Hitler Essays

The Third Reich, for Hitler, was supposed to have lasted 1000 years minimum, but it only lasted 12 years and four months. Many historians blame this on an individual that’s Hitler himself. The argument is based on Hitler being actually a weak dictator that wasn’t able to unite Germany as …
The life of Albert Speer was undoubtedly shaped by his personal background and historical context. These include his membership into the Nazi Party, his appointment as First Architect of the Reich, and eventually, as the Minister for Armaments and Munitions. These events gave Speer the opportunity to expand his architectural …
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889; in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Adolf Hitler was the fourth of six children born to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. Adolf and his sister Paula were the only two children that lived to adulthood. The family moved from Austria to Germany when …
The German V-2 missiles developed at the end of World War II began a new era in warfare that would eventually enable accurate delivery of weapons of mass destruction to targets thousands of miles from their point of origin.[1] The ballistic missile age began in earnest at 6.43 p.m. on …
The Nazi regime dealt with opposition through a combination of persuasion and force. Nazi propaganda was so effective at portraying Hitler and the Nazi ideals in a positive light that many German people believed Hitler was a good leader and genuinely supported him. Others were too intimidated by potential consequences …
Why was Hitler able to gain complete power in governing Germany in the years 1933-1934? Hitler’s rise to power included a number of factors increasing his power status. One of these many factors was in fact the choice of Hindenburg to elect Hitler as Chancellor with the persuasion of von …
Assassination attempts on Adolf Hilter during World War II were unsuccessful. However, it was the belief of many Allied leaders that this would effectively end the propaganda machine of Nazi Germany. Eliminating Adolf Hitler would effectively end the war with Germany and, thus, assassination attempts were considered a viable option. …
“Totalitarianism has had a significant impact on the lives of ordinary people.” With reference to one right-wing regime, evaluate the validity of this statement. The totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany did have a major impact on the everyday lives of many Germans because the state controlled so many aspects of …
Joseph Stalin rose to power in the USSR by 1928. His foreign Policy means how the USSR interacted with other nations such as France and Germany. Historians interpret Stalin’s foreign policy in two different ways: One side describes his foreign policy being aimed at manipulating the western nations (Great Britain, …
During the period previous to World War II causes that led to World War II included German attempt of imperialism in Europe, pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion, and ignoring con-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion. Documents1, 3, and 4 support the idea that one of the causes that led …
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