Orwell Essays

War, torture, and constant fear, all of these are key elements in the distopia George Orwell creates in the novel, 1984. In this book, Orwell creates a society which is based solely on hate and controlled by those who seek only power. Orwell, however, is not the only author to …
1984 is, without doubt, a very complex novel. The subjects tackled by Orwell in the novel are indeed complicated and dangerous. To get these across to the reader, Orwell often uses symbolism and imagery. In order to completely investigate this, it is necessary to look at the main characters, names, …
Winston Smith and Julia, the protagonists from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, were brought together by their hate of the society in which they lived. Their relationship, which budded throughout the middle third of the novel, brought to light many interesting contrasts between the rebels. They were equal opposites, with …
In both novels, Brave New World by Arthur Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell, the role of History is essential. History is an essential component to understand the present circumstances. The use of History is not to repeat mistakes from the past in the future. History plays an important role …
In the haunting novel 1984, George Orwell effectively warns his readers about the dangers of totalitarianism and the horrific measures governments are willing to take in order to sustain power over its people. In order to create the desired effect and instill terror among his readers, Orwell wove a powerful …
One could find hundreds of books concerning the Russian revolution; however, it was George Orwell’s Animal Farm that shed light on the corruption of the revolution. Even though Animal farm is clearly a satire on the Russian Revolution, it can easily be compared to many revolutions, especially the Cuban. Both …
Even though some leaders are very brilliant and have fantastic ideas, certain circumstances and the actions of others prevent these ideas from going forth. In Animal Farm, Snowball’s ideas are never put to plan. Seeing what a great speaker he is, his competitor, Napoleon, runs Snowball off the farm so …
In the classic novel 1984, author George Orwell writes of a future country called Oceania in which there is nothing that the government doesn’t control. By limiting the country’s historical knowledge, manipulating their minds, and conditioning their bodies, Big Brother is able to undermine citizens and use them as puppets. …
In George Orwell’s essay “Shooting an Elephant,” the author’s character develops from the pressure to make a decision and the horrifying results which follow. A potential existed for Orwell to display confidence and high morals, but this potential was destroyed when he pulled the trigger. The death of the elephant …
George Orwell’s 1984 is overflowing with a great deal of symbolism. The use of objects such as big brother, telescreens, red-armed prole, and the paperweight are just a few of many symbols found throughout the novel. Sometimes characters and other objects are used as symbols to aid in communicate the …
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