Explain the Importance of groups

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- Category: Management Team
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Order NowOrganization it self is defined as group of people coming together to achieve common objectives. A group is not just a collection of people. It is considered as a set of two and more interacting individuals to achieve certain goals and meet certain needs. These groups work in a systematic manner (Structure, hierarchy) and use the resources of the organization to attain their goals.
The importance of the group can be elaborated under the following points:
· Focus on achieving common objectives
Whatever type of group is formed their main aim would be to achieve their common objectives. Each individual in the group puts in his own expertise, knowledge for the attainment of the group objectives this means pooling in of lot of ideas and this helps in simplifying the procedure of performing the task which intern will lead to achieving the objectives on time and efficiently.
· Teamwork
In today’s fast moving world it has become imperative to work as a team to attain common objectives. Teamwork leads to sharing information, the team members bring different perspectives, ideas, experiences and greater knowledge, helping each other with task assigned and ultimately reaching the goals set by the organization and the team itself. Working as team also helps one to develop his/her personality and gives the confidence to perform the task meticulously. It also encourages people to increase their output. It is at times also helpful to resolve the conflicts that might arise during the work.
· Leadership made easier
Each an every group or team will have a leader or a manger which will give guidance, direct and explain the tasks to be achieved. For him it becomes easier in a group to explain things rather then explaining it to each and every individual separately. The group leader and other individuals can have a group discussion and discuss the pros and cons and come to decision regarding the guidelines, and at each and every stage the leader can check the progress of the group and communicate it to the top management. He being the link between the group and top management can communicate the problems of the group to the top management and get the appropriate resources, which are required for completing the task.
· Effective Communication
A group consists of different individuals with complimentary skills. Communication is very important tool, which helps in building team oriented relationship marked by cooperation, honesty, accuracy, and mutual respect. The exchange of ideas happens in more informal way. This in turn leads to certain ideas emerging from certain individuals who otherwise would have not been able to express themselves.
Definition of Informal Groups
Informal groups are defined as a relationship that is created spontaneously or informally without assistance from the organization. It may just happen or an initiative taken by an individual. The informal organization is shaped through the daily communication between the individuals, that it is natural to exist when they are activated in the same space and is requirement for each and every person’s social need.
Significance of the Informal groups in an organization
The informal groups are result of directness, personality, and needs of individuals. The employees are connected between them because they work in the same space (directness), they have same interesting except work (hobby, social activities, attendance in religious teams, children that go to the same school, etc) or because they have the need or the wish to work with friends. These teams have not been programmed or have not been fixed by the organization and do not belong to any hierarchy or structure, but, on the contrary, are created spontaneously. Their aim is to give satisfaction to the members and fulfill their emotions and social needs.
In social (informal) group the gradation is determined by the feelings, or the perceptions, which the members of team have. All the informal groups that function in the environment of the formal organization develop informal relationship with each other.
Groups of common interests: they are informal teams that are not created by the organism but by individuals that have common interests in the work place like going to a common religious organization (church or a temple), or other common interest like attendance in athletic clubs, or a common hobby. An informal group can have big importance for the company, because it can constitute a link between the management, which can effect the administration in a important way that concerns the members of the group. At the duration of breaks of work, these individuals can speak for the object of their interest that can be from the last model of personal computer up to the developments in the championship of football. The common interests connect individuals that belong in any sector of organism.
For example, certain workers of different departments of the factory can create a committee of safety that seeks better conditions of work from the administration. These workers can be members of different functional teams, which are established by the organization to attain the goals. However, these teams have limited duration and they dissolve formally when the goals are achieved and these teams have a smaller duration of life compared to informal group that have a continuous duration because of common interest between the members (e.g. a committee of safety).
The Informal groups in an organization are founded in a quest to fulfill the needs for belongingness. One of the many reasons for the informal groups to thrive in an organization could be the employees reaction to the threat posed by boredom, insignificance and insecurity the employees feel.
The least the management can do is to recognize the fact that informal groups can be an asset to them and can be instrumental in furthering the goals of the organization. Management does not create the informal group so it cannot destroy it.