Hitler Essays

“Propaganda attempts to force a doctrine on the whole people… Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea.”–Adolf Hitler. These words showed Hitler’s awareness of the importance of propaganda–a means that helped him to gain support …
Britain and France chose the path of appeasement in hopes that this would satisfy Hitler and not drag Europe into another world war. Appeasement came from the desire to make amends and prevent war at all costs. Appeasement seemed to be working for small problems but when applied to choices …
World war two taking place in 1939 is a turning point in history. The war happened because of a combination of multiple factors. The growth of different forms of totalitarianism, the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles, the policies of nations, the world economic crisis and the failure of appeasement …
Why did Italy invade Abyssinia? In 1896 Italian troops had tried to invade Abyssinia but had been defeated by the African tribesmen. This had hurt the Italians pride and Mussolini wanted revenge. Mussolini also had his eye on the fertile lands and mineral wealth of Abyssinia. Mussolini believed that to …
I agree to a large extent that Hitler’s policies were a success for German people during the 1930s. Hitler’s economic and education policies were a success but his anti-Jewish policy/policy of using violence and intimidation was a failure. Hitler’s economic four-year plan in 1936 emphasized rearmament and the production of …
When Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” in the 1500’s, his intentions did not apply to the twentieth century. Some very important figures of the twentieth century used basic ideals from “The Prince” to obtain and maintain their position in power. One of these individuals was Adolf Hitler. Hitler used numerous Machiavellian …
“Evil is the quality of being morally bad or causing harm, misfortune, suffering, or destruction” (Encarta). “In literature, evil often triumphs but never conquers.” The particular perspective of this statement can be applied to two works of literature that I have read. In the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, evil …
Adolf Hitler and Nelson Mandela are vastly different men, however in many ways through out their lives they both held a huge influence over their countrymen, the politics of their country and inevitably they both shaped the course of history for better or worse. Their fight, was not won without …
By the end of World War I, the United States grew increasingly isolationistic in its policies. Even though the United States emerged from the war as one of the victors, the American people were greatly dispirited by the devastation. Many hoped to return to the peaceful decade before the war. …
The Holocaust was the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany, and its collaborates during WWII. The leadership of Germany’s Nazi party ordered the extermination of million of Jews. The Holocaust also lead to the establishment of international laws against human rights violations. During Nazi rule, Jewish …
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