Graphic Design Essays

Look all around you and you will see art created by Graphic Designers and yet many people will not even take a moment to think about who created it and what the story is behind them. From billboards to movie posters, packaging to TV and movies, Graphic Design is everywhere. …
Although computers do not have a long history of relationship with humans, but now life without computer seems impossible. As the computer has touched almost every aspect of human life, definitely art has no exception and graphic designing has given a new shape to the field of art, in fact, …
If you ever wondered what is the most overlooked aspect of design craft, look no further – it’s user interfaces. Good or bad, user interfaces are everywhere: on websites, on mobile phones, televisions sets, wrist watches, airplanes and washing machines.Some user interfaces take two people to operate. Not my cup …
“Graphic Design” When I was in high school, my favorite subject was graphic design. Graphic Design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. A graphic designer is responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media. Your aim is to …
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