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American Films and Vulnerable House Wife

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They were tricked by Mary about the murder and were forced to eat the only evidence. I believe the police were slaughtered the most viciously. Mary Malone was what I thought the usual, caring vulnerable house wife who looks after her husband. But as the story progresses, Mary becomes a sick minded killer. She’s a smart, quiet woman who knows her way around a murder. She is no longer a helpless lamb, she is now the slaughter. IS WINNING EVERYTHING? This is a question that is often asked by sportspeople, children and debaters of sport. But really the answer is simple.

Everyone wants to win. Weather its laying sports, participating in school, at work and reaching our own personal goals. Henry Russell, a famous football coach once said ‘Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. Winning is the thrill at the end of a hard earned match, and winning is what everyone thrives for in competing. Winning satisfies the athlete or team knowing that they are the best. Winners are role models for other people and are people who are looked upon being a champion. This would build anyone’s confidence ready for the next completion.

People and athletes will do anything to win no matter what the cost, and sometimes the cost can be huge. In professional sport winning needs to be everything. Some athletes make a living out of their winnings. They need to rely on money out of sport, as for some, sport is their job. Some athletes believe it’s so important they will do anything to be victorious, and I mean anything. Drugs are often used by some cheating athletes to win for just the fame, money and confidence. There is more than one type of winning.

There is winning a grand finale that you and your team has en thriving to win all season and then there is winning or reaching your own personal goals. Reaching your goals will not just make your performance better but will make yourself feel better, and more determined to get better and beat your next goal. Winning is a great sensation and makes everything a whole lot better. People go into competition to succeed, not to lose.

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