Einstein Essays

Albert Einstein, who arguably contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our modern vision of physical reality, is clearly one of the most gifted intellects the world has ever known. In a relatively brief period of time, Einstein changed the way people thought about space, time, …
Einstein was not comfortable with statistical reality, a shortcoming which cost him much happiness, and may have deprived the world of many discoveries. His youthful breakthrough is well known. It consisted not only in giving the equation linking mass and energy (the famous e = mc²), but in showing the …
One of the most intellectual and renowned scientist of the world, Albert Einstein, gave his Theory of Gravitation called General Theory of Relativity in the year 1916. This theory is still considered to be an irreplaceable theory and poses challenges while learning. It is no where simplicity, it is to …
Nowadays people are way too dependent on technology. Most people use technology for everything. They would be lost without the internet and wouldn’t know what to do. People are becoming lazy as most things are being replaced with new and improved technology. This technology is usually the most efficient way …
In the world of science there are few names that can measure up to Albert Einstein. He was genius, and we can credit him with some of the most important findings in history. His theory of relativity was a cornerstone in modern physics and he is best known for his …
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