Records Manager
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- Word count: 728
- Category: Business Management
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Order NowThis concept focuses on efficiency and is split into three main branches, namely; bureaucratic management, scientific management and administrative management. Scientific management focuses on the – one best way to do the job. Administrative management emphasizes the flow of information in the operation of the organization. The behavioural viewpoint of management
Behavioural or human relations management emerged in the 1920s and dealt with the human aspects of organizations. It is an approach to management that is primarily concerned with human psychology, motivation and leadership. The systems viewpoint of management
This concept represents an approach of solving problems by diagnosing them within a framework of input, transformation processes, outputs and feedbacks and a organization has limited interaction with its external and internal environments. The contingency viewpoint of management
This viewpoint is useful because of its diagnostic approach, because it clearly departs from the one-best-way approach of the traditionalists. It encourages managers to analyse and understand situational differences and to choose the solution best suited to the organisation, the process and the people involved in each situation. The quality viewpoint of management
This viewpoint emphasizes achieving customer satisfaction by providing high quality goods and services. It is defined as how well a product does what is supposed to do. The flexible viewpoint of management
It emerged in the mid-1980s as a result of economic turbulence experienced by many organizations. In fulfilling this role managers are expected to be proactive and holistic and to have the ability to know which leadership style they should use in different circumstances.
The principle-led viewpoint of management
It still emerging and is not yet clearly delineated in management literature. It requires organizations to place even greater emphasis on people in order to tap into the tacit knowledge that is owned by individual employees. 1.2
Define and diagnose the problem
It requires the manager to notice, interpret and incorporate. Set goals
Goals should be set to eliminate the problem that has been identified. It may be necessary to identify alternative goals, evaluate them and choose among them the best. Search for alternative solutions
Examine different ways to achieve the goal(s) decided on.
Compare and evaluate alternative solutions
During this step emphasis is placed on the expected results and relative cost each of the alternative solutions generated in step 3. Choose among alternative solutions
The alternative with the best expected results and lowest cost should be chosen. Implement the solution selected
The chosen solution should be implemented and if not success full, an alternative solution should be considered Follow-up and control Individuals and groups must control the implemented activities and follow up by evaluating the results and if not produce satisfactory results, than corrective action will be needed. 2.2
2.2.1 Define and diagnoses the proble
Deteriorating Customer Service and need for more staff training Staff can’t deliver what they don’t know or understand. The question is how many staff members know what the vision and mission statement is all about and how many know that statements are underling promise of the company. The need for staff to be trained on customer service delivery, company awareness, and Office etiquette and office protocols cannot be overemphasized. 2.2.2 Set goals
To survived the harsh economic times simply because of consistent customer service. Train staff members to gain such skills to add value to the company. Learn to link staff behavior with the company’s vision, mission, policies and customer service. 2.2.3 Search for alternative solutions
We must teach everyone in the company from the director to the junior employee, what the means and how that meaning determines the distinct level of service we must deliver to support the company. It’s important that our team deliver that full brand value on a consistent basis day in and out. To motivate staff members to manage their stress levels and handle critic with professionalism. Approach institutions that provides customer care training and send staff to such trainings. 2.2.4 Compare and evaluate alternative solutions
Everyone in the company will change to better their behavior among them and towards the entire clients. It is expected from them to improve on their skills and to implement what they know about the company vision, mission, policies and customer service. 2.2.5 Choose among alternative solutions
Staff must undergo skills development.
2.2.6 Implement the solution selected
Management should make sure that decision taken must be implemented. 2.2.7 Follow-up and control
Regular staff meetings as well as management meetings should be held to make sure that all staff is aware of the decisions made and implemented.