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Informal Logic – Same Sex Marriage Outline

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a Most people believe that marriage is a sanctified institution, and should only be between a man and a woman, and that it’s wicked for marriage to exist between same sex couples. I believe marriage should be legal for a man and a woman that truly love each other, with the intentions of wanting to unite their lives together. Should homosexuals be able to marry? I intended to explain my reasons for homosexual and against homosexual marriage. Some people believing that marriage should be between a man and a woman not for homosexuals. The question is should homosexual marriage be allowed?

Reasons against homosexual marriage
It could provide a slippery slope in the legality of marriage (e.g. having multiple wives or marrying an animal could be next). (Messerli, 2011) iIf the idea of marriage goes from a man and a woman to allowing for same sex marriage then what is to stop there. Why would we not allow for the Islamic religion to practice their beliefs and allow for a man and a man only to have multiple wives? Even further why only allow for people of a certain age to be allowed to married? Why not allow for a man or a woman to married into bestiality?

If the purpose of marriage is to raise children, then the question of same-sex marriage comes down to the biology of the sex organs. A man and a woman can have a child, but a woman and a woman, or a man and a man, cannot. Since same-sex couples cannot procreate, they cannot fulfill this basic function of marriage. (Sullivan, 2013) iThe fact stands and cannot be refuted that is the world were to be gay mankind would not exist. A man and another man or a woman and another woman can not in any way procreate. It is physically impossible for this to happen and to existence of human on earth would end. So why would we as humans allow for some to practice an action that could be devastating to the human race.

Perhaps the most controversial argument that the defenders make is that the institution itself would be harmed if it were opened to same-sex couples. (Denniston, 2012) iSame sex marriage Dose not fall into religious belief in any way by any religion.

In 1998, President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), stating that same-sex couples would not be eligible for federal benefits. (Johnson) iIf we allow federal benefits to same sex marriage then we are going against what the majority of the American population believes in and to federally fund a program for this would not be what the country’s voters wish to spend heterosexual funds on.

Reasons in support of gay marriage
aIn countries where same-sex marriage has been legalized–Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, and Spain–the rate of heterosexual marriage stability has either gone up, remained stable, or declined consistent with other countries in the region that do not recognize same-sex marriage. (Head, 2006) iSame sex marriage does not affect the heterosexual marriage rate.

Same sex couples can teach heterosexual couples how couples in relationships lacking gender based power dynamics often solve problems and make decisions with more respect and mutuality. (Gourguechon, 2012) iIn some instances same sex couples look at issues differently than heterosexual couples do. This could be used as a form of counseling.

Marriage existed before Church and state. Therefore, “Neither Church nor state invented marriage, and neither can change its nature.” (Huizenga, 2012) iMarriage came first without restrictions or guidance from state of the Church. To try and say the either should have an influence on marriage after the fact of inception is not acceptable.

Same sex marriage a very controversial topic that has been around for quite some time. Even if the United States government were to make a ruling tomorrow that allowed for same sex marriage through the United States of America there would be quite a rebuttal by many of the countries people. The US government has to try and please the majority of the voters for approval and re-election. The majority of Americans today believe marriage is to be between a man and a woman. Not same sexes. Marriage was initially intended for a man and a woman who are in love with one another, individual who wish to unite as one. People are contemplating, Should homosexuals be able to marry? I stated different pros and cons to each side of the question of, Should homosexuals be able to marry? Some people believing that marriage should be between a man and a woman not for homosexuals. The question is and will be for eternity, should homosexual marriage be allowed?


Denniston, L. (2012, November 29). http://www.businessinsider.com. Retrieved from Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-legal-case-against-gay-marriage-2012-11 Gourguechon, P. (2012, May 10). Psychology Today. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/psychoanalytic-excavation/201205/ten-reasons-support-gay-marriage Head, T. (2006, June 1). About.com. Retrieved from About.com Civilliberty: http://civilliberty.about.com/od/gendersexuality/a/marriageamend.htm Huizenga, L. (2012, August 9). First things. Retrieved from http://www.firstthings.com: http://www.firstthings.com/onthesquare/2012/08/opposing-gay-marriage-is-rational-not-religious Johnson, R. (n.d.). http://gaylife.about.com. Retrieved from Gaylife: http://gaylife.about.com/cs/gaymarriage/i/doma.htm Messerli, J. (2011, November 19). Balanced Politics.org. Retrieved January 13, 2012, from http://www.balancedpolitics.org: http://www.balancedpolitics.org/same_sex_marriages.htm Sullivan, A. (2013, January 13). Arguing Equality. Retrieved from http://www.arguingequality.org: http://www.arguingequality.org/chapter5.htm

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