Providian Trust Case Analysis

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1008
- Category: Computers
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Order NowWhat key issues and challenges led to the initiation of the Access+ project? In my opinion the key issues and challenges to the initiation of the Access+ project are as follow: 1.1 As the case illustrates, Stephen Walsh is the new CEO of the Providian Trust Company. He was a lawyer, and he was to be trained and got some skills of how to deal with conflict and make a judgment. It means, maybe the new CEO is good and professional in managing the company, but not known as well with the reengineering of the new Information System.
1.2 The case also shows us, there has been an extremely different idea between Peter Storey, who is the internal auditor of the company, and the leader of a major information technology project. Therefor I think they cannot reach an agreement in reengineering the Information System. 1.3 The company has the “front office” and “back office”. As LeBlanc says, “The trust officers blamed the operations people and the operations people blamed the trust officers. It had been running this way forever”(Case study page 3 para.3). I think this is shifting responsibility, and this kind of working environment is not good for a company.
What organizational changes that the company should have been made (but failed to do) before and during the project to ensure the success of the Access+ project? In my opinion the organizational changes should be as follow: 2.1 Now the company has two IT departments, 204 IT personnel are supported retail banking, but only 30 IT personnel are in the Operations Department. I think they should add more IT personnel in the Operations Department if it used the new Information System. Because the new IS will produce a huge number of data flowing into the database and they will need a lot of staffs to work on it. 2.2 Give the staffs of the “front office” and the “back office” the computer lessons, aim at teaching them how to process data through the computer. s an executive says, “Your average trust officer was covered in 17th century cobwebs”, and “They’re completely averse to technology, uncooperative, and they leave at five to five”. Hence they need to change their work style to adapt the new IS system.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Providian’s approach in managing the project? 3.1 Strengths:So far, I cannot find any strengths in their project management. I think this is an immature plan with the uncooperative staffs; a new CEO with poor credibility; and a project with less planning. 3.2 Weaknesses:The case illustrates, “the trust officers working in PITS and Personal Trust were considered “front office” people because they were client-driven and managed clients’ accounts”(Case study page3 para.3). Hence they knew clearly that what the client needs and what the client wants. However, the new project team is not included any staff from the “front office”. Only can deal with the data is not enough for the new project team. 4 How would you evaluate the roles (good or bad) that the internal auditor Peter Storey played throughout the project? Do you agree with him, why and why not (if you were in his role, what would you have done differently)? Should he be fired, why and why not?
I think the internal auditor Peter Storey played a bad role throughout the project. Because of in the whole case, he said and repeated one thing, that “like a broken record”. In my point of view, to judge a person’s right or wrong depends on his influence on things. Peter Storey’s behavior will influence the changing of the new IS system and it is not benefit for the company. Hence I think he should be fired. However, I think he makes a right point of view, because the fact is like he said. If I am in his role, maybe I will discuss with other members and find out the reason why things will like this, and what we need to change. If you were in charge of the project, what would you do differently? What have been your experience and observations of IS projects in your organizations? If you were in charge of a healthcare IS implementation project in your organization, what would be the top three things/issue on your agenda list?
I think I can understand why they do not want to change a new IS system, because most people are lack motivation to study the new thing, especially their working in the same position and doing the same things for a while. As well as a lot of staffs, which older than 40/50 years old are extremely hard to get the new technic and to learn how to use the computer system, even they tried hard to learn. Such as my mum, she is a doctor and she likes to receive the new computer skills,but she still could not do as well as the younger doctors. Therefor, if I am in charge of the project, I will redeploy the personnel. Change the younger staffs to work with the computers and the older staffs can keep doing the paper works. As for the three key issues on my agenda list will be (a) what the average age of the staffs who need to work with the computer (b) how to create an environment to motivate the staffs to accept the new technics (c) how to reward the staffs if they working hard and make well performance in the new IS system.
I think, to purchase a new system is easy to a company, but to reengineering the system is difficult. On the easy side, the company can easily change the new system to instead of the old system, because the new system is easy to purchase if they have enough money. On the difficult side, to handle a new system is difficult to the staffs. The company needs to spend a lot of time and money in training the staffs to master a new technic.