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Energy Essays

Pros/Cons, advantages/disadvantages of nuclear energy/fossil fuels

Much of the worlds energy is produced from Uranium. This energy is commonly referred to as “nuclear energy” because uranium reacts in nuclear reactors to form heat. When fossil fuels are used for heat, they are just simply burned instead of reacted, so they create only mediocre amounts of heat …

The importance of Renewable energy

Many modern countries are relying heavily on nonrenewable resources nowadays. One common example of nonrenewable resources is fossil fuel. They are finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. In contrast, renewable energy resources are constantly replenished and are important because of the …

How does the drop height of the marble affect the size of the crater in sand?

Impact craters are geologic structures formed when a large meteorite, asteroid or comet smashes in to a planet or a satellite. Meteorites are small rocks in space that hit the earth’s atmosphere at a high velocity. Throughout their history they have heavily bombarded all the inner bodies in our solar …

Comparing The Enthalpy Changes Of Combustion Of Different Alcohols

Aim: The enthalpy change of combustion of a fuel is a measure of the energy transferred when one mole of fuel burns completely. A value for the enthalpy change can be obtained by using the burning fuel to heat water and using fact that 4.2j of energy are required to …

Kinetic Molecular Theory

Use the postulates of the kinetic theory to explain the following: i)Matter can exist in three states ii)The pressure exerted by a confined gas decreases as its temperature is lowered iii)A gas of low molecular mass will diffuse through air faster than a gas of high molecular masseven though both …

The combustion of Alcohols investgation

PROBLEM Investigate the heat energy in a range of alcohol’s used as fuels. HYPOTHESIS I predict that octanol will release the most heat energy. This is because there is more bond energy in that molecule than the other alcohols. Within a molecule there are bond energies that are holding the …

What are Calories?

A calorie is a measure of energy. It is scientifically described as being the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram by one degree Celsius. Calories of a food can also be recognized as a kilocalorie, or one thousand-calorie unit. In order for your body to …

The Red Kangaroo: Macropus Rufus

The Kangaroo is an endotherm. Endotherms generate heat from their body’s metabolism. So their internal body temperature is independent of the external temperature. Endotherms eat more food than ectotherms. This higher food intake results in an increased level of metabolism, which is required to produce heat. The Red Kangaroo inhabits …

Enzyme Function Lab

Part one 1. a) When hydrogen peroxide was added to manganese, tiny bubbles formed in the solution- intensity of (1). b)The solution did not change in temperature. c) The bubbles stopped forming after about 18 minutes. 2. After we added 2 more mL of hydrogen peroxide, the reaction occurred again. …

Detailed information on Solar Energy

The sun is the source of all life on earth. Thanks to the sun, there is light, warmth and food on the earth. Many kinds of energy on earth originate from and through solar radiation. Since the sun doesn’t have the same strength at all places and all times, the …

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