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Cicero Essays

Notes On THe Roman Republic: City-State to World Empire

Rome’s great political achievement was to transcend the narrow political orientation of the city-state & to create a world state that unified the different nations of the Mediterranean world. Rome overcame the limitations of the city-state mentality & developed an empirewide system of law & citizenship. Their genius found expression …

Critical Lens: Julius Caesar: The Effects of Power

It is generally accepted that hardship would ensue harsher test of one’s character than power would. Abraham Lincoln attempted to denounce this belief when he claimed that “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Lincoln illustrates that adversity is …

Reflection Paper on "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare

“This was the noblest Roman of them all,” claims Marc Antony in the play Julius Caesar, written by the renowned playwright William Shakespeare. This famous quote is referring to the noble Brutus, one of the conspirators against Caesar. Although some might say Brutus is not true to Rome because of …

Michael Moore's article, "Idiot Nation"

Michael Moore’s article, “Idiot Nation” complies with Mike Rose’s article, “I just want to be Average.”; since both articles, state that the education or intelligence level of scholar in America, are very low. This decreasing level of intelligence, in scholars; is caused by the incompetence, the instructors comprehend; according to …

Brutus V. Antony: Compare the speeches made by Brutus and Antony after Caesar's death

Brutus and Antony are both portrayed as above average orators in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, and they both use this skill to achieve there preplanned goals in there speeches. Brutus’s goal was to rationalize the assassination of Caesar and to convince the people that Brutus and his …

Blood Imagery in Shakespear's, "Julius Caesar"

“Thematic patterns of fire and blood, with their vivid imagery, are among the most immediately noticeable in the play.” (McMurty, 67) In Julius Caesar, the image of blood introduces the idea of violence into the readers mind. The fluidly creates a sinister mood, contributes to characterization, foreshadows, and reinforces the …

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Vs. Plutarch’s Julius Caesar

These words were spoken by Cassius, a character in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. He is speaking about Julius Caesar and Caesar’s arrogance and overconfidence. This quote also shows how Shakespeare perceived Julius Caesar as a prominent and influential man of his time. However, this view is not shared by all …

"Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare

Power is a theme that has dominated mankind since history was recorded. The assassination of Julius Caesar, ruler of the greatest empire the world has ever known, was a result of such a struggle for power. The foundations of Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ are power relationships which dominate the liaisons between …

How did the 1st Triumvirate contribute to the fall of the Roman Republic?

The First Triumvirate between Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaius Pompeius Magnus (Pompey) and Marcus Licinius Crassus contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic by undermining the Senate, which was unable to effectively deal with an expanding and diverse empire. This was affected by the triumvirate appealing directly to popular assemblies, …

Brutus Was The Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar

Tragic hero: A tragic hero has the potential for greatness but is doomed to fail. He is trapped in a situation where he cannot win. He makes some sort of tragic flaw, and this causes his fall from greatness. Even though he is a fallen hero, he still wins a …

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