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ISG Steelton

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As a supervisor of the ISG Steelton steel plant, I identified three key facts presented in this case that helped me to determine my decision. One of the key facts is that I only have six workers without forklifts have to load all the metal by hand in only two weeks. Another important fact that will influence my decision is that there are three tasks to complete the process; picking up each piece, walking up a ramp to a railroad car that will be positioned next to each stack, and then neatly position and stack the metal for shipment. The last component that I identified is that each piece of metal weighs ninety-two pounds, and nothing is going to work once muscle fatigue sets in from carrying those pieces of metal up a ramp all day long.

After the three key facts had been considered, I also recognized some specific management concepts that helped me with my decision. First, I adopted the concept of motion study from Lillian and Frank. Furthermore, before the six college students start working, I will study every step and motion that they do during the process to eliminate those motions that are unnecessary. Also, I will pay attention to the physical condition of every student to see who gets muscle fatigue sooner than others. Another important management concept that helped me to make a decision was the Henry Gantt’s method based on the concept that companies should train and develop workers. In this case all I have is six students that have gotten used to a leisurely pace of easy job assignments. However, I have to motivate them to finish the job in only two weeks. The Gant Chart will help me to organize those two weeks and to see how many pieces of metal should be loaded each day. In addition, my decision will be based on two of the principles of Management by Henri Fayol, the principles of division of work and remuneration.

Once I have analyzed, studied, and recognized all the key facts and the management concepts, I can make a final decision on how to motivate my workers to finish their job in only two weeks. First, I will divide the group into two teams with each student completing one of the three tasks I identified before. However, I will assign each task depending on the physical condition of each member and I will also use time trials to make the teams fair. Second, I will double the minimum wage while offering bonuses-motivation and performance reward. Finally, the third point and no less important than the others, I will add a quota to be met each day per team. Moreover, I will set a specific payment per piece so the additional pieces after the quota will come as a bonus payment. In conclusion, if the quota is met, that means that the job will be done in two weeks instead of six weeks and that I will be successful in my job.

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