Monitoring system

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Order NowMany companies today use information as a basis to increase productivity, producing quality products, providing quality services, creating customer confidence, and making timely decisions. Â As such, information technology has become the prime reason for the success and failure of a company to compete in business. This illustrates the impact of information technology on business operations today. As a result, designing an information system of high quality is important so that organisations can compete successfully in the global market. Information systems experts need to understand the business operation of a company before they can design a comprehensive system. Every business is likely to be different. As an example, business transactions at a supermarket, bank, and hotel require information systems that are different and Unique.
A systems analyst applies a technique called Business Process Modelling to Represent company operations and information requirements. A systems analyst works in an information technology based department. This person is Responsible for planning, analysing and implementing information systems.
1.1 Background of the Study
Funeral homes arrange services in accordance with the wishes of surviving friends and families. The funeral home often takes care of the necessary paperwork, permits, and other details, such as making arrangements with the cemetery, and providing obituaries to the news media.
Nova Funeral Homes, giving you the best service for the last journey of your love ones for over five decades is now in its new image. Nova Funeral is a duly accredited morgue of the Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of Investigation, aside from being an accredited with the Eternal Plans Inc., and the St. Peter Life Plan. If you are in the Almar-Zabarte area, you can use your life plans to avail of Nova’s services. The cost of transportation alone of having your love ones stay at the respective places of these life plans is expensive. The funeral home often sets aside one or more large areas for people to gather at a visitation. This area may contain a space to display the body in a casket to visitors who may pay their respects. Funeral and memorial services may also take place at the funeral home.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Nova Funeral has lack of information of computer capabilities and performances although they have a computer but still using typewriter and manually written for Death Certificate and Contracts.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
Create and develop a better System that they always do to make their work faster and reliable. Implement general and appropriate Monitoring System.
1.4 Significance of the Study
This study aims to create a system wherein we can apply the current knowledge we have in the field of computer programming. It is necessary since we have to develop our skills in an actual programming scenario. And as Information Technology students, we hope to learn more and broaden our ideas in creating a system that needs a wider understanding and analysis of instructionsâ flow. 1.5 Scope and Limitations
It covers about the use of a simple database for storing and securing information from the companyâs clients which indeed is lacking in security and organizing of records. However, since this is only simple database system, there are of course, limitations. These include its incapacity to monitor how many clients were served on a certain day, and its lack of a search function to easily find clientsâ information that are stored in the database.
Chapter 2
The activity of converting data into information is called a process. An information system contains FIVE main components Ä the hardware, software, data, process and human.
Chapter 3
Data Gathering Procedures
Data gathering or data collection is the process of gathering and collecting information to keep on record and is used to make decision plus the set information to others
On the design phase, the proponents used structured design tools to emphasize the visual or graphic nature of the problem. The purpose of the design phase is to determine the specified problem and plan a solution for the specified problem. We used the data flow diagram to show the flow of data within the existing system and the proposed system. Once the design is complete, most of the major decisions about the proposed system have been made.
Chapter 4.0
An information system commonly refers to a basic computer system but may also describe a telephone switching or environmental controlling system. The IS involves resources for shared or processed information, as well as the people who manage the system. People are considered part of the system because without them, systems would not operate correctly.
There are many types of information systems, depending on the need they are designed to fill. An operations support system, such as a transaction processing system, converts business data (financial transactions) into valuable information. Similarly, a management information system uses database information to output reports, helping users and businesses make decisions based on extracted data.
In a decision support system, data is pulled from various sources and then reviewed by managers, who make determinations based on the compiled data. An executive information system is useful for examining business trends, allowing users to quickly access custom strategic information in summary form, which can be reviewed in more detail. 4.1 Company Background
Nova Funeral Homes, giving you the best service for the last journey of your love ones for over five decades is now in its new image. Nova Funeral is duly accredited morgue of the Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of Investigation, aside from being an accredited with Eternal Plans Inc. And the St. Peter Life Plan. If you are in the Almar-Zabarte Area, you can use your life plans to avail of novaâs services, the cost of transportation alone of having your love ones stay at the respective places of these life plans is expensive. 4.2 Description of the System
An information systems manager is responsible for the computer systems within a company, overseeing installation, and ensuring backup systems operate effectively, purchasing hardware and software, providing the ICT technology infrastructures for an organisation and contributing to organisational policy regarding quality standards and strategic planning. Information systems managers work in every size of organisation in the industry and the service sector, usually with a staff of technicians, programmers and database administrators reporting to them.
4.3 Data Flow Diagram
Figure 4.3.1 Context Diagram
Service Compensation
Financial Report Appointment/Payments
Financial Data Receipt
Supplies List of Orders/Payments
Figure 4.3.2 Diagram 0
Figure 4.3.3 Child Diagram
No Yes
Chapter 5.0
This system is made for the funeral company to help them see those problems in their company. So the company can do actions to improve their works and services, for the customerâs satisfaction. 5.1 System Overview
NOVA Funeral Homes Monitoring System has been developed to offer the funeral profession the most comprehensive administration software package currently available. It is written in the very latest powerful Windows programming language enabling the user to manage every aspect of a funeral easily onto the system. The software has been researched over a period of time in conjunction with leading undertakers to ensure it provides exactly what is needed to ensure the management of each funeral is carried out as easily and professionally as possible.
The package has been designed to take all the administrative paperwork out of preparing a funeral ensuring you project the most professional service to the customer. As much of the system as possible has been automated using new and powerful Windows programming techniques. We think we have covered almost every eventual feature that may be required. Easy options have been incorporated like tick boxes to select various options.
After production of all the billing and invoicing functions the program fully integrates with most of the leading Accounting software programs like Sage. The system holds all details of the Applicant, a next of kin or Solicitor and the deceased. Details of the Service and Committal are compiled from databases held of all churches, ministers and cemeteries held on the system. Full details of the service, including hymns are retained, production of death notices and all transport details that may be required. A host of extras are may also be entered. The Family tree, costing grid and all print options are then displayed. A major aspect of the system is also the Donations section enabling donations to be recorded and made to a variety of chosen charities.
Screen Shot
5.2 Process and Data Specifications
5.2.1 Data Flow Diagram
5.2.1Context Diagram
Service Compensation
Financial Report Appointment/Payments
Financial Data Receipt
Supplies List of Orders/Payments
Figure 5.2.2 Diagram 0
Figure 5.2.3 Child Diagram
Child Diagram of Process 1.0
No Yes
Chapter 6.0
This chapter provides learning for the coding used in the system. 6.1 Programming Language
Since our experience and knowledge is still limited, we decided to use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as our programming language. Honestly, we had to
use this program because it was the best object-oriented programming language we know how to use. Unlike java, it is easier to navigate and it is more user friendly, especially in using buttons and codes. Hence, we were able to create a system using VB 6.0 within a short period of time. 6.2 Special-Purpose Language Tools
The proponents used Microsoft Office Access 2007 as the database for storing the information. Which is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately.
Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases. Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, and “power users” can use it to build software applications. Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare and call Windows operating-system functions. Basically, Microsoft Access is used to create and manage computer-based databases and it also enables you to organise, manage and store information for reference, reporting and analysis. It can as well be used for personal information management.
Chapter 7.0
This section explains the process of running and testing the program to check whether its functions and features are working correctly and according to plan.
7.1 Testing Stage
Testing Nova Funeral Homes Information System stores client information upon their filling up of the required documents. This testing also provides an objective for independent view of the software in order for the company to appreciate and understand the roles at implementation of the software. Techniques are included, but not limited to the execution of a program by the intent of searching bugs of the software.
7.2 Testing schedule
This portion is for the testing of the accessibility of the system in the environment where it will be use. This is also the section where the user can check if the system has met the requirements and suggestions of the client.
Chapter 8.0
8.1 Resource Requirements
This section describes the support software, materials, equipment and facilities required for the implementation, as well as the personnel requirements and training necessary for the implementation. 8.1.1 Hardware Requirements
The minimum system requirement for the proposed library system: Processor: Pentium IV or equivalent
Main Memory: 1GB
+At least 500MB free hard drive space
Video display with 1024×768 resolution
8.1.2 Software Requirements
Windows 7 and above (32-bit)
8.1.3 Human Resources Requirements
NOVA Funeral Officers users must be computer literate; having basic knowledge in office applications will be an advantage. The following personnel have full access to the proposed system as ordered by the Administrator of Nova Funeral Homes: Secretaryâ manages the day to day operations of the Information System. Funeral Director â ensure that the facilities (including the funeral Service), are effectively assisted and well organized to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Owner/President â responsible for the effective operation of the Funeral.
8.2 Implementation Plan
The Implementation Plan describes how the information will be deployed, installed and transitioned into operational system.
8.2.1 Site Preparation
Unlike most funeral-related Homes, you wonât find any advertisement in their service. They strive to provide objective, accurate advice that helps families save money when planning funeral or cremation services. They donât accept ads because they donât want to be influenced by funeral homes trying to âbuyâ their recommendation. Unfortunately, most other funeral-related Homes make money by steering families to funeral homes that pay the largest contract fee. Conclude that Cheap price of service but a clientâs satisfaction.
Figure 8.2.1 Site Preparation of NOVA Funeral Services
8.2.2 Data Conversion
NOVA Funerals Homes have hectic schedules due of many clients and processing of the Death Certificate and how will pay the contract covered by SSS, Life Insurances and etc. Perhaps our clients are available on Weekdays only and for afternoon.
8.2.3 Personnel Training
NOVA Funeral Information System enables the office secretariat to have an accessible and reliable Information Data. Vendor Training will be applied. The said training means that free training is included when the computerized system will be implemented. The personnel training would be held for about 1 week. First to receive the training will be the office secretariat, followed by the Funeral Director and the president. Working with Information System has features such as Adding Death Certificate Information, Edit Death Information, Search Clients, and Adding User Administrators. These are the key features that will be taught to the users.
Chapter 9.0
This chapter is about the maintenance plan of the proponents to the system in which the proponents will use the proper maintenance to the flaws in its design, codes or system implementation. It also focuses on removing errors from system without adding new features When the proposed system is implemented on the company, the proponents will have to provide and train a technical support staff that will act as the user support for the system that can further assist them and be aware in handling the possible system errors. 9.1 System Testing
System testing is conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s operations with its specified functional requirement and system requirement. The proponents were responsible for conducting an operation test. The proponents conducted a test under the actual operation conditions, and verified that the system satisfies the required specifications. Also, the proponents conducted an operation test by running a program on a machine being used for actual operations.
10. Conclusion & justification
We therefore conclude that the system we have created is a necessity for the company we have proposed to. Since, this is an era for the use of computer technology; it is a part of their competency with other companies to use computers for an easier and more convenient flow and process of work in their environment. Hence, it enabled us to gain experience in developing a system for clients. We can then use it to enhance our capabilities to further understand the field of programming and system analysis.
11. Recommendation
As we had our defence with the panellist, they had recommended us to change our Monitoring System into an Information System to be more specific with the aim of our system. Also, they suggested us to include a print function with our database so that the user can obtain a hard copy of the information of their clients if needed. And lastly, they wanted us to include promotions by using photos of the other services that the Nova Funeral Homes can offer.