Recruiting and Selection Reflection

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- Word count: 1629
- Category: Employment Management
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Employers are going the extra mile to create their message resonate with the most desirable candidates: the happily employed (MacMillan, Mar). Recruitment encompasses the whole process of advertising, selecting and bringing employees on-board within the company. Human resources management are responsible for driving the recruitment strategies in the business to retain existing talented workforce, and also hiring new candidates to maintain the diversity. Human Resource management require to outline the policies, and strategies for effective recruitment procedures, and some of these policies will emphasis on talent retention, successful planning, talent attraction, business issues and engagements, monitoring current market trends and remunerations, and advertising and identifying candidates. Human resource management often confronts with dilemma to hire externally or internally. The policies and procedures outlined in the paper can be used as important guidelines for Clapton to proceed with internal or external labor market for recruitments Empirical Benefits of Promotions- Internal Labor Market
Ideally, employees are hired at the entry level and they are getting promoted within the company based on their performance. This level of internal hiring provides job satisfaction, and employees committed to staying longer. Employees often get training to increase their responsibilities to perform better in their current work. The internal labor market enables pool of talented resources to the hiring managers immediately so it will be cost, and time effective process. Organizational culture is not necessarily need to be trained to the internal employees. Most of the business units believes promoting internally is a good option as long as the business provides the visibility of potential candidates those who are in the pipeline, and can supply for right roles, and right times. This will avoid true leaders departing from their business to competitors. In reality, every business should have strategic initiatives to train or groom their employees to become a leader when the job positions are available (Brookmire, 2013).
Diagram1: Decision Criteria for promotions Internal VS. External Labor Diagram1:
Source: (Brookmire, 2013)
The decision criteria for hiring internally and external candidates are well described in the diagram 1. For instance, hiring for new skills, capabilities that may take time to develop internal candidates so hiring external candidates becomes critical. This does not mean internal candidates cannot be trained, and only external candidates may have that edge. The companies always looking to make decisions faster, and bringing outside candidates becomes prevalent option in this situation. The negativity of hiring internal workers comes with seniority in the business, not with the performance. Most of the company have internal transfer policies that enables employees to apply for new positions within the company, but they have to spend certain duration in current responsibilities including satisfactory performance. With good amount of political issues often involved or lack of good management support could reduce the interest in internal hiring process.
Promotion within Internal Employees
A recent survey from the Wharton management professor Matthew Bidwell demonstrated that hiring management roles are expensive for business, as they have to pay more, and it is not always guaranteed that new candidates will stay longer, and perform better when compared to internal candidates. Booz and Co. also showed that 35 percent of the externally hired CEOs were let go versus 19 percent who were promoted from within (Brookmire, 2013). In addition to scoring negative on performance cycle, external hires were 61% more likely to be fired from their new jobs than were those who had been promoted from within the firm (Adams, 2012). The process is the key when internal workers are getting promoted they know whom to ask for and where to execute the work and that reduces time consumption make it effective. Employers should not undermine the process it takes to bring up to the speed of an outside employee, and it takes time. Typically, after two years, employee performance are compared with internal candidates before that happens external hire would have moved on or laid off. Groysberg did the study the careers of more than a thousand top analysts, and found that in most of the cases, those who change employers suffer an immediate and lasting decline (Adams, 2012).
Creative Recruitment Strategies
The following tactics will help employers to drive recruitments creatively. Objectives of these tactics are to avoid sifting through a whole stack of not suitable resumes
Self-Selection Design- Open house Selection: Organizations should add additional process between online submissions, and one-on-one interview. The best option companies can consider to invite candidates to come for open house interview process. The objective is to enable the effective interaction, and access the participants abilities within pool of candidates. Speed Dating Style-Interviews: Interacting with good prospects in the group setting is perfect method to identify their communications, working experience, level of interest, and characters. The interactive discussions can be held in various ways but mostly send invitations to the selective set of candidates. During the interview panel, the discussions could be more creative such as, understanding each’s experience and passion for the industry.
Pick Talented Candidates: The candidates who are already employed and not actively seeking for job opportunities are dream hires for recruiters. The strategy has to be let these candidates know how badly you want them to your businesses. One of the creative examples from the startup company recorded CEO message in Ipod and send it to the dream hires. “The compliment paid off: More than 90 recipients responded to the pitch, three left their jobs to come on board, and many more potential hires learnt the business through word-of-mouth buzz generated by the search (MacMillan, Mar). Go the extra mile by looking for these candidates in unlikely places. Business often involved provide transfers cost, relocations but sending employer out to these conditions will be key advantages.
Establish or Join Meet Up Group: The days are passed that candidates would be interested to attend any of the work affair when they have a work. Employers have to focus on meet up group that is specific to the technology or leadership areas, and announce their open positions. As an employer you already know candidates passionate about what they do, and now you will be able to get a feel for what they’re like in person. Stand-out with non-traditional media: The job descriptions on the job site will no longer make employers stand out. However, the video or podcast will do that work. Media is also one of the way to convey the corporate culture to job seekers. Business are trying to post their working employees experiences, and their fun time in the YouTube and attaching their videos to the job postings something Linkdin is trying to provide that kind of options to seek candidates (Insider, 2013)
Actively Discover Profiles and Social Networking Sites: Instead of sitting through bad-fit resumes, the employers, can search by themselves and identify the prospects. Numerous websites allow candidates to create profiles that include their Bio-data, and other details that can give employers a better understanding of their knowledge and talents Consider Past Candidates: Former rejections could have developed skill sets make them as good prospects. In the past, you may pass over a good candidate for some reason or another. Indeed, some cases the wages determinations were high that were not ideal for rest of the existing employees. This could be any reason by bringing former candidate, and screening them is always good options Seeking Great Candidates Through Referrals: Referrals are good sources of hiring known person from existing employees. Employer has to let the internal employees know the company is hiring, and job descriptions.
A financial reward for the referrer is standard if employer ends up hiring their referral. The internal employees get paid with monetary or non-monitory benefits for their referrals. Employer can publicize through outside business through social networks, but the easiest way is spelling out them in email signature (Hoffman, 2009). Diversity Recruiting Strategy: Employers requires to mandate to hire candidates based on variety of age group, sex, religion, and work experiences. The employers should comply legal mandates diversity recruitments from federal and state laws that protect workers from workplace discrimination (Mayhew, 2012). The human resource management should support for diversity, and, in fact, that increases the performance of the business. State of Arizona Equal Opportunity Guidelines
As outlined in Executive Order 93-20, each state agency with a total workforce of 50 (or more) full time employees is required to submit an annual Equal Opportunity Plan (Arizona, 2012). Equal opportunity employment act enforces the hiring should be made based on abilities, and should avoid any discrimination effects. During the hiring process, each employee is asked to voluntarily submit demographic information indicating race, gender, disability status, and veteran status. Employer in Arizona should submit the plan of existing workforces, and cultural competency policy. The strategic action plan should comprise of Enhance diversity via recruitment selection, retain workforce diversity, reduce employment barriers, enhance services that are culturally sensitive, and create a culture platform to treat employees at the same levels (Arizona, 2012).
The decision is based on the recruitment between internal or external depends on organization culture, and situations. The strategies outlined in this paper could be used for Clapton to seek and hire for great people at workplaces. Employers can outline cost-benefit analysis and come up with proposals. The analysis should be based on objectives nothing less than to qualify of hire, time to hire, organizational fit, candidates experience, and cost of hiring.
Adams, S. (2012, 04 05). Why Promoting From Within Usually Beats Hiring From Outside. Retrieved from Why Promoting From Within Usually Beats Hiring From Outside: Arizona, G. o. (2012). State of Arizona Equal Opportunity Guidelines. Retrieved from State of Arizona Equal Opportunity Guidelines: Brookmire, D. (2013, 5 13). Promote Internally vs. Hire Externally: Which Is Better? Retrieved from Promote Internally vs. Hire Externally: Which Is Better?: Hoffman, A. (2009, Dec 09). Seeking Great Candidates Online.