover intention inversely and the employees with higher workplace cultural satisfaction will lead to a lower turnover intention. Thus, our team is exploring whether the above findings is workable in the situation of the Hong Kong Police Force since the turnover problem is one of the most urgent challenges faced by the force. We will focus on the new comers of the force who served less than 10 years and are under the MPF contracts.
6.Research design / Research Methodology a.Descriptors of Research Design (Briefly introduce the following descriptors (1) Question Crystallization (2) Data Collection Method (3) Time Dimension (4) Topical Scope (5) Research Environment (6) Purpose of Study) Our research will aim at exploratory studies to find out the reason behind the increasing turnover rate in the Hong Kong Police Force. For data collection method, we will work with the communication study so that we can collect the personal data for our analysis. For the time dimension, this study will be a cross-sectional one so that it will only carry out once to obtain the information at the present stage. Moreover, our research will be statistical. As the data collected will be mainly about personal feelings, the results of our study will be explanatory in order to find out the reasons of the situation. b.Target population (who is the most appropriate subject to provide you the primary data Why choose this subject as the target) Our target population will be the force members with less than 10Â years of service and who are under the MPF contracts.
This sample group may provide us the information about the turnover intention excluding the retirement factors. c.Sampling strategy (what sampling methods you are going to adopt Why How would you conduct the sampling What is the sample size) We will distribute a set of questionnaire to our targets to fill in. The questions will obtain some basic background information of the interviewees like years of service and salary. Also, they will be asked about the level of job satisfaction and their idea about leaving the force. These kind of questions may show us whether the job satisfaction and turnover intention is related inversely or not. Our sample size will be around 200 within a few police divisions. d.Data collection strategy (how to collect the data Why this strategy is appropriate for this project Any measures for quality assurance Please provide some investigative and measurement questions if you are going to use survey, individual interview or group interview. If you are going to use observation, please provide the checklist items and discuss the Perceptual Awareness) We are going to use the survey to collect the data from our target group. Since Hong Kong Police Force had lot of officers whose are satisfies our target, and we use survey to collect data should be the most effective strategy to collect data from the large group.
For quality assurance to our research all of the data will be collect from the new comers of the force who served less than 10 years and are under the MPF contracts. e.Data analysis strategy (In order to test the hypotheses derived in part 5, what kinds of quantitative techniques or qualitative techniques you plan to use in data analysis Why) After we collect the data from our target group, the questionnaire we set to test the hypotheses job satisfaction is associated with the turnover intention. We will write a research report to find out the theory would satisfy with Hong Kong Police Force situation or not and the results of the research that we had completed. 7.Project plan (Scheduling from week 1 to week 12) Scheduling Week 1 2 Find out and identify the management dilemma of the HK Police Force. Week 3 4 Searching and collecting the critical literature reviews via the internet. Â 6 Preparing the research proposal and adjusting the information.
Submit the research proposal. Week 8 Designing the questionnaires. (Non-probability sampling HK Police) Week 9 Collecting date and summarizing the questionnaire results. Week 10 Data statistics and analysis to find out the relationship between the turnover rate and HK Police Force. Week 11 Preparing the research project. Pointing out the main reason the high turnover rate of HK Police Force and advising some suggestions to the management. Week 12 Submit the final research project. 8.Budget (Total cost of the project, please itemize the costs) Questionnaires Design 300 Questionnaire Printing 200 Transport Fee 1,000 Data Statistics 600 Data Analysis 600 Consultancy Fee 500 Total Cost 3,200- 9.
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