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Civilization Essays

Mesoamerican Civilizations

There were many various civilizations in Mesoamerica approximately 3000 to 500 years ago. Though they were different civilizations, they had some similarities. One may think that ancient civilizations could not have been as advanced as we are today. Yet, who knows? They might have even been more advanced than we …

Maya Civilization and Guatemala

Intro/attention getter: What do the Great Wall of China, Eiffel Tower, The Pyramids, and the Mayan Ruins in Tikal have in common? They are all manmade wonders located around the globe. In order to visit any of these you have to go outside the borders of the United States. Intro: …

The Snake Goddess

The Snake Goddess, a voluptuous, divine figure with bare breasts, and snakes in both hands, is one of the most well known female deity’s and faïence figurines in Minoan culture (Patron). The actual representation of the Snake Goddess is unknown; however, a majority of perceptions would all agree that the …

Greece’s Effect on Western Civilization

The ancient Greek civilization began at around 2000 B.C. It was a very progressive civilization that developed new ideas in fields of science, geometry, philosophy, sports, and government. Greek civilization set a basis for Western civilization and influenced it greatly. Although the Greeks had contributed many ideas to Western civilization …

Savage vs Civilized

By definition, a savage is someone who is natural or of nature. Today’s definition of a savage is also any person, group or behaviour that is distinct from civilization. In the novel, Robinson Crusoe, the character Friday does not fit this description. Defoe describes Friday, not in terms of a …

Roman civilization 100 to 600 C.E.

From 100 to 600 C.E. Rome went under many changes culturally and politically. Culturally Rome adopted a new religion. Politically there was a division of the empire. With so many changes, there were a few continuities in the empire. At first, the Roman Empire considered Christianity a threat, and they …

Mayan Civilization

Throughout history, there have been many indigenous tribes. However, one of the most known tribes has been the Mayans. The Mayans were once one of the most dominant indigenous societies of Mesoamerica. They are a remarkable group that sparks many people’s curiosity. They have an interesting culture and mysterious historical …

Civilization and Savagery in Lord of the Flies

The war between civilization and savagery has been a conflict in the human mind since the beginning, but no work of literature illustrates this battle better than Lord of the Flies by William Golding. The novel is a beautifully and tragically written tale of the collapse of social order within …

Environmental Differences

Environmental differences affected social, political, and economic institutions in the Delhi Sultanate, the Swahili city-states, and Mali. Many of these differences helped the civilizations, but some affected them badly. Mali had abundant rainfall and a very tropic climate which helped with the fertile soil in the area for farming. Although …

Education Case Argumentative

“One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen can change the world” Quoted by Educational Activist Malala Yousafzai. Today, I, Sarah Sheikh is here to speak on the topic of “Education”. Education is essential for everyone. Education helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part …

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