Employee and employer rights and responsibilities

- Pages: 9
- Word count: 2071
- Category: Employment Labor
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Order NowThe Employer has the responsibilities of provide public liability insurance, safe workplace, appropriate training, observe employees contract and procedures to protect relationship with employees. Observe employment law and codes of practice and duty of care to employees. Adhere to EU directives.
The employers have the responsibility to meet all the terms of the contracts and notify employees of any changes within one month of these being made, allow employees to join a trade union or staff association and allow employees access to confidential records kept about them. The employer have the responsibilities to give them the opportunity to participate in and be consulted on company matters that would directly after them, never ask an employee to do anything that is illegal, treat them reasonably. Anyone who is confident that there is an emergency situation need to be calling emergency services and inform the Director/ senior Manager in Administration that they have done. An emergency could be when occurs any event of a disturbance on the street or an uncontrolled disturbance in the Campus. Also when the fire alarm does continuous evacuation signal and heard for over a minute.
Employee responsibilities
Staff, students and visitors are not allowed to smoke in the Campus because fire or smell of burning will be detected. An ambulance Emergency could be someone that had a serious accident in the Campus or Streets, when an individual is clearly in serious distress or on the advice of a first aider. Tutors have the responsibilities for ensure that students under their control leave the building and go directly to the assembly area. Fire wardens and others staff have the responsibility to walk their floor to ensure that there is no body remaining within their area (including toilets and any area not directly in view). When a Staff or students cannot attend the Campus they should call the absent line and inform the reasons of your absence. The Campus appointed Security Contractors are responsible for ensure that only authorised persons enter Campus site, ensure that only authorised vehicles enter the Campus They must comply with all statutory employment law and regulations and notice required 2 months before to terminate the contract.
If the employee contract is not permanent, the length of time for which employment will continue or, if it is for a fixed term, the employer must put the date when it will end in the contract. All employees must comply with legitimate instructions, procedures and codes of conduct. All employees should be aware that the school/council exists primarily to serve the public and should be courteous to the public at all times. Employees have the responsibilities of do their job follow the terms and condition of the contract, Uphold the business aims and objectives, they must follow the business rules, they need to wear appropriate clothing, respecting facilities and equipment, and they need to respect other staff, customers and visitors. Employees must not unlawfully discriminate, nor discriminate in contravention of the schoolâs Councilâs policy, against any person with whom they come into contact in carrying out their work, e.g. on the grounds of race, religions, sex, disability, sexuality. This rule applies equally to harassment and victimisation.
Employees must carry out their duties in a conscientious manner, and must not wilfully neglect their duties nor cause any waste of time or productive. Employees must not take control over the financial affairs of anyone either employed or connected with the school/Council in any way, such as acquiring Power of Attorney unless specifically authorised by the head teacher. Unless specifically authorised by the headteacher, employees must not seek to obtain or accept loans of any kind (monies or articles) from clients or contractors with whom the employee comes into contact through work or users of school/ Council services. For further information please refer to the appropriate financial regulation for the school. Employees must not accept any bribe or indulge in any corrupt or improper practice. Employees must not inappropriately and without the headteacherâs authority, release any information concerned with schoolâs Councilâs affairs to the press and/or public, or by way of books and articles or to any organisation including one that is funded by the school/Councilâs communication Service.
Employees must not bully any person with whom they come into contact in carrying out their work. Employees unable to report duty because of sickness must comply with the requirement for notification of sickness absence and the submission of medical certificates (as appropriate) scheme of conditions of service of school rules. Employees must notice 2 months before when they want to terminate contract. Employees must not undertake any acts within or outside the workplace that are in conflict with their specific job role/purpose, bring the school/Council such as destroying trust and confidence between them and the school/Council (e.g. domestic violence). Employees must not falsity, destroy or otherwise alter any document, timesheet, etc. to gain benefit or financial advantage for her/himself or others. Employees who are under investigation by the police in relation to an allegation that they have committed a criminal act, or who have accepted a caution or have been charged in a criminal case, must disclose this to the Council where required to do so.
Employees must not engage in unauthorised employment during hours when contracted to work for the school/Council, nor engage in employment during off-duty hours that is detrimental either to the post-holderâs ability to carry out their duties, or to the interests of themselves and/or service users at risk. Employees must not misuse the schools/Councilâs communications or information systems as outlined in the Councilâs Internet and E-mail Acceptable Use Policy. (The school/Council monitors use of its communications systems to detect misuse and any unauthorised expenditure incurred will be deducted from the employeeâs pay). Employees must observe safety rules and codes of practice for safety and use appropriate safety clothing and equipment as required. Employees must not incur any unauthorised expense for which the school/Council is liable.
Employees must show due respect for the schoolâs/Council property, equipment, machinery, transport, etc. No employee shall wilfully cause any waste, loss or damage to the property of the school/Council or remove it without authority or use it in any manner other than that prescribed or authorised. Employees must observe the provisions of the schoolâs/Councilâs Policy on smoking and are prohibited from smoking in a designated non-smoking areas. Employees must adhere to working time arrangements and observe punctuality when reporting for duty (unless permitted to do otherwise). An employee who is unable to comply with the arrangement must notify the appropriate person as soon as is practicable and explain the reason for lateness etc.
Employees must not abuse any position of authority or improperly use attempt to use their official position for their own private advantage, or for the private advantage of any other person. Whilst on duty, no employee should be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to a degree that causes inability to perform work satisfactorily or safely. Employees must observe the provisions of the school/Councilâs dress codes where applicable. Employees must observe confidentiality of personal information relating to others in compliance with the Data Protection legislation. In respect work-related matters: unless specifically authorised by the headteacher, employees must not bring any complaint or make any representation or personal appeal, written or oral, directly or indirectly; to individual members of the Council (work related matters should be raised in accordance with the school grievance procedure) Employer right
An employer must keep accurate records of the number of employees, classification, wages and accidents for their business for four years. Employers are expected to abide by a range of requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to assess the dangers of particular work activities. There are also specific regulations about the way in which potentially harmful substances should be used. There are a number of requirements about the working conditions. Employers have the right to meet minimum legal requirements for such areas as Health and Safety at Work, and minimum standards and conditions related to hours, and the treatment of people in the Campus. Employers have the right to set disciplinary and grievance procedures. Employee right
Employees have the right of work maximum of 1,265 hours over 195 days in any year. The teacherâs holidays coincide with school closures and public holidays and they will be paid full salary during these closure periods unless you are receiving less than full salary arising the application of the sick pay scheme or maternity leave. The teacher pensionâs scheme is a contribution scheme administered by teachers pensions (TP) on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE). Teachers have the right to get sick leave and any entitlement to sick pay. Employees are legally bound to give honest and faithful service to the Council. Part of this obligation requires that employees must not disclose any confidential information to any person outside the Council.
Employees have the right to a written statement of terms of employment within two months of starting work; they have the right to an itemised pay slip. The right not to have illegal deductions made from pay, they can have time off for trade union duties and activities, time off for ante natal care paid and the right of paid maternity and paternity leave. Employees have the right to ask for flexible working to care for children or adult dependents, to get adoption leave paid, they can ask for flexible working, they can take unpaid parental leave for both men and women (if you have worked for the employer for one year) and the right to reasonable time off to look after dependants in an emergency, the right not to be discriminated against, they have the right to carry on working until you are at least 65, they need to notice of dismissal (provided you have worked for your employer for at least one calendar month), the right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed if you have worked 1 year for the employer, the right to claim redundancy pay if made redundant, if you have worked for the employers 2 year, the right not to suffer detriment or dismissal for âblowing the whistleâ on a matter of public concern (malpractice) at the workplace. Employers have the right of work maximum of 1,265 hours over 195 days in any year and they have the right to right to get sick leave and any entitlement to sick pay. Employers have the right of days of holiday entitlement.
Employers have the right of not be discriminate against.
Aim of the Campus
Greenwich Council has a right to set the business aims.
The Campus provides Education to students. So students will develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills, both on their own and in groups. Also they wants that the students acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment and the ability to enjoy leisure in a fast changing world. Students need to have a respect for religious and moral values and to develop non-discriminatory attitudes and practice which will enable them to live in harmony with all members of society. They need to understand, care for and respect the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, families, groups, and nations.
They give many activities that they can appreciate human achievements and aspirations. Students are helped by Teachers and Staffs to develop moral values and an appreciation of the spiritual dimensions of human experience. Also they are helped to develop their imagination, sensitivity and creative responses to a wide range of aesthetic experiences. The College hope that students develop a sense of self-respect, self-discipline, the capacity to enjoy life as independent, self-motivated adults and the willingness to care for others. The Campus plan programmes of study and evaluate the learning and teaching practices on a regular basis. They develop a whole school approach to planning and to the practice of homework. They utilise a variety of teaching methods and programmes of study to cater for the needs of the individual pupil and where appropriate formulate I.E.Pâs â Individualised Educational Programmes. They ensure that information to parents is clear and concise with parental participation in pupil learning encouraged.