Electronic Essays

Water is an odorless, colorless, tasteless chemical compound that makes up well more than half of the human body. In addition to being prominent in the make-up of the human body, it also covers all but approximately 30% of the Earth’s surface, and can be found naturally in all three …
SMS based Wireless Notice board with Monitoring system Nivetha S. R, Pujitha. R, Preethi Selvaraj & Yashvanthini S.M Electronics and Communication Engineering, Avinashilingam University for Women-Engineering College Coimbatore, India E-mail : [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]. The messages stored in the computer acts as a record for future reference. Abstract – This project is designed …
Radio frequency identification technology (RFID, Radio Frequency Identification) is a non-contact automatic identification technology, the basic principle is the use of the radio frequency signal transmission characteristics, automatic identification of objects to be identified. Attached electronic tags to identify objects by surface or internal storage of information of the object, …
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