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Australia Essays

Max Dupain's Sunbaker

“˜Sunbaker’ is Max Dupain’s most famous artwork. It was taken in 1937. It is not just an artwork but it is an Australian icon because it represents what Australia is. Description The photo is a famous image of the shapely male shoulders of a European man lying on Bondi Beach. …

The Division Of Law-making Powers In Australia

Australia’s Federal System is dynamic and the division of lawmaking power between the Commonwealth and State since 1901 has changed dramatically; Critically discuss, focussing on the major reasons for those changes. On the first of January 1901 Australia became a federation when the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act came into …

"A Righteous Day" by Mudrooroo Nyroongah

‘A Righteous Day’ written by Mudrooroo Nyroongah on 26TH January (Australia Day), in 1988, is a poem set in the first person voice that has been composed in response to the depressing day of the Bicentenary of European Settlement. As the “righteous” day is reflected by the persona, this contrasts …

Australia should become a Republic not a constitutional Monarchy

But what is a republic? A nation, where the head of state is a citizen of that country and was chosen because of their efforts and achievements, is a republic. If the head of state was chosen because of their birthright, then the system of government would be called a …

Using Porter's five forces to analyse Telstra Australia

Business Structure Telstra is Australia’s leading fully integrated telecommunications and information services company. Telstra’s organizational structure consists of Telstra Retail, Telstra Mobile, Telstra Country Wide, Telstra Wholesale, Telstra International infrastructure Services and Network and Technology Group. They offer a range of services from landline telephony, to complex mobile services, to …

"My Place" - Sally Morgan, Australian Ab. Lit.

Sally Morgan was born in the Perth suburb of Manning in 1951. Despite her disinterest in school (1) and the lack of appreciation of her artistic talents, she completed secondary school and went on to the University of Western Australia. She gained a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology …

Describe the human characteristics that make Australia unique

The changing demographic characteristics of Australia have influenced the nature and identity of Australian society. The aspects of changing demographic characteristics affecting Australia’s nature and identity include multiculturalism; the ‘ageing population’; decreasing fertility rates; the changing indigenous population and the changing population density of Australia. Australia has one of the …

Advantages and Disadvantages of Refugee Movements

Mass population movements were a major feature of the 20th century; armed conflicts have increasingly targeted civilians and led to enforced migration. No area of the world has been spared – from Indonesia to Sierra Leone, Bosnia to Nicaragua – forming groups of people that we now called Refugees. A …

Comparative review of Australian films Muriel's Wedding and The Castle

Think Cinderella stories and ABBA then throw in some humour and romance and you’ll end up with Muriel’s Wedding. Directed by PJ Hogan, this bright, yet sad, film focuses on Australian family life and the meaning of “success.” Muriel Heslop (Toni Collete) is jobless, has a low self-esteem and is …

Similarities between Australian Aboriginal and Native Americans

The term ‘Indigenous’ brings a lot to the table. It is used to describe such a diverse group of people that differ ethnically, culturally, and economically but are supposed to be looked upon as ‘one’. But are we really ‘one’? Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans have all seemed to make …

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