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Australia Essays

Australian Identity Through Poetry

The Australian identity is as diverse as the country itself. Each and every Australian has a unique perception of Australia, yet there is also a common awareness of Australia as a whole. The Australian identity also concerns the way Australians are viewed by other people. There are many different aspects …

Australia as a patriarchal society

For centuries, the role of women in society has been carefully defined by a patriarchal sociological system. Up until the 1960’s it was considered a woman’s national duty to reproduce and her primary function in life. To consciously limit the number of children that they had meant not only were …

Vietnamese and Australian Education

Australia and Vietnam are the two countries located on different continents. In fact, the educations of the two countries also have some similarities as well as differences. If someone wants to study abroad in Australia, he can make a comparison and contrast analysis before making the final decision that whether …

El Nino weather anomalies

Suggest why many countries find El Nino weather anomalies very challenging? The term ‘El Nino’ is used to describe a prolonged period of warmer than average conditions that occurs as a result of the warmer ocean waters of the Eastern Pacific. Higher up in the atmosphere the wind blows in …

Aboriginal Health

The health of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples compared to the non-Indigenous population is significantly poorer (Wieland 2014, p. 12). The “Closing the Gap” campaign aims to create generational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality (Wieland 2014, p. 12). This essay will discuss the Aboriginal And Torres …

Virgin Australia

This report analyses Virgin Australia (ASX code VAH) and identifies its potential business and audit risks that will need to be addressed in the 2014 audit. It is presented to the Virgin Australia Audit Committee as part of the 2014 Audit planning process. The first part of this report provides …

Labour weakness was the reason for conservative dominance

Labour weakness was the most important reason for Conservative dominance from 1951 to 1964. How far do you agree? Between 1951 and 1964, the Conservative’s time in power, the Labour party were providing ineffectual opposition. One of the reasons for this was their internal disputes over issues such as unilateralism. …

Eddie Mabo Argumentative

The story film Mabo, in leading up to its supportive and motivated revolution in Australia’s history, is assist by Eddie’s family determination to win Eddie Mabo’s land rights case and thus restore justice to indigenous people. The foundations of his familial and social assitance can be seen in his encounter …

Analysis of Coolungar Theives

Good morning/Afternoon I was called upon to deliver a poem in the ‘Take Part’ festival which is a festival within the local community. It is held to advocate that art and literature are tools to create awareness about social, cultural and global issues. The poem that I chose for the …

The Changing Australian Voice

You are to create a representation of TWO of the poems studied in class and an explanation or rationale of your work. In this task you are to consider the values and assumptions underlying the voice in the poems and explore the effect of changing context on those values and …

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