Sound Essays

Frank E.X. Dance or Frank Dance, born in November 9, 1929 in Brooklyn New York. He went to parochial elementary schools, a Jesuit high school (Brooklyn Preparatory), a Jesuit undergraduate school, (Fordham University) and did his M.S. and Ph.D. at Northwestern University. He spent 3 years in the US Army. His Military Occupational Specialty was as a translator (Viatnamese). Who …
Besides the traditional communication way – letters, email and telephone calls are available too. They make people’s communication easier, faster and more convenient. However, in my opinion, face-to-face communication is better than the above types of communication. There are several advantages of this personal communication. When people communicate to each …
Poets use many techniques to convey their thoughts and purpose in their poetry. In this case, Kenneth Slessor’s poetry will be analysed to show his effectiveness. William Street is a poem which discusses about the beauty and ugliness of the red light district. Country Towns, in contrast, romanticizes the country …
This opening scene is a crucial one that shows the audience how Rachel and Samuel came to be in a train station being a witness to a murder. The first shot we see is that of a screen covered two thirds the way up of wheat and a blue sky …
“A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair” certainly is filled with beautiful imagery. I could very easily picture the girl “standing on the ivory bed, loosening her hair, watching the mirror…” The poem also contains metaphors. The speaker refers to the girl as a “lotus blossum” and “a wild goose on …
METHODOLOGY Two experiments were done last time due to some circumstances that made the class to lack time and to be late compared to the official class syllabus. The students were able to accomplished the job by equally dividing the time into two. The first experiment was about Kundt’s tube. …
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