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Immaculate Conception Church

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Immaculate Conception Church was the Place where a bloody battle between the Spanish troops and Filipino troops occured. Many town residents were imprisoned, executed and buried during the Japanese occupation. Its convent was once the seat of the civil government. On April 9, 1864, a council made of the Archbishop of Manila, the politico military governor of Cavite, the Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Recollect Order and the parish priest of Imus met to discuss the creation of a new town and parish separated from Imus, which eventually became the town of Perez Dasmariñas.

On May 12, 1864, the Gobierno Civil Superior of the Islands approved the creation of the new town while Her Most Catholic Majesty Queen Isabela II signed the Royal Order creating the new parish of Perez-Dasmariñas on October 21, 1866. The town of Perez Dasmariñas was founded by the Recollect Fathers in the year 1867 under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception whose feast day is celebrated on December 8. Perez Dasmariñas was formerly a “visita” of Imus that was also founded by the Recollect Fathers in 1795. According to records, the first settlers must have arrived in 1861 and were believed to be the families of Gil Tirona, Vicente Guevarra, Eleuterio Geda and Eustaquio Paulino.

Celebration and activities of parish:
Thanksgiving Mass and Duty of Holy Name Society 9:15am Mass
Immaculate Conception Parish Church, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite

Pagkalinga ni Brother HolyNamer: Outreach Activity
Giving of Gifts from HNS-Immaculate Conception Parish Unit 10:30am Home for Special Children, Brothers of Missionaries of Charities, Trece Martires City, Cavite Pentecost Sunday

Parokya ng La Inmaculada Concepcion
Lungsod ng Dasmarinas, Cavite

City of Dasmarinas, Cavite


Feb. 21 – Martes
6:00 n.g – Ritu ng Pagsusunog ng Lumang Palaspas
Feb. 22 – Miyerkules ng ng Abo
5:30 n.u; 6:45 n.u.; 8:00 n.u – mga misa sa umaga
5:00 n.h – misa sa hapon; 7:00 n.g. – misa sa gabi
6:00 n.g. – Daan ng Krus
7:00 n.g. – Banala na Misa

Petsa Araw Lugar Mangangasiwa Mamumuno sa panalangin
Feb. 23 Thur. San Agustin 1 Core Grioup LM Eucharist
Feb. 24 Fri. San Agustin 2 Core Grioup Apostolado ng Panalangin Mar. 1 Thur. San Agustin 3 Core Group LM Word
Mar. 2 Fri. City Homes Core Group Block Rosary Group
Mar. 8 Thur. Solar Homes Core Group CWL
Mar. 9 Fri. Zone 1-A Core Group Couples for Christ
Mar. 15 Thur. Dasma Townsville Core Group El Shaddai
Mar. 17 Sat. Goldenville 2 Core Group Holy Name Society
Mar. 22 Thur. Sabang Core Grioup Knights of Columbus
Mar. 23 Fri Dexterville Core Group Legion of Mary
Mar. 29 Thur. Greensborough Core Group Neo Cathecuminal Way
Mar. 30 Fri. San Jose Core Group SFO

Abril 1 – Lingo Palaspas


5:00 n. u.- Bendisyon ng mga Palaspas sa Church Plaza

5:30 n.u; 6:45 n.u.; 8:00 n.u.: 9:15 n.u. — mga misa sa umaga

4:00 n.h.; 5:15 n.h. — misa sa hapon

6:30 n.g. – misa sa gabi

Abril 2 – Lunes Santo
6:30 n. u. – Misa

Abril 3 – Martes Santo
6:00 n.g. – Misa
7:00 n.g.- Kumpisalang Bayan at Recollection

Abril 4 – Miiyekules Santo
6:30 n.u. – Misa
6:00 n.g. – Misa
7:00 n.g. -Prusisyon ng mga Imahen
Abril 5 – Huwebes Santo
8:00 n.u. Misa ng Pagbabasbas ng mga Banal na Langis – Katedral ng Imus ANG TATLONG ARAW NG PAGDIRIWANG NG

6:00 n.g. – Misa ng Huling Hapunan ng Panginoon at Paghuhugas ng mga paa ng mga Apostol
7:00 n.g. – Simula ng pagtatanod sa Banal na Sakramento

Oras Mga Magtatanod
7:00 – 8:00 n.g KOA, Parish Youth Ministry, ICP Children’s Choir, samahan ng Lourdes 8:00 – 9:00 n.g. Lector, Apostolado, Vox Dei Choir, Zone 1-A Core Group 9:00 – 10:00 n.g CWL, Couples for Christ, San Jose Core group 10:00 – 11:00n.g. SFO, ICPC, Sabang Core Group, Goldenville 2 11:00 – 12:00 n.u. El
Shaddai, City Homes, Zone 1 Core Group 12:00 – 1:00 n.u. LM Eucharist, Villa Luisa, Zone 2 core Goup 1:00 – 2:00 n.u. Neo Cathecuminal Way, Solar Homes, Zone 3 Core Group 2:00 – 3:00 n.u. Holy name Society, Greensborough, Zone 4 Core Group 3:00 – 4:00 n.u. KofC, Columbian Squires, San Agustin 1, 2 ,3 Core Group 4:00 – 5:00 n.u. Legion of Mary, Block Rosary, Ushers and usherettes Dexterville Core Group

Abril 6 – Biyernes Santo
5:00 n.u. – Daan ng Krus (Yapak)
12:00 n.t. – Pitong Huling Wika
3:00 n.h. – Pagdiriwang sa Pagpapakasakit ng Panginoong Hesus Pagpapahayag ng Salita ng Diyos
Pagpaparangal sa banal na Krus
Banal na Komunyon
7:00 n.g. – Prusisyon ng Libing
Pagninilay sa Kamatayan ni Hesus

8:00 n.g. – Pagbabasbas ng Bagong Apoy/ Ilaw (Church Plaza)
Pagdiriwang ng Salita ng Diyos / Pagpapahayag ng Muling
Pagkabuhay ng Panginonn (Exultet)
Pagbabasbas ng Bagong Tubig
Pagdiriwang ng Sakramento ng Binyag at Kumpil
Pagpapatuloy ng Banal na Misa

Abril 8 – Lingo ng Muling Pagkabuhay ng Panginoon

4:00 n.u. – Salubong
Galilea – BPI Ilaya
Mga Misa sa Simbahan
5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15 n.u. – misa sa umaga
4:00, 5:15 n.h. – misa sa hapon
6:00 n.g. – misa sa gabi

Jurisdiction of Parish:
Immaculate Conception Parish Unit
City of Dasmariñas, Cavite


President Bro. Sam Sy 1st Vice-President Bro. Glenn Malihan 2nd Vice-President Bro. Nestor Sango Secretary Bro. Mar Sayos Dales Treasurer Bro. Enkie Usis Asst. Treasurer Bro. Beto Evangelista Auditor Bro. Cesar Cruz PRO Bro. Tom Halim Marshals Bro. Ding Villanueva Bro. Jun Garachico Advisers: Bro. Judge Didong Villanueva Bro.Atty. Sam Villanueva Bro.Bert Cantimbuhan Bro. Peter Clorina Bro. Rey Campos Bro. Etchie Encabo Bro. Danny De Leon Bro. Ed Santos Bro. Teto Gonzaga Bro. Dan Ola

REV. FR. DANNY TIONG Spiritual Director

Involvement in church:

Me and my classmates participate in the mass by collecting coins. We became the portion of the offertory every Sunday. We’re the ones who were assigned in collecting the offers from mass-comers.

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