Indonesia Tourism in the Eyes of International

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Order Now1.1.The Background of the Study
Visit Indonesia campaign as an effort to make Indonesia as world’s priority holiday destination has been done since 2008 now its called Wonderful Indonesia. Prior to that campaign, government has tried many stategies in promoting Indonesia to the eyes of international. Still, Indonesia has not been able to be on the top ten of world’s choice holiday destination. This fact is the base of why a research on indonesia’s tourism is done.
Asian Info reported that tourist promotion campaigns have been staged through Indonesia’s Seven Tourism Promotion Centers (P3I) abroad, in Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney, London and Taipei. Since 1989 the Indonesia Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPI) developed new markets and improved promotion programs.
It is also reported that tourism in Indonesia is being developed through two main programs, covering tourism and tourism products. There are five supporting programs: control of environmental pollution, education, training and tourism guidance; tourism research and development; tourism infrastructure development; and the supervision and development of arts and culture.
It is announced that the target for tourism was set in 6.5 million foreign tourists with US$9 billion in foreign exchange. Meanwhile 84.2 million domestic tourists were expected to spend nine (9) trillion rupiahs. Through various activities, tourism is expected to generate 900.000 new job opportunities.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia stated that tourism has been an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of its foreigner exchange revenues. In 2008, the number of international tourists reached over 6 million people who spent more than 7 billion US dollars. Both nature and culture have been major components of Indonesian tourism. The natural heritage can boast a unique combination of a vast archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, the second longest shoreline in the world, and a tropical climate. The beaches in Bali, diving sites in Bunaken and various national parks in Sumatra are just a few examples of popular scenic destinations. These natural attractions have complemented by a rich cultural heritage that reflects Indonesia’s dynamic history and ethnic diversity. One fact that exemplifies this richness is that over 350 languages are used across the archipelago.ThePrambanan and Borobudurtemples, Toraja, Yogyakarta, Minangkabau, and of course Bali, with its many Hindu festivities, are some of the popular destinations for cultural tourism.
It is also reported that tourism in Indonesia is currently overseen by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. International tourism campaigns have been focusing largely on its tropical destinations with white sand beaches, blue sky, and cultural attractions. Beach resorts and hotels have been developed in some popular tourist destinations, especially Bali Island as the main destination. At the same time, the integration of cultural affairs and tourism under the scope of the same ministry shows that cultural tourism has considered an integral part of Indonesia’s tourism industry, and conversely, that tourism is used to promote and preserve the cultural heritage.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia stated some of the challenges Indonesia’s tourism industry has to face include the development of infrastructure to support tourism across the sprawling archipelago, incursions of the industry into local traditions (adat), and the impact of tourism development on the life of local people. Tourism industry in Indonesia has also faced setbacks due to problems related to security. Since 2002, warnings have been issued by some countries over terrorist threats and ethnic/religious conflicts in some areas, significantly reducing the number of foreign visitors for a few years. However, the number of international tourists has bounced back positively since 2007, and reached a new record in 2008.
1.2.The Problem Statement
This study is based on the following problem statements:
1.What potential points owned by Indonesia tourism?
2.How foreign tourists think about Indonesia tourism?
3.What attract foreign tourist to come to Indonesia?
4.What is the foreign tourists’ favorite destination in Indonesia?
5.What has the government done to promote Indonesia as world’s priority tourist destination?
1.3.Delimitation of the Study
This study is limited to discussIndonesia in the eyes of foreign tourists. The discussion will cover what foreign tourist think about Indonesia as a country and Indonesia as a tourist destination, what is their favorite holiday destination in Indonesia, why they choose Indonesia as their holiday destination, What the government has done to promote Indonesia as tourist destination, What points need to be improving in Indonesia to fulfilling the foreign tourist needs;such as hotels, airport, public toilets, public transportations, etc.
1.4.The scope of the Study
This study will be discussed based on tourism context. Library research, Internet research, ananalysis on secondary data will be done to seek answers of the problem statements.
A library research and Internet research will be done to find data, information, facts, issue, as well as problems about Indonesia tourism. A secondary data, research in finding data of foreign tourist who had visited Indonesia and the most visited area is done.
1.5.The Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to fulfill one of the recruitments to pass 9th grade in Madania Junior High.
This study is aimed to help Indonesia develop and get the “devisanegara” from tourism.It is expected later on it will be beneficial to the government of Indonesia, Department of Tourism and Culture.
The result of this research, hopefully will be beneficial to support the department of tourism and culture in promoting indonesia as the world top destination.`
2.1.Discover Indonesia
The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed. Straddling the equator, situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, it is as wide as the United States from San Francisco to New York, equaling the distance between London and Moscow. Indonesia has a total population of more than 230 million people from more than 200 ethnic groups and there are more than 350 languages spoken. The national language is Bahasa Indonesia.
Among the most well known islands are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (formerly Borneo), Sulawesi (formerly Celebes), the Maluku Islands (or better known as Moluccas, the original Spice Islands) and Papua. Then, there is Bali “the world’s best island resort” with its enchanting culture, beaches, dynamic dances and music. But Indonesia still has many unexplored islands with grand mountain views, green rainforests to trek through, rolling waves to surf and deep blue pristine seas to dive in where one can swim with dugongs, dolphins and large mantarays.
Because of her location, and geography, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscape, from fertile ricelands on Java and Bali to the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, to the savannah grasslands of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped peaks of West Papua.
Indonesia wildlife ranges from the prehistoric giant Komodo lizard to the Orang Utan and the Java rhino, to the Sulawesi anoa dwarf buffalos, to birds with exquisite plumage like the cockatoo and the bird of paradise. This is also the habitat of the Rafflesia the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an amazing variety of spices, and aromatic hardwood and a large variety of fruit trees. Underwater, scientists have found in North Sulawesi the prehistoric coelacanth fish, a “living fossil” fish, predating the dinosaurs living some 400 million years ago, while whales migrate yearly through these waters from the South Pole. Here are hundreds of species of colourful coral and tropical fish to admire.
Culturally, Indonesia fascinates with her rich diversity of ancient temples, music, ranging from the traditional to modern pop, dances, rituals and ways of life, changing from island to island, from region to region. Yet everywhere the visitor feels welcomed with that warm, gracious innate friendliness of the Indonesian people that is not easily forgotten.
Facilities-wise Indonesia’s hotels are second to none. In fact, many of our luxurious and unique hotels have constantly been listed as some of the best in the world, located on white sandy beaches, overlooking green river valleys, or situated in the heart of busy capital Jakarta. While Indonesia’s cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, or Makassar are a hive of activities for business and leisure and a paradise for shoppers, offering upscale boutiques selling top brand names, to local goods at road-side stalls. Here gourmets can treat themselves to the many regions’ delectable spicy cuisine or dine sumptuously at international restaurants. And for sheer relaxation, Indonesia Spas are second to none to reinvigorate both body and mind.
Convention centers are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, as many top international conferences and exhibitions are held in Jakarta, Bali to Manado, ranging from the Global Climate Change Conference in Bali to the World Ocean Conference in Manado , to trade and investment exhibitions and tourism trade shows in many provincial capital cities.
Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Padang, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar are connected by direct international flights, and many regular and low cost carriers fly passengers to Indonesia’s towns or remote locations.
2.2 Travelling In Indonesia
It’s never been easier to travel to Indonesia with a number of airlines flying direct to Denpasar (Bali) from all Australian capital cities. Garuda Indonesia and Qantas also provide direct flights to Indonesia’s capital city Jakarta on selected days.
Many Australians choose to stay in Bali however it is important to remember that Bali is only one island of over 17,000! With over 100 airports spread across the archipelago, it is easy to fly from Bali to one of the many surrounding island paradises.
Indonesia’s transport system has been shaped over time by the economic resource base of an archipelago with thousands of islands, and the distribution of its more than 200 million people highly concentrated on a single island which is Java.
All transport modes play a role in the country’s transport system and are generally complementary rather than competitive. Road transport is predominant, with a total system length of 437,759 km in 2008. The railway system has four unconnected networks in Java and Sumatra primarily dedicated to transport bulk commodities and long-distance passenger traffic. Sea transport is extremely important for economic integration and for domestic and foreign trade. It is well developed, with each of the major islands having at least one significant port city. The role of inland waterways is relatively minor and is limited to certain areas of Eastern Sumatra and Kalimantan. The function of air transport is significant, particularly where land or water transport is deficient or non-existent. It is based on an extensive domestic airline network where all major cities can be reached by passenger plane.
2.3.1. Air Transportation
The largest airports in Indonesia are Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar (Bali), Medan, Makassar and Yogyakarta. The following airports have international connections:Balikpapan, Bandung, Batam, Denpasar, Jakarta, Kupang, Makassar, Manado, Mataram (Lombok), Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Yogyakarta.
An airport tax of between 75,000 IDR and 150,000 IDR is required to be paid to airport authorities for travellers departing on internatinal routes. A tax of between 25,000 IDR and 50,000 IDR is payable for travellers departing on domestic routes within Indonesia.
•Garuda Indonesia International is Indonesia’s national carrier and offers a large number of flights to/ from the capital Jakarta or Denpasar, Bali to the rest of Asia, Australia and the Middle East. The carrier offers also non stop flights from Medan, Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta to regional destinations in Southeast Asia.
•Merpati is Indonesia’s largest domestic carrier with a few regional flights to Malaysia and Singapore.
•Lion Air is Indonesia’s largest low fare airline with regional flights to Malaysia and Singapore.
•Major international airlines such as Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, Emirates, Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, Malaysia Airlines, Royal Brunei, Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines or Japan Airlines have regularly scheduled flights to Jakarta and Denpasar.
2.3.2.Water Transportation
It is possible to arrive by boat to Indonesia, with most visitors crossing by fast ferry (30 minutes) from Singapore to Batam in Riau Province. They are 17 International entry seaports in the country. As an example, there are 5 international seaports just on Batam island, across from Singapore. The rest of Sumatra has 8 international seaports, Sulawesi 3 ports, Java and Bali 2 ports, Flores 1, West Timor 1 and Papua 1.
Visitors to Indonesia can also travel by boat between the islands. For example, ferrys travel daily from Benoa Harbour in Bali to Lombok, the Gili Isalnds and Lembongan Island.
2.3.3.Land Transportation
For travellers with more time, Indonesia has also an extensive train network linking cities on Java Island and a small rail network in Sumatra. Buses assure road services between all cities throughout the country as well as boats and ferries for inter-island services. When in Indonesia, ask a travel agent or your hotel for more details regarding types of train and bus services available, schedules, and costs. It is a great way to see the country like a local! Railways
Most railways in Indonesia are on Java, which has two major rail lines that run the length of the island, as well as several minor lines. Passenger and freight service runs on all of the lines. There is also commuter rail service in the Jakarta metropolitan area, known as KRL Jabotabek and Surabaya and the vicinities. In 2008, the government under PT Kereta Api and Angkasa Pura planned to built the airport railway from Soekarno-Hatta Airport to Manggarai (Jakarta). A monorail mass transit system is under construction in Jakarta. The only other areas in Indonesia having railroads are three separate regions of Sumatra, one in the north around Medan, second in the West Sumatra from Pariaman to Padang and the other in the southern trip, from Lubuk Linggau (South Sumatra) to Bandar Lampung, (Lampung). In 2010, the island of Kalimantan is to get a 122km long railway for the transport of coal. Roads and Highway
A wide variety of vehicles are used for transportation on Indonesia’s roads. Bus services are available in most areas connected to the road network. Between major cities, especially on Sumatra, Java, and Bali, services are frequent and direct; many services are available with no stops until the final destination. In more remote areas, and between smaller towns, most services are provided with minibuses or minivans (angkut). Buses and vans are also the primary form of transportation within cities. Often, these are operated as share taxis, running semi-fixed routes.
Many cities and towns have some form of transportation for hire available as well, such as taxis, bus rapid transit system (such as TransJakarta), and motorized autorickshaws (bajaj). Cycle rickshaws, called becak in Indonesia, are common in many cities, and provide an inexpensive form of in-town transportation. They have been blamed for causing traffic congestion and banned from most parts of central Jakarta. Horse-drawn carts are found in some cities and towns.
Due to the increasing purchasing power of Indonesians, private cars are becoming more common especially in major cities. However the growth of the number of cars increasingly outpaces the construction of new roads, resulting in frequently crippling traffic jams in large parts in major cities especially in Jakarta, which often also happen on highways. The AH2 highway is one of Indonesia’s main highways. The other one is AH25 in Sumatra.
Indonesia has about 213,649 km of paved highways and about 154,711 km of unpaved highways (As of 2002 estimate). Indonesia has some highways, some of them are National Routes (25, currently only in Java), and some of them are freeways. All the freeways are tolled (toll road). The most expensive is the Cipularang Toll road that connects Jakarta and Bandung.
Over the last decade, many international chains invested and continue to invest in Indonesia as a sign of confidence for the tourism potential of the country. Hotels in Indonesia have even set trends over the world. The luxurious “Balinese style” with its intensive use of precious wood, its combination of natural material like cotton or rattan, its balanced integration of art pieces and its refined spa experience has spread to the rest of the world. Bali today continues to set trends in the industry with some of the most lavish hotels on earth. Travellers will however find more and more unique properties in other parts of Indonesia. Tourist will find a selection of hotels which are exceptional in any standards.
Jakarta: trendy living at affordable prices
If you expect the best of international chains, they are all there in Jakarta: Hilton, Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental, Meridien, Kempinski, Nikko, Shangri-La or Sheraton and more… However, one of the new emerging markets is today boutique design hotels. Two properties are a must for trendy urbanites: the Alila Jakarta is a haven of relaxation and contemporary style with its minimalist modern lines and its collection of art. All the rooms are large, well lighted and equipped with free internet access. And surprisingly, rates start as little as US$ 90 for this four-stars property, a great bargain! For budget conscious but trendy travellers, the Sparks hotel is a new option. The eight-storey building has been designed as a three-star boutique hotel in modern “youthful” architecture, located in the heart of Chinatown. Travellers can even choose the colour of their rooms in three different shades (blue, green or purple) and will enjoy the funky bathroom! Prices start from US$ 60…
Yogyakarta: living like a Sultan
The development of Yogyakarta and its region has a major tourist destination ignited a boom of boutique hotels offering extraordinary experiences to travellers. The hotel “Rumah Semang », 20 minutes away from the city centre, is a former Javanese Palace dating back to the XVIII° century and reconverted into an exclusive boutique hotel surrounded by a traditional garden. Only six rooms are available to experience the life of a Royalty!
An hour and a half away from Yogyakarta, stay in the midst of a coffee plantation at the Losari Coffee Plantation Resort and Spa, surrounded by a tropical garden and facing eight volcanoes. 26 deluxe villas build in traditional Javanese style with antique furniture surround a magnificent colonial house, which used to be the property of the coffee plantation owner. Antique furniture equips each of the villa and special spa products are available in the bathroom. An octagonal swimming pool with surrounding terrace, part of a Hammam complex, is the perfect spot to admire the amazing mountain scenery. The Java Green Restaurant proposes a healthy lunch card featuring ingredients from Losari’s own organic gardens.
Closer to Borobudur, relax your mind facing in exclusivity the beauty of the majestic temple at the Amanjiwo. Opened in 1997, the limestone-made resort reproduces the layout of the Borobudur temple with its central dome reminiscent of a stupa. The hotel has 36 suites set in pavillion with 15 having their own swimming pool. Swimming , relaxing and facing a sunset over one of the most beautiful buddhist monument in the world is not anymore a dream…
East Java: recalling the past
For nostalgic travellers of a by-gone era, East Java offers colonial style hotels. In Surabaya, the Mandarin Oriental Majapahit is a landmark and symbol of the wealth of Indonesia’s second city and has been delighting guests for almost a century. With its white arcades, its opulent art deco rooms, its interior gardens, the hotel is a living memory.
An hour and a half away by road, Malang, nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, used to be the cool retreat during the summer for retired Dutch planters, civil servants and wealthy residents of Surabaya. The city is the perfect host to the Tugu Malang hotel. The property looks like a museum as it is home of one of the finest antiques collection in the country with some of its objects regularly exposed at the National Museum in Jakarta. In this quiet atmosphere, guests of the Tugu Malang can enjoy the beauty and serenity of their rooms, all furnished with authentic antics following a classical style. One of the hightime at the hotel occurs in the afternoon when old ladies pour special blend Javanese coffee to guests accompanied by traditional Javanese cakes made in the hotel’s own bakery.
Bali: spiritual living
In the Island of Gods, the Conrad Bali Resort and Spa on Tanjung Benoa Beach is a haven of high style and luxury, a soulful blend of contemporary Balinese sense of harmony and serenity. Here travellers experience the art of living according to the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. This concept takes its root in the principles of a quest for harmony and balanced relations between the Humans and God, the Humans and their environment and among Humans themselves. The Conrad Bali will plunge the visitor into a world of smiles, with people that are refreshingly natural in their approach and genuinely friendly. The Spa uses traditional Balinese products in a refined atmosphere.
In the heights of Ubud Village, the Maya Ubud Resort and Spa offers a singular unexpected experience. The hotel location is already an amazing discovery: The Maya Ubud Resort is set in 10 hectares of hillside gardens, stretching 780 metres, high above two river valleys. The elegant and peaceful retreat is the place to enjoy Bali in all of its diverse activities: learn to cook Balinese, lift your spirit with the Reiki, an ancient system of Natural Healing, relaxed with your beloved in a private spa pavilion located beside the swirling waters of the Petanu river, have a private bicycle ride in surrounding villages. Plunge into the two pools set amidst the forest green, overhanging the river valley and at the riverside. It is then easy to forget that any world exists outside of Maya Ubud.
Lombok, living in a village
The Lombok’s Novotel Coralia is an impressive architectural masterpiece built in the style of a traditional Sasak village, one of the ethnics living in Lombok. The magnificent property stays on the shores of a crystal blue lagoon. The hotel is surrounded by tropical gardens where bungalows are located. The hotel has also traditional rooms decorated with coconut wood.
Sumbawa, living in luxury under tents
It might be a remote area from East Indonesia but the Amanwana in Sumbawa Besar, West Sumbawa, is one of the most stunning hotels in the country. Built like a nature camp, the hotel is located in a secluded cove on the island’s west coast surrounded by tropical forests. The hotel has 20 luxury tents offering the most comfortable stay with air conditioning, king size bed, a large bathroom, all decorated with exquisite pieces of Indonesian art. A restaurant and bar are located in an open air pavilion facing the sea. Guests have the possibility to explore the island and practice snorkelling and windsurfing.
2.5.Best Of Indonesia
Lake Toba is Southeast Asia’s largest lake surrounded by amazing landscapes composed of cliffs, hills and waterfalls. Batak people live in wooden houses richly painted and shaped like boats.
Bukittinggi and the Minangkabau Highlands are home to one of the most intriguing Indonesian ethnics in West Sumatra. In lush landscapes, visitors can admire finely sculpted wooden houses crowned by buffalo-shaped roofs, some of them over 300 years old. Minangkabau people is a devoted Muslim society, where women play however a pivotal role in daily life.
Jakarta’s old town is one of the best preserved in Indonesia around Fatahillah Square, where the first house of the Dutch governor has been converted into the Jakarta History Museum. On the west side of the square, the Wayang Museum displays a fine collection of puppets from Indonesia and the rest of the world. Do not miss in Jakarta the National Museum for its outstanding art collections, Jalan Surabaya for its antique dealers shops, the great view from the top of the National Monument (Monas) and Taman Mini Indonesia, a theme park presenting all the various Indonesian islands.
Bandung, the capital city of West Java is either dubbed the “Parijs van Java” or an Asian “Miami Beach” because of its impressive collection of Art Deco buildings. Promised to be the new capital city of Dutch-ruled Indonesia, Bandung has striking examples of western inspired architecture. Not to be missed, the Asia-Africa Street with its fine 1930s-style hotels and the building which hosted the famous summit in 1955 as well as the “Gedung Sate”, an imposing structure in pure Art Deco style. Do not miss the view on Bandung from the top of the tower !
Yogyakarta is considered as the cultural cradle of Java. The city still has within its premises the Royal Palace (Keraton), an old town with small traditional Javanese houses which host numerous batik workshops as well as the magnificent Taman Sari (Water Castle) complex, a century old royal spa. It also has easy access to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko. There is magnificent natural beauty nearby as well in the mountains and sea.
The ancient city of Yogyakarta has been able to preserve centuries-old traditions under the rule of its Sultan. Today, it increasingly becomes a primary tourist destination with a sophisticated offer as well as a gateway to Central and East Java.
Yogyakarta is a “must” for any visitors to Indonesia and especially to Java. This city – with almost a million inhabitants- is located in the centre of Java island, half-way between Jakarta and Bandung in the west and Surabaya in the east. Considered by all Indonesians as one of their most historical cities, Yogyakarta is indeed the cradle of the Javanese culture. The town still today bears the testimony of the refined art and handicraft skills of Javanese people. Batik workshops, puppeteers, interpreters of Javanese classical dances, wood carvers, the people of Yogyakarta continue to maintain centuries-old traditions alive.
Yogyakarta’s symbol of its everlasting traditions is certainly the magnificent Keraton, the Sultan’s palace in the heart of the city. the. In contrary to other Indonesian Sultans, who mostly play an honorific role today, Hamengku Buwono X, ruling Sultan of Yogyakarta is still a well-known figure of Indonesia’s political life. The Sultan presides in fact over the destiny of Yogyakarta as the elected Governor of the Province. As such, he has large powers to implement economic, social and tourism reforms in his city. His residence, the Royal Keraton, belongs to the favourite attractions among visitors, who can learn more about the life and customs of Yogyakarta. Classical dance shows are regularly performed within the Keraton compound.
Yogyakarta has many other wonderful sites to discover: the bird market, old Javanese mansions, batik factories and the Water Palace (Taman Sari), a unique architectural “spa” ensemble from the XVIII° century and part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Yogyakarta is also the gateway to two of the most magnificent temple complexes of Southeast Asia : Borobodur and Prambanan -both on the UNESCO World Heritage List- tell about a time where Hinduism and Buddhism were dominant in the Javanese kingdoms. Even today, the unique blend of Hindu, Buddhist and Islam religions continues to impregnate Yogyakarta’s way of life. For the visitors, the Yogyakarta Tourism Development Board proposes special meditations tours during the sunrise at Borobodur temple or spectacular Ramayana performances in front of Prambanan temple.
Tourism seen as an important economic factor
Yogyakarta is today one of Java largest city with a population of some 900,000 inhabitants is an important economic and education centre. However, priority has been given by the current Sultan to the development of tourism and infrastructures. Over the last five years, the city opened the Jogja Expo Centre (JEC) and currently works on its expansion with a new five-stars hotel as well as a conference centre. New hotels of major international chains, the upgrading of the airport with the construction of a new terminal are some of the initiatives fostered by the Sultan of Yogyakarta.
In 2004, the city recorded 103,000 international visitors in hotel accommodation and some 600,000 from domestic visitors. The target is to welcome a million international visitors by 2010 and a similar number of domestic travellers. In terms of hotel capacity, Yogyakarta has today a total 9,500 rooms of which 3,500 are classified from two to five stars.
The city is confident to become with Bali and Jakarta one of Indonesia’s major tourism hub. The opening of the airport to international flights last year already makes the city easily accessible. Today, Yogyakarta is directly served from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and more international destinations should be added once the new terminal completed and the runway extended for long haul flights in 2006.
Yogyakarta’s commitment to be a new gateway to Indonesia is more than ever true as the city has hosted in 2004 and 2005 TIME at the Jogja Expo Centre, the country’s largest inbound travel show. The event has been organized for 11 years by the Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board (ITPB) with the support from the entire tourism industry in Indonesia attracting each time over 100 buyers from all over the world and some 150 sellers from all Indonesia.
Borobudur and Prambanan, the two magnificent temples are both listed on Unesco’s World Heritage List. Borobudur, built between 778 and 856 is the world’s largest Buddhist monument and is surrounded by volcanoes. It is worth a visit at any time but particularly at sunrise. Prambanan dates from 856 and is Southeast Asia’s largest Hinduism temple with outstanding bas-reliefs. Ramayana performances are hosted for visitors at dawn. Non-stop domestic and limited international flights from Yogyakarta and Solo (Central Java)
Mount Bromo. Two hours away from Malang in East Java stands the majestic Bromo mountain surrounded by paddy fields and fruit plantations in East Java. Visitors will enjoy a magical sunrise at the volcano with its various shades of colours. Accessing the crater is possible with small mountain horses. Nearby, Malang is a delightful Art Deco city with old bakeries and an interesting birds market. Non-stop domestic and international flights from/to Surabaya (East Java)
Ubud. This village is known as a retreat for artists since the 30’s and is now a famed resort destination. Old houses and palaces, temples stand next to discreet boutique hotels, all bearing a distinctive Balinese style and surrounding by paddy fields.
Non-stop domestic and international flights from Denpasar (Bali)
Tanah Lot. Bali most famous Hindu temple is a delicate structure built on a top of a large rock facing the sea. At high tide, the temple is surrounded by the sea but at other times, visitors have an access to this sacred site. It is best to view in the sunset. Non-stop domestic and international flights from Denpasar (Bali)
East Indonesia
The Mount Kelimutu is located a few hours from Ende, Flores island main city. It is the most visited natural wonder in the island as the mountain is topped by three crater lakes, separated by thin ridges and showing each a different colour. The largest lake is turquoise, the next one olive green and the third black. The colours vary over the time. Direct flights Bali-Maumere and Surabaya-Maumere (Flores)
The Toraja Highland in South Sulawesi (Celebes) has some of Indonesia’s most spectacular landscapes. Elaborated houses with long roofs form typical villages nestled in valleys and surrounded by paddy fields. Strange tombs with sculpted wooden effigies representing deceased people can be observed. Non-stop domestic flights from/to Makassar (South Sulawesi)
Bunaken National Park in North Sulawesi (Celebes) is one of the most spectacular snorkelling and diving area in the world with large coral reef populated by a rich maritime life. Non-stop domestic and limited international flights from Manado (North Sulawesi)
2.3 What is Visit Indonesia
Visit Indonesia is a campaign to support tourism in indonesia to increase tourist from around the world to come to indonesia. It was establish on 2008 with a slogan “Celebrating 100 years of National Awekening”.
-Visit Indonesia Year 2008
The Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, declared 2008 as a Visit Indonesia Year. Visit Indonesia Year 2008 was officially launched on 26 December 2007. The figure of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 branding took the concept of Garuda Pancasila as the Indonesian way of life. The 5 components of pancasila were represented by 5 different colored lines and symbolized the Indonesian Unity in Diversity. The targeted number was 7 million. Visit Indonesia Year 2008 was also commemorating 100 years of Indonesia’s national awakening in 1908.
-Visit Indonesia Year 2009
TIME 2009 was held at Santosa Villas & Resort in Senggigi on the west coast Of Lombok NTB. Entering its 16th years of conduct, TIME 2009 was organised by the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (ITPB) and received the support of a wide number of tourism participants in Indonesia. TIME 2009 attracted 127 Buyers from 25 countries. The top five buyers were from Korea, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, and the Netherlands. TIME 2009 also attracted a total of 250 delegates of Sellers from 97 companies of Indonesia occupying 84 booths at the Exhibition. Sellers came from 15 provinces dominated by West Nusa Tenggara, Jakarta, Bali, Central Java, and East Kalimantan as top five Sellers. The percentage of Sellers based on industry was Hotel, Resort & Spa (75%), NTO (10%), Tour Operator/Travel Agent (7%), Adventure/Activity Holiday (3%), Airline (1.5%), and Others (Hotel Management, Tourism Board, Tourism Organization & Travel Portal (8.5%). Amidst current global financial crisis, TIME 2009 booked an estimated of transaction of USD 17.48 million, or increasing 15% from the previous TIME held in Makassar, South Sulawesi in 2008.
-Visit Indonesia Year 2010
Following the hosting on the island of Lombok in 2009 the event was again hosted in Lombok-Sumbawa on 12–15 October 2010 at Santosa Villas & Resort in Senggigi on the west coast of Lombok. Entering its 16th years, TIME is organized by the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (ITPB) and supported by a wide number of tourism participants in Indonesia. TIME 2010 was supported by the travel and tourism industry in Indonesia, including the Ministry of Culture & Tourism, the Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara Culture & Tourism Office, Lombok Sumbawa Promo, Garuda Indonesia as Official Airlines, other supporting airlines , Indonesia National Air Carriers Association (INACA), Board of Airline Representatives Indonesia (BARINDO), Association of Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies (ASITA), Indonesia Hotels and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Indonesian Conference and Convention Association (INCCA), Pacto Convex as the event organizer, supported by national and international media. Lombok and Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara have set a target of wooing one million tourists to visit the islands by 2012.
2.4 Statistic
Indonesian Tourism Statistics
YearInternational visitorsAverage stay (days)
20025,033 4009.79
Based on Wikipedia Encyclopedia over the five years up to 2006, attention has been focused on generating more domestic tourism. Competition amongst budget airlines has increased the number of domestic air travellers throughout the country. Recently, the Ministry of Labour legislated to create long weekends by combining public holidays that fall close to weekends, except in the case of important religious holidays. During these long weekends, most hotels in popular destinations are fully booked.
Since 2000, on average, there have been five million foreign tourists each year (see table), who spend an average of US$100 per day. With an average visit duration of 9–12 days, Indonesia gains US$4.6 billion of foreign exchange income annually. This makes tourism Indonesia’s third most important non-oil–gas source of foreign revenue, after timber and textile products.
Three quarters of Indonesia’s visitors come from the Asia-Pacific region, with Singapore and Australia among the top countries of origin. The United Kingdom, France, and Germany are the largest sources of European visitors. Although Dutch visitors are at least in part keen to explore the historical relationships, many European visitors are seeking the tropical weather at the beaches in Bali.
Around 59% of all visitors are traveling to Indonesia for holiday, while 38% for business purposes.
In 2005, tourism accounted for 7% of job opportunities and 5% of Indonesian GDP. In January 2010 the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa was reported as announcing that he expected “the tourism sector to contribute 4.8 percent of the gross domestic product” in the 2010 year.
2.6 Threats To The Tourism Industry
The initial terrorist attack was the 2002 Bali bombing. This was a major blow to Indonesia’s tourism industry. A series of travel warnings were issued by a number of countries. Subsequently, the rate of tourism in Bali decreased by 32%. After this 2002 attack, the following 3 years also suffered 3 major terrorist bombings: the 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing, the 2004 Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, and a second bombing in Bali. Fortunately in 2008, no major terrorist attack occurred since 2005, and the United States Government lifted its warning against travel to Indonesia. In 2006, 227,000 Australians visited Indonesia, and in 2007, this tourist rate continued to rise with a recorded 314,000 tourists entering Indonesia.
An outbreak of bird flu throughout the country has affected the numbers of foreign visitors. As of 2006, the outbreak had killed at least 46 people since 2005, making Indonesia the country with the highest death-toll from the recent epidemic. However, since the disease has not yet been proven to mutate into a form that can transfer from human to human, the U.S. embassy, for example, has not yet issued a travel warning regarding the outbreak.
Another major threat to the tourism industry are sectarian and separatist conflicts in Indonesia. Papua is still affected by Papuan separatism, while Maluku and Central Sulawesi have suffered in recent years from serious sectarian conflicts. Conversely, decades of separatism-related violence in Aceh ended in 2005 with the signing of a peace agreement between the Indonesia Government and the Free Aceh Movement.
In 2008, the U.S. government lifted their travel warning on Indonesia.
Travel Warnings
Australia2006-08-21All IndonesiaTerrorist threats
UK2006-08-21All IndonesiaTerrorist threats
Central Sulawesi, Aceh
Regional conflicts
2.7 World Tourism Rangking*
RankCountryInternational tourist arrivals
1 France
74.2 million
2 United States
54.9 million
3 Spain
52.2 million
4 China
50.9 million
5 Italy
43.2 million
6 United Kingdom
28.0 million
7 Turkey
25.5 million
8 Germany
24.2 million
9 Malaysia
23.6 million
10 Mexico
21.5 million
37 Indonesia
6.5 million
*Based of Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2009
3.1. Media
3.1.1. Issues
Issues: ‘Indonesia’s tourism — a national tragedy’ an article by The Jakarta Post
Indonesian Senior Statesman Makes a Critical Appraisal the Development of National Tourism.
(1/25/2010) Anak Agung Gede Agung is one of Indonesia’s most distinguished and well-informed senior statesmen. He is a graduate of Harvard and Leiden universities. He as attended the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in the United States and served as social services minister during the administration of President Abdurrahman Wahid.
The following article is reprinted from The Jakarta Post.
Indonesian Tourism – a National Tragedy New York Times Holiday in Hell: Bali’s Ongoing Woes
Bali is still reeling from an April 9 Time magazine article by Andrew Marshall called “Holidays in Hell: Bali’s Ongoing Woes.” In the article, Marshall claims that water shortages, blackouts, garbage, sewage, traffic congestion and a rising crime rate are ruining the tourist paradise. New York Times: Bali, Best Hangover Cure
3.2 Testimonial
Respondent : Schnorkel
Source: Jakarta Post
“There is much natural beauty in Indonesia. Unfortunately white, sandy beaches are often spotted with broken light bulbs, floating slippers and instant noodle wrappers. This is something that many Indonesians have become accustomed to, but which puts off and frustrates many foreign tourists.”
Respondent: Barry Accot
Source : Jakarta Post
“The author has mentioned some real treasures of tourism destinations in Indonesia. Many other gems can be found on most islands of the archipelago.
The potential for tourism in Indonesia is definitely untapped. A few attributes needed are imagination, innovation, cooperation and coordination between the minister and the provinces.”
Respondent: Simon Bardshaw
Source: Jakarta Post
“Well said. Some very valid points brought up, and more importantly some solutions. Too often we see people complaining, but offering no solutions to help out.”
Respondent: Sarah
Source: Jakarta Post
“I have been to Indonesia six times over the past 35 years, so obviously I love it. But Indonesia is a vast and varied country, and travel can be very slow. I wish it was possible to get (or extend) a tourist visa for three months, as many of its neighbors offer.If I like an area, I want to stay there for more than a couple of nights so I can explore the area and make friends. I’ve wanted to go on treks that can take several days, but couldn’t squeeze them in with the time restrictions on the visa. It’s a very long and expensive journey just to get there from the US.I’ve met many tourists who share my feelings. We’re not all there for just a quick holiday at some expensive resort in Bali.My last trip there was almost three years ago, and I saw a couple of areas where eco-tourism was just starting. That’s a trend that I hope catches on for a lot more of Indonesia. It’s such a fascinating, unique country.”
Respondent: Chad
Source: Jakarta Post
“I fully concur with the comments related to only having 30 days to spend in Indonesia. I have traveled to Indonesia four times since 2000. The first two times I stayed up to the maximum limit of 60 days, and the second two times for the shortened 30-day limit. I absolutely love Indonesia, but tickets to get there are expensive.
I can only travel to Indonesia once every couple of years because of this,
but when I do I spend as much time as I can there.So, thinking financially, the smart thing would be to increase the time limit. I spend US$1,200 on a plane ticket and $1,000 per month there.If the limit was increased 60 days that’s double the amount of money one tourist would bring in. Ninety days and it’s triple.”
Respondent: BK
Source: Jakarta Post
“I love Indoneisa and the Indonesian people. My comments here are meant with all due respect. Travel throughout Indo is painfully slow; outside of Bali the infrastructure just does not exist for the Indonesian people, let alone tourists. Why should a tourist spend 13 hours in a bus while trying to travel less than 1000km? The airpports are a joke too: basic signage is lacking and the petty offials that one encounters look at tourists as some foreign disease. Give an uneducated person a uniform and they seem to feel as if they are an emperor! I’m sorry, but touring through Indo is just not worth it for many of us; if I had 2 months to slowly cruise then I might give it another try. For professional persons with a few weeks of holidays, touring most of Indonesia is a waste of time.”
Respondent: Janice
Source: Jakarta Post
“I’ve spent the last couple of decades traveling to many, many countries. And, in the last 3 years I have visited Indonesia 9 times. It’s not hard to fall in love with the people, food, and culture. But, I’ve come to dread the customs process at Surabaya airport. I’ve never been hassled in Jakarta or Bali. But the agents in Surabaya routinely fish for “gifts” from my suitcases or purse. Perhaps if the government cleaned up the practices of their “welcoming committee” tourists would feel more welcomed in Indonesia.”
Respondent: Myrlene
Source: New York Times
“I am so glad that I was able to spend a month there 15 years ago when it was still beautiful and relatively untouched. I have been longing to go back, but based on this article I don’t think I will even try to go back.”
Bali is (was) wonderful. But don’t be deceived by their adaptation to poverty. Poverty is still hell even in paradise. “
Respondent: Hillary Stew
Source: New York Times
“I used to visit Bali on business 3-4 times a year, and generally had to stay in the KUTA area to be close to the people I had to meet. In my opinion, Kuta Beach is not worth visiting. The water is brown&filled with things like McDonalds cups, plastic bags, trash, and God knows what else. That blue tropical water you looking for won’t be found on Kuta. For that, head to Nusa Lembongan, Eastern Bali, or Gili Islands.”
Respondent: Debra Biron Vogler
Source: New York Times
“Yes there are other places in Bali, the point is these other areas are also being ruined. I was in Amed a few weeks ago. The ocean was disgusting with raw sewage and trash. Ubud is a solid traffic jam of tourist buses filled with clueless tourist waddling around like ducks. Something must be done to stop this out of control development. My heart breaks for my Balinese friends, family and this beautiful island.”
Respondent: Bernard Joseph
Source: New York Times
“Solid Waste Management In The Maldives does work. Why not also in Bali! Bali is still unique but with a waist problem that needs to be solved.
I understand foreigners like Andrew Marshall that they are more sensitive to the waist issue, the traffic and the construction boom than locals in Bali. We have seen it in Europe or the USA so many times what happens to charming resorts in the alps or unique places on the mediterranean sea, turning into ugly concrete holiday industries.”
Respondent: Michael Beer
Source: New York Times
“Get real people and do not lie to yourselves! Bali is on the edge of a big environmental disaster and not only in the South. Just look what happens in the NE (Aimed area). We love our children, but we should not spoil them. We love Bali but we should also accept the blame.”
Respondent: Debra Biron Vogler
Source: New York Times
“I agree with you. Bali is on the edge and it is very disturbing. The ocean around Amed was filled with raw sewage and trash when I was there a few weeks ago.
This cruise ship port and new airport they are proposing is not going to solve anything, but will add more burden to the already over taxed infrastructure of this island. Just wait until the cruise ships start dumping their sewage into the ocean.
And it is not just hotel and resort development but also private villas and residences that are being built everywhere in Bali.”
3.3 Places That Attract Foreign Tourist
Indonesia’s tropical climate and mountainous topography gives it a wide range of highlights; unique flora and fauna, along with some amazing landscapes and scenery.
Lake Toba, North Sumatra
Noteworthy as the world’s largest volcanic lake and one of the largest inland lakes in Asia, it’s surrounded by great views and the very friendly Toba Batak people.
Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten
Home of the increasingly endangered one-horned rhinoceros, and some of the little remaining rainforest in Java.
Mt Bromo, East Java
Indonesia’s most visited volcano, if not it’s most famous. A frequent stopover on the backpacker trail through Java to Bali.
Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan
An eco-tourist destination where you can get up close and personal with some
of Indonesia’s endangered orangutans.
Loksado, South Kalimantan
A protected rainforest where the preferred way to travel is by boat.
Mt Kelimutu, East Nusa Tenggara
Onspiring and similarly noteworthy, a rare combination of three volcanic lakes, each a different colour.
Komodo Island/Natural Park, East Nusa Tenggara
Home to the most well-known of Indonesia’s many uniques creatures.
Lake Sentani, Papua.
Sentani isn’t just home to Jayapura’s airport, but also this lovely and picturesque lake. I know one person with a middle name “Sentani”; his pilot father remembers how much he enjoyed flying over it. Cultural
The people of Indonesia are certainly multi-cultural; they speak 726 different languages, 247 of them in Papua alone. So whether you’re an anthropologist, archaeologist or just interested in learning about different cultures, there is something for everyone in Indonesia.
Borobudur, Yogyakarta.
Indonesia’s most famous and deservedly World Heritage Listed Buddhist temple, visited by David Beckham in 2007 and soon to be visited by the Obamas. It also is regarded as one of the 1000 Places To See Before You Die.
Sukuh Temple, Central Java.
Arguably Central Java’s finest religious monument, near Solo.
Ubud, Bali.
Recently voted Asia’s top city as well as one of the 1000 Places To See Before You Die, Ubud is justifiably popular as a place to relax, learn/appreciate Balinese culture and handicrafts, or just a change of pace from the south of Bali.
Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi.
Home to a unique culture where funerals are the biggest party. It also is regarded as one of the 1000 Places To See Before You Die, and the location of arguably Indonesia’s most unusual postcard.
West Timor, East Nusa Tenggara.
Included in the new edition at the expense of Sumba for its unique culture and bee-hive houses.
Baliem Valley, Papua.
Undiscovered until 1945, it is surrounded by amazing mountain scenery and lots of great hiking opportunities. It also is regarded as one of the 1000 Places To See Before You Die.
Clubbing in Bali and Jakarta.
A somewhat more controversial choice IMHO (as it’s not really unique to Indonesia)… but if that’s your thing, then that’s another way you will also enjoy your time in Indonesia.
Diving and Beaches
These locations are all fantastic, so arguments over which one is the best are futile. Just visit and enjoy as many as you can!
Pulau Weh, Aceh.
Enjoying a revival in tourist numbers.
Batu Karas, West Java.
Near Pangandaran, this volcanic sand beach is a lovely place to sit back and relax. Apparently, it is also a great place to learn to surf.
Bingin beach, Bali.
One of Bali’s many surf beaches, this one is for the more experienced surfer.Gili Islands, Lombok.
Previously noted for its quiet beaches, the Gili Islands offer a respite from reality for a fraction of the cost of some of its peers next door in Bali. You can now travel there direct from Bali by Perama boat.
Pulau Derawan, East Kalimantan.
If it’s Lonely Planet writer M. Cohen’s favourite place in all of Borneo/Kalimantan (including Malaysia and Brunei), then it must be pretty good.
Pulau Bunaken, North Sulawesi.
Forms part of the famous Coral Triangle, and recently hosted an international conference on ocean protection. Former Miss Indonesia and current WWF Marine Conservation Ambassador Nadine Chandrawinata is apparently a fan, after learning to scuba dive there in 2006.
Banda Islands, Maluku.
It has some very nice and quiet beaches, possibly because it can be very difficult to get there in the first place. Apparently, the diving is spectacular too.
Ternate Harbour, North Maluku.
Home to such lovely sea views, which currently adorn the Rp1000 note.
Around Morotai Island, Papua.
The unique attraction of diving here is the many World War 2 relics that still dot the marine landscape. Some really nice beaches too.
Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua.
A new addition to the Highlights of Indonesia this edition, deposing diving in Biak. Again, its relative isolation can be good (conservation and not crowded) or bad (difficult to go there), depending on your viewpoint.
3.4 Potential Points Owned By Indonesia Tourism
Indonesia is the one of the largest countries in the world and is the one with the most number of islands. It is extremely rich in diversity of culture, heritage, and places of interest.
From the far west of Sabang to the far east in Merauke, the country has a variety of culture that is as vast as the color spectrum in a rainbow. Although the majority of the population is Javanese, there are cultures which are simply very different from those of the Javanese as evident in the dialects, architecture, places of interest, and the social etiquettes, to name a few of the aspects. Certainly those are what tourists usually look for and generally are willing to pay for the unique experiences.
Unfortunately, the international community appears to mostly only know the island of the gods, Bali. Interestingly, there are even some who are aware of Bali but are not quite aware that Bali is actually an island, which is part of Indonesia. Hence not surprisingly, the most number of international arrivals in Indonesia are only in both Bali and the capital of the nation itself, Jakarta, far from the optimum.
Despite the vast offerings by Indonesia’s tourism sector, which can potentially generate tens of billions of dollars of foreign exchange reserves for the nation, the true potential remains hidden, even to a large segment of the local population.
A fair amount of effort thus needs to be channeled towards raising Indonesia’s brand, profile in the international arena. A step taken by Indonesia’s investment board in their advertising in Bloomberg channel is encouraging. Something similar to that of “Malaysia – truly Asia” campaign by Indonesia is further needed.
Something innovative and on a serious scale similar to efforts undertaken by the Japan Foundation in promoting the Japanese culture, including even some TV series, can be an interesting move forward.
And practically, a lot more information on Indonesia’s places of interests, activities need to be available in Indonesian consulates and embassies situated all around the world, with different themes showcased at different times or seasons, in as much interesting details as possible.
On the ground itself, a bit of efforts to make things more organized for the tourists are also needed. The last thing tourists want to get is for the locals to chaotically approach them. Something organized like simple elephant shows in Thailand can be a good example. Tourists generally are more than glad to give tips anyway as long as they are satisfied.
If something as simple as that can generate foreign exchange for Thailand, it looks like Indonesia can exceed that without too much difficulty. As the numbers speak for themselves, Indonesia actually has more tourist spots than Thailand, hands down. If only they are developed to full potential, such as the coral reefs in the east, an exceptionally beautiful Lake Toba in the west (Sumatra), and various potential eco-tourism spots, there is actually hardly any SE Asian country that stands much of a chance to compare against such a long list of virtually all very exotic, exciting places to visit. And all of these can be achieved. After all, Bali itself a few decades ago was hardly developed, yet it managed to become a premier tourist destination.
As the efforts start to bear fruit, the international perception of Indonesia will shift from some place on earth regularly portrayed negatively to something interesting worth looking at, and visiting, thus bringing great prosperity to the nation as a whole, all the way down to the local citizen level.
3.5 Programes Supporting Tourism Indonesia
Minister of Culture and Tourism (Minister of Culture) Jero Wacik said the government has four real programs to spark growth in the tourism sector this year is expected to generate foreign exchange of U.S. $ 5.3 billion from the visit of 6 million foreign tourists (tourists).
It is said, the first real program is to intensify tourism promotion, both abroad and within the country. Tourism promotion abroad, among others, participated in the tourism market in various parts of the world, to attract as many foreign tourists visit this year’s target of 6 million visits. While the campaign in the country, among others, by holding various events including the Domestic Tourism Gebyar for the fifth time this year and demand continues to increase.
The second real program, according to Minister Jero Wacik, is the ease of foreign tourists coming to Indonesia. To this the government has given the ease through award of a visit visa on arrival or Visa on Arrival (VoA) are currently as many as 52 countries, next month plus the 11 countries that reached 63 countries. “Tourists from 63 countries can enter through any door, this will encourage tourists Ease world to come to Indonesia,” he said.
Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said the third program to trigger the tourism sector is the ease of transportation, especially through the air. Recently, Ex Vice President H.M. Jusuf Kalla has launched the new Boeing 737-900 aircraft ER privately owned national airline PT Lion Air. “The government continues to push for the airlines we use the new aircraft that will provide even more security and comfort for the tourists,” he said, saying some of the world airlines such as Emirates and Qatar Airways recently has added to its flight frequencies and add new routes to Indonesia them from Doha to Bali. “Even Emirates has said it is ready to bring 1 to 2 million tourists per year to Lombok, while starting the operation of the new international airport there in 2009.”
According to the Minister for the real program is to develop four tourism destinations such as increasing the object and attractions in these areas. “To this the role of Local Government Provincial / City / County and the stakeholders in the region is huge. I asked for so that local government heavily promoting tourism potential of the area better known and much visited by tourists. What has been invested through promotional activities, I am sure will be back in PAD (Local Revenue) for foreign tourists visiting there increase, “he said.
3.6 Tourist Favorite Destination In Indonesia
2.229.945 Million Foreign Tourist On 2009
One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Bali for few years awarded as the world best island by The International Travel Magazine. There, however, are still many people who do not know in depth about the uniqueness of Balinese culture. Life in Bali is always related to “Tri Hita Karana” or a tripartite concept that include the spiritual relationship between human and God, and their environment. The rapid growth of development in tourism has had a big impact and influences to Bali tradition and lifestyle. Interestingly, Balinese culture is still as what it was, growing along with the globalization. It is the Balinese civilization what makes the island different from other destination.
4.1 Conclusion
Think about what exactly a tourist is, a temporary, nonworking visitor to a country prepared to spend money and enjoy its local and national treasures. It is not too difficult to imagine the economic benefits of a group of people who pour money into the economy without taking any out. The industry that develops to house, feed, and otherwise support these visitors provides jobs for the residents of the host country. Tourism often has non-financial benefits as well, as the desire to draw tourists (for economic reasons) leads to the construction of monuments and museums and the continuation and funding of colorful festivals, thereby ensuring the preservation of a region’s unique history and culture. The Government has to fulfill the tourist needs so there willing to spend money in Indonesia.