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Constitution Essays

Constitution of Express Trusts/UK Law

Constitution is the last of the formalities that the law requires to create an effective and enforceable trust. Failure to constitute a trust will mean that no gift or trust is applicable; and the law that relates to perfect constituted gifts and trusts will not be appropriate. Moreover, the axiom …

Reasons the Articles of Confederation led to the ratification of the Constitution

After America had declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, the next step was to construct a new set of government laws to govern the new nation. This was a task left up to the Confederation Congress, who adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1781. The Articles of Confederation were …

Constitutional and social developments from 1860-1877 amount to a revolution

The United States was in a very turbulent time period between 1860 and 1877. Those dates saw the Civil War cast its horrendous shadow over America, as well as the rise and fall of Reconstruction. Changes that occurred during this time period are staggering, to say the least. Developments in …

Comparison of U.S. and China Constitutions

While comparing the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, it is easy to see differences and similarities. The primary difference in the two constitutions (as far as format and layout are concerned), besides length, is the number of amendments or articles held in each …

Comparing and Contrasting the House and Senate

Since the United States runs on a bicameral legislature, there are glaring differences between each house.The Senate is an assembly or a council of citizens having the highest deliberative and legislative functions in a government. The House is a legislative or deliberative assembly that starts the political process. However, both …

Compare and contrast the constitutions of France and Germany

Constitutions are codes of rules which aspire to regulate the allocation of functions, powers and duties among the carious agencies and officers of government, and define the relationships between these and the public (Finer 1979: 15). The German Constitution known as the Basic Law was adopted on 23 May, 1949 …

Andrew Jackson, Hero or Villain?

Andrew Jackson, our seventh President of the United States, is a rather acceptable President. He was considered as the “People’s President,” he was very straight forward and honest to his people. He takes his job seriously and is probably the most liberal president in history. His presidency however was neither …

The Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation was the charter of the first national government of the United States that was in effect from 1781 until 1789 when it was eventually replaced by the Constitution. The Articles was definitely a necessary step toward democracy but it wasn’t a very effective system of government. …

Edmund S. Morgan's "The Birth of the Republic"

Edmund S. Morgan’s “The Birth of the Republic” is an excellent overview of the major points of the history of America throughout the revolutionary period. To briefly summarize the book; Morgan first begins by examining the relationship between the American colonies and the English Parliament. He focuses mainly on the …

The Founding Father's Motivation in writing a new Constitution

The Founding Fathers were motivated by a variety of factors to write a new Constitution, including reaction towards the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, group attempts to establish a new national government and the desire to limit “democracy”. The Constitutional Convention was the result of a reaction against the …

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