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Natural Gas in Bangladesh

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In Bangladesh, natural gas is one of the important sources of energy that accounts 75% of commercial energy of the country. Again, Bangladesh is important to world energy markets because of its large potential natural gas reserves. This resource really reduces importing fuel from other countries and saving large number of foreign currencies. All power, fertilizer and today the transport sector of Bangladesh are by no means dependent on Natural Gas. From the beginning of this century the use of CNG has discovered a new horizon in our power and energy sector. It is necessary to judge and consider all of the obstacles in the way of developing of CNG sector or other viable strategic gas utilization options. So the study of natural gas production, consumption especially about CNG and its future etc are very important. Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this research is to identify the current scenario of Natural gas utilization in Bangladesh and generation & uses of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Objectives:
1.To identify present Gas energy scenario in Bangladesh.
2.To identify the generation and production scenario of CNG.
3.To assess the future demand of CNG and its strategic applications.

Study Area
Bangladesh: Absolute location: With an area of about 147,570 sq km, Bangladesh is situated between latitudes 20~34′ and 26~38′ north and latitudes 88~01′ and 92~41′ east. (Map) Relative location: The country is bordered by India on the east, west and north and by the Bay of Bengal on the south. There is also a small strip of frontier with Burma on the southeastern edge. Methodology

Data sources
For the purpose of this study, the data will collect from following two main sources:
ļ‚—Primary Data Sources:
1.Field observation (Gas field, CNG station)
2.Informal Interview with responsible persons

ļ‚—Secondary Data Sources:

The data will be collected from various sources (Books, Journals, Articles, Governmental and Nongovernmental Organizations etc). The basic data will be collected from Petrobangla (energy and Mineral resource division), Bapex Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited (RPGCL). Data will be collected from wide- ranging sources, which include different newspaper, scientific journal, published monographs, update research paper and official institutional records. Expected Outcome

The expected outcome will be ā€“
ļƒ˜Current scenario of Gas production and consumption in Bangladesh
ļƒ˜Contribution of Natural Gas in economy.
ļƒ˜Present scenario and trend of CNG activities.
ļƒ˜Distribution and growth of CNG Filling station in Bangladesh.
ļƒ˜Develop a probable scenario of Future demand of CNG and its strategic applications.,

Time scheduleĀ 24 week
ļƒ˜Preparing Research Proposal: 1-2
ļƒ˜Searching Paper & Literature Reviews: 3-7
ļƒ˜Data Collection From Different Sources: 8-13
ļƒ˜Data Processing And Construct Table: 13-16
ļƒ˜Data Analysis & Chart Draw: 17-20
ļƒ˜Preparing Report: 21-23
ļƒ˜Report Writing: 23-24

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