John Proctor

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Order NowJohn Proctor will be analysis, he is one of the main character of the crucible. In the beginning John Proctor is going to be describe and the consequences of shirking accountability for ones actions are depicted through the tribulations John Proctor faced, in Arthur Miller’s. In the crucible, by Arthur Miller, the character of John Proctor ultimately sees himself as a good man.
When the play sets in action, John has had a past affair with his servant Abigail Williams. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor is very forgiving of his sin, but John has his mind set that he will not confess to anyone else, in fear of ruining his good name, and reputation. The affair between John and Abigail caused the start of chaotic witchery and accusation. After the affair, Abigail became horribly jealous of Elizabeth Proctor. Proctor realizes there is only one way to stop all the witch hysteria in Salem, and that would be to confess his sin of adultery. Although he knows he should, he continues to be determined not to confess. Also in the beginning Reverend Paris is new to town, and John insist continually that he is only speaking of hell, and hardly ever of God, as Proctor goes on to say to Parris, ‘’Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again? I am sick of Hell!’’
In the drama, Mary Warren places a needle in a poppet she gave to Elizabeth; John firmly demands that Mary Warren tell the courts that she really put the needle in the poppet that day. Proctor says to her, ’’ You’re coming to the court with me, Mary. You will tell it in the court. ‘’ Furthermore, at the end of the play Proctor is persistent by saying that no matter what anyone says to convince him differently, he would rather die an honest man and save his name. John Proctor took pride in his thoughts, feelings, values, and his name. It took persistency to make his intent clear to others. For many reasons, John Proctor is an honest man. By no means is Proctor afraid to tell you what is on his mind. In the beginning John truthfully tells Hale why he has not be at church recently, “I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire and bloody damnation. Take it to heart, Mr. Parris.
There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more.’’ John realizes that he must confess his sin of adultery to the courts, only to stop the frenzy in Salem. After he confesses, he encourages his wife to do the same, ‘’ Elizabeth, tell the truth! Elizabeth, I have confessed it! ‘’ He confesses his sin, and speaks those words, only because he is looking out for the good of the community, and others around him. He hates that his name is tarnished, but feels that God will forgive him for it. Later, his honest shows again when he tells Abigail his true feelings by saying that he would cut off his arm before reaching for her again. Proctor has accept the truth for what it was, not because he had to, but because speaking words of truth are actions of an honest and prideful man. Proctor is given the chance to confess himself of witchery.
The courts want him to sign a legal statement of his actions, to post on the church doors. The court feels that if the community sees that an honest man confessed, they will feel that it’s all right to confess also. Of course. John refuses to sign. He knows that a false admission would not only dishonor him, but also strain his public reputation and his soul. He has high levels of integrity, by refusing to give up his personal integrity, he feels he will be rewarded eternal life in heaven.
John would rather die knowing that he did not give in, and that he stood up for what he knew to be true. John also declined to give the names of innocent community members. Proctor realizes that if he gives the names of innocent citizens they will be hanged. So instead he feels he has no choice, but to do the right thing, and die for the good cause. Proctor respects and stands up for his fellow neighbors. ‘’ I have no knowledge in that line. But it’s hard to think so pious a woman be secretly a Devil’s bitch after seventy year of such good prayer. ‘’ John is saving others lives, saving his name, keeping his pride, and his integrity.
John Proctor died for his name, and many other reasons. He was a man of pride. He possessed the qualities of persistency, honesty, and integrity. With those attributes, I am sure he was rewarded his prize in heaven.