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How I View the Nursing Profession?

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In my view, nursing profession is one of the wide and vast professions.  It is not limited to only one field and there are different fields that one can specialize in.  Depending on your choice, you can either work in a hospital or not. In a hospital setting, a nurse can work in different areas including critical care, emergency, maternal or child care, medical, operating room, and many others. In a non hospital set up, one can work in public community health, mental health agencies, home health care, physician’s offices, Health Maintenance Organization or Managed Care companies, Insurance, and many others. These are various areas in which a nurse can work depending on the area of specialization

Nursing career is diverged in different fields where one chooses the field to pursue depending on their interest and capabilities. Career in nursing field include clinical nurse specialist, Geriatric nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse educator, Midwifery, Nurse Researcher, Occupational Health nurse, Pediatric nurse, Public Health nurse, Registered Nurse, and finally Vocational or Licensed Practical Nurse. These are the main fields in nursing from which an individual can specialize in. With the emerging technology and advance in medical field, there is a probability that there will be new fields that will be emerging in the nursing profession. The available of options to choose from in the nursing field is one of the factors that make it an attractive field. This means that one is not limited to only one area in the nursing field. Since different individuals have different areas of interest, one will choose to specialize in an area that matches their capability. This gives pleasure and satisfaction in the nursing field since no one is forced to work in an area they don’t like. Variety adds taste to life and I can say that variety also adds taste to nursing profession.

How I see myself integrating into the profession of nursing after graduation from nursing school

Like in any other profession, transferring what had been learnt in the class to actual practical situation is quite difficult and challenging. Many novice graduate nurses are faced with a major challenge of transferring classroom knowledge to their specific areas of practice putting into consideration that there is no place for trial and error or gambling with patient’s life.  However, there should be a gradual process of change from classroom environment to actual nursing environment despite the challenges that novice nurses are going to face.  Currently, novice nurse are faced with a myriad of problems while entering into their field of practice.

Most novice nurses are faced with confidence crisis especially when they are handling actual situations. When dealing with actual patient life, there is fear of the result which greatly impacts on the overall confidence of nurses. However, the greatest problems faced by nurses is adapting to their working environment and performing their duties as expected.  Many novice nurses are still engulfed in the school atmosphere and integrating with the peers nurse especially those who are above their age is quite difficult. Novice nurses also faced the problem of been despised by their peers. Those who have bee in the profession for a long time sometimes think that novice nurses are not experienced enough to handle some situations especially critical situations. In some cases, novice nurse will be delegated duties which they may feel do not befit their professions.

While nursing peers can play an important role in integrating novice nurse to their specialized field, it is only the individual nurse who can overcome the confidence crisis. As I enter into the actual practice, I know I will face many challenges especially confidence crisis but I am well prepared to handle the situation.  Entering the nursing profession will be challenging but I know I will learn more from my peers.  I expected a gradual induction into the nursing profession and my peers especially those who are experienced in the filed will play a crucial role in transfer of knowledge and experience. Eventually, I expected to go for advanced nursing practice when I will have gained the necessary knowledge and experience.

Describe how my learning style, abilities, and interests will impact my nursing integration

My learning styles, abilities, and interest are likely to have a great impact in my nursing integration.  Gaining experience in a work set up is more like learning in classroom but what is learned in a working environment has a lasting impact on job performance since it is learned on practical bases.  In my future working profession, I will interact with different people who have been in the profession for long and it is my approach to them that will define what knowledge they will transfer to me. To ensure that I learn maximum from them, I must show my interest and cooperate in what they ask of me. I will not consider myself more qualified than others but will work with them to gain experience.   I will have to be more open to their ideas and cooperate with them which will allow me to gain more experience and prepare me for my future advanced nursing practices. My ability as a nursing student will give me ground to exert my efforts to become an expert in my filed and help to integrate with others in the profession.

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