Library System Thesis

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Order NowThe library system provides two types of application method for different user. Regular user and administrator user. For regular user, they only can for access the booklist function and searching function. Only administrator is allowed to access to the restricted function such as create new user account. The library management system will store all the books and members information that consist book number, book title, author name and racks to the system database. The system also provides search function to help through the books databases to look for the book and view where the book is situated.
For the administrator user, only librarian have access to view or edit data from the system databases. Administrator user will handle administrative function such create new LMS user account and decide the number of days allowed for the borrowed books. User needs to enter correct password and user id before user can access this function. From here, user can add, delete or update the books and borrower database. Since the amount of student/borrower and books is increasing, it is necessary to prepare s space to store them. After a long time, the record book will be stockpiled. It needs well organized and it is hard to find the record in short time because they need to find it one by one. This will cost extra time and is not efficient at all .
1.1 Background of the study
The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing the books. They use library cards and card catalogues in searching for reading and reference materials.
1.2 System Overview
The Library System is to design to provide one systematic system for librarians to manage booklist, inventory and borrowing process. Basically the system will be created using the Visual Basic and the system database will be build by Microsoft Access. The Library System which provides reading services to its member. Any person can become a member of the library by filling a prescribed form. They can get the book issued, so that they can take home and return them.
1.3 Objectives of the study
To be specific, it attempted to satisfy the following objectives:
a) To design a system that will lessen the time and effort of the student in their transaction -Development a System that can replace the manual library managing system. Develop a database which stores user details & items details.
b) To quickly search the book needed by the student of the library -Build on advanced search that can help for the best handling of user queries, this search should handle different search type like searching by author, title, publisher, department, section or topic. The search result should contain information about the exact location of the book.
c) To implement the system efficiency to the student
-Develop the system documentation with detailed specifications. To produce technical report that documents the phases, tasks and deliverables in the project.
1.3.1 General Objectives
The objective of the study was to develop a computerized library system that will store the student’s records such as student’s basic information, books record, and list of borrowers, returned books, borrowed books, and prescriptions of the librarian
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
-To build a system that can receive input and generate automatically output in easy way and short time.
-To build a monitoring system that be able to monitor and manage all library operation efficiently.
-To enter and preserve details of the various issues and keep a track on their returns.
-To maintain the record of the subscribed item.
1.4 Scope and Limitation
This library system will store information of all books and records of borrowers. However only the librarians who have specified access such administrator can handle administrative functions of this library system, this can avoid unauthorized user to enter the restricted area of this system especially system database.
Basically this system got four major functions; there is Library User Account Manage System, Search Record, Book Borrowing System and Report Generator. From all Library User Account Manage System can only be access by LMS administrator.
1.5 Significance of the study
The significance of the study is being proposed for the librarian and school itself which the proposed system will be applied. The library system will contribute a great part in terms of monitoring of all books.
Chapter II Review of related literature and studies
2.1 Review of related literature
The purpose of literature review is to ensure the developing process of library system to find of the suitable development theory that can be applicable for development of Library System. It also described the importance of explicit modeling of the project development process in order to understand the dynamics of the projects and how that can be used to manage project more successfully.
2.1.1 Local Literature
The study found out that there was no written procedural manual for nonbook materials in the Asian Institute of E-commerce library with regard to acquisition, organization, use and maintenance. The study noted that one hundred percent of the respondents recommended the development of the procedural manual.
2.1.2 Foreign Literature
2.2 Review of related studies
2.2.1 Local Studies
2.2.2 Foreign Studies
2.3 Synthesis of related literature and study
The literature study in previous system could give more references in system development process. All the advantages in the previous system such as interface, module flow, and process and security level should be improve and enhance fro, the previous system.