Effects of Smartphones

- Pages: 29
- Word count: 7242
- Category: Mobile Phone Smartphone
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Order NowAs of today teens are fervent communicators. In the current childhood and adulthood, they make ways to communicate frequently with a variety of important people in their lives such as their friends and peers, teachers, coaches, bosses, a myriad of other adults and institution and most specially the parents. This paper would examine the tools teens use to communicate, which is more specific to mobile phones or what is most known today as smartphones.
Most research showed that 83% of 11-18 years old now owns a smartphone and most teens stated that mobile is, âA way to always have media device at handâ and others would also say that âI can access I want, and what I wantâ. Teens between age 13 -17 are among the fastest adapters of smartphones, according to survey by Nielsen. In July 28 2011, 55% of teens according to survey said that they own a smartphone. Also in the same year it has been stated that out of 10 teenagers 6 of them already owns a smartphone.
Smartphones today is considered to be a handy computer. Smartphones combine the versatility of cell phones, gaming consoles, PDAs, and personal computers into one handheld device. A smartphone is really just a portable computer and the operating system that runs it can run most computer program. Smartphones not only allow you to store and play your entire collection of music, they allow you to download and watch movies and television shows. You can also download and listen to podcasts. You can also keep up with your reading using either an eBook reader, or the smartphone’s ability to play audio books. Whether you’re stuck at the airport, trapped in a traffic jam or bored in a business meeting, your favourite media is at your fingertips.
Perhaps the greatest advantage to owning a smartphone is the availability of thousands of small applications – called apps. A wide variety of apps can be downloaded from online stores, allowing you customize and personalize your phone. Games, photo utilities, online magazines and interactive reference apps can help enhance how you use your smartphone. Most apps must be purchased, but are inexpensive but several apps are free. Adding up to this is that there are so many different ways that you can communicate with smartphones that people would always be able to reach. In addition to phone calls and text messaging you can communicate through email, instant messaging and chat. Not only do you have more ways to communicate but you can do it more quickly and you can transfer much larger volumes of data than you could with a regular phone. This make it much easier to do you works with a smartphone.
Overall, the smartphone can benefit both the workplace and with yourselves as well. This phone technology allows user to stay connected to all their contacts and data no matter where they go, which is beneficial to all those people who benefit from convenience. Smartphone help keep peopleâs lives organized with their linked calendars and planners courtesy of their advance operating systems, which also cut down on the amount of physical organizer that users have to carry around. Background of the Study
The first smartphone was developed by IBM and BellSouth, which came out to the public in 1993. Dubbed as “The Personal Communicator”, the IBM Simon was not only an early cell phone, had a touch screen interface but could e-mail, page, fax and had many basic features of later PDA’s such as a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator and even a few games. IMB had big plans for the Simon, but they never really panned out. The phone, however, was likely just too advanced for its day. It included a touch screen, operated by stylus that would let you send and receive fax messages. But it also of course had a notepad, an email client and a calendar. Without a doubt, the Simon was the first smartphone, but it would retire before gaining fame. Ericsson was the first brand to actually coin the phrase âsmartphoneâ, with the release of its GS88 in 1997. By all accounts, though, Nokia actually beat Ericcson to the finish line a year earlier with what many consider to be the quintessential smartphone, the Nokia 9000 Communicator. In the years that would follow, from 1996 to 2011, the Symbian OS would be the worldâs leader for smartphone operating systems.
Ericssonâs R380 was the first phone to ship with the OS, which (due in no small part to its open-source nature) would gain popularity around the world, only to be unseated by Android earlier this year. Fast forward to 2001 and we see Palm OS, BlackBerry OS and Windows CE coming onto the scene. Palm had a respectable position in the market during this time, after releasing the Kyocera 6035, the basic form factor by which the rest of Palmâs line until the advent of WebOS would continue. The design was so popular, in fact, that mobile manufacturer Handspring copied the idea for the release of its PalmOS-based Treo, a brand which would eventually become synonymous with Palm through the greater part of its life. Thus also began the era of choosing a phone depending upon the requirements of where you worked. Some IT departments refused to work with anything other than BlackBerry, setting up RIM to take a formidable hold over the corporate world for years to come. Still others, however, were fans of the Windows CE format, which interfaced exceptionally well with desktop Windows installations, though the glory would be short-lived. The fatal mistake for Windows-based mobile phones came in the fact that Microsoft offered two flavors.
Windows CE was more of an âentry-levelâ OS, often separating itself from Windows Mobile by being offered on devices that were of lower capability. Windows Mobile, conversely, was modelled to look like something from the desktop version of the OS, and had the open door of allowing developers to create applications for the phones. Unfortunately, Windows Mobile never really took off as it was intended. As of 2010, it held the 5th position in the market and Microsoft has focused the Windows Mobile brand toward the enterprise. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) help you stay in touch with available e-mail messaging, Web browsing, even reading and editing of Word and Excel files on the go. Combined with mobile phone service, smartphones offer two-in-one functionality and the flexibility of being mobile while conducting University business. While many other phones have similar functions, smartphones can offer users a bigger screen and a full keyboard, making data functions easier to use. Some of the features that can be found in smartphones, in addition to standard mobile phone services, include: * Appointment calendar
(Outlook synchronization for faculty and staff through ActiveSync) * Address Book
* MP3 player
* Web browser
* E-mail access, in addition to text messaging
* Mini-keyboards or onscreen keyboards
* Voice dialling
* Bluetooth
* Character recognition (allowing for handwritten input)
* Synchronization of information with desktop or laptop computers * Voice recording
* Digital camera
* Video recording
* Microsoft Office (MS) compatible applications (Native with Pocket PC operating systems; Palm operating systems may require third-party software) Smartphones capability does not end at the Internet access, or at document editing. Smartphones also have the ability to interpret and decipher information like that from a quick response code that may be on a productâs packaging. Smartphone user can download QR code scanner as well as other applications so they have the ability to read the information embedded in the QR code that may take them to a website, a coupon, or even a social media site. Smartphones are advancing at a very quick pace and some have the ability to talk to you, answer questions, turn off the lights when you are not there, open does and even watch movies. Smartphones have come a long way in a short time. Improvements in technical specifications such as internal processors, battery life, storage capability, screen size and broadband connectivity optimize the way devices perform. Scope and Delimitations of the Study
This study would first cover mostly what is Smartphone. This study covers the history, origin and the earlier years of smartphone. In such it also consists of the functions, features, specs and operating systems of the smartphones. The study consists of the advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone which includes the benefits, effectiveness, strength and capabilities of this device. The study will also cover smartphone basically as a handy device including its availability every time and anywhere for teenagers today.
This study does not cover the issue on how smartphone is a new risky avenue for sex among teens. This study will not cover issue on how smartphones can be a health problem (brain cancer, Alzheimerâs, etc.) and to the hanging question on how call could harm your life. In this study the researcher did not include on how smart phone can kill small business and what they call bank breakdowns. In addition, the researcher limited this research to the smartphone usage, market share and the race-offering consumer. Significance of the Study
This study would help the students as their reference or guide in knowing what the benefits in using smartphone. It will also help students taking up computer related courses to know what the trending technologies are today. For future IT students who would want to make more enhancements to this research or the basic study of Smartphones, this study would help them gather more information they need. To teachers, the proposed study will help them to have a deeper understanding if as a teacher or professor smartphone could be a help to their profession. In this study they could also understand if the effectiveness of smartphones could help them. To future researcher, the proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study. By this study they will come up with more high-tech and convenient smartphones for everyone. In other view, this research could help the society to develop more useful and high-tech smartphones not only for teenager but to all working or non-working people. Definitions of Terms
The following terms will be defined in this study:
Adapters. They are device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly. Applications. This is the act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use. In technology world, itâs more called as âappsâ. Cell Phones. An electronic telecommunications device often referred to as a cellular phone or cell phone. Computer. It is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Communicators. They are person/device who communicates with others. Console. This is the operatorâs station in a mainframe.
Customized. It is a process in which you make or alter to individual or personal specifications. Itâs also to modify, (something) to suit a particular individual or task. Data. The quantities, characters, or symbols on which a computer performs operations, Download. It is the process wherein you copy (data) from one computer system to another or to a disk. Fervent. It is a way of having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling and enthusiasm.
Future. The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come. Handheld. The ability of the device to be compact enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand or hands. Linked. The act of connecting, makes, forms, or suggests a connection with or between. Myriad. A countless or extremely great number.
Personalize. It is the process to design or produce (something) to meet someone’s individual requirements. Make (something) identifiable as belonging to a particular person, esp. by marking it with their name or initials.
Play. It is the process to be engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious purpose Pod casts. A multimedia digital file made available on the Internet for downloading to a portable media player, computer, etc. Portable. This is a version of something that can be easily carried. Program. This is a listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation.
Smartphones. It is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing Teens. This is the personâs age bracket between 13 to 19 years old. Text Message. It is a written message with a means of mobile phone.
Variety. The quality or condition of being various or varied. A number or collection of varied things, especially of a particular group; an
assortment. Versatility. It is the ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. Statement of the Problem
This research aims to understand the benefits in using a smartphone. Specifying: it sought to answer to the following question:
1. Why teenagers are into smartphones today?
2. How does smartphones improve communications?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having smartphone? 4. How does smartphones help teenagers in their everyday life? 5. How smartphones differ in ordinary cellular devices?
Statement of the Hypothesis
The researchers proposed in this research that the Smartphones among Filipino teenagers today is a fervent way of communicating. It is considered as a handheld computer. It is a way to always have device media at hand. More generally, research shows that an even 11 year old child owns a smartphone. The creation of this technology can benefit both the workplace and us. The greatest advantage to owning a smartphone is the availability of small applications. Main assumptions of this study are:
* Concerning security and privacy
It is assumed in the study that the security and privacy of smart phones or other handheld converged devices are off-base or just flat-out wrong. For any high-value target whether that’s a political candidate or an organization with valuable financial or personal data a little more thought ought to go into the process of selecting and deploying any device handling important data. * Concerning adornment
It is assumed in the study that individuals often personalize the material casing of their devices, or hang charms from them. Smartphones are used as an accessory, as a fashion item, a ritualistic emblem, and habitual handheld artefact akin to a sketchbook or purse. * Concerning Identity
It is assumed in the study that a tribal signifier displayed for acceptance, group affiliations, and peer approval or as a form of professional currency * Concerning Invitation
It is assumed in the study that the visible presence of an unlit screen suggests that the student invites interruption, or has set up a situation that affords, expects and accepts disruption. * Concerning expression
It is assumed in the study if the phone is visible but not in use it could be seen as expressing a form of user anticipation, expectancy, uncertainty or availability. When actively engaged with the smartphone its display may be interpreted as communicating the connectedness and sociability of the user, or the userâs professional/creative significance and identity. * Concerning boundary marker
It is assumed in the study when actively engaged with a smartphone; the user may be seen to be privileging the interaction with the object thus creating another form of personal spatial and intellectual boundary.
* Concerning benefits
It is assumed in the study the ways in which the teenagers use their phones are rich and varied; creating, collating, communicating, collaborating, storing, recording, browsing, researching, reflecting, sharing, documenting, publishing, planning, interacting, networking, as well as navigating physical locations. Theoretical Framework
This chapter presents the concepts pertaining to this research study, the conceptual models and how they relate. The definition of Smartphone and its current status among teenagers were given. Benefits, Good and bad sides of it were also presented. ADULTS
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1: Smartphone Framework
The Conceptual framework is based on the theoretical framework of this research study. It defines how the models in this research study are related to each other and gives a birdâeye view of the frame work which the conceptual model is based on. A smart phone is a high end mobile phone that can combine a personal digital assistant PDA and a mobile phone. Todayâs model varies a lot. This is because the innovation of more complex and new smart phone had led to new smart phones in the market with different features. The various concepts used in this research like brand equity, quality and price. While itâs Advantages which has the ability to browse full websites with large amount of data. A QWERTY keyboard, applications that can help teenagers create and edit Microsoft office documents, GPS which can be used to locate and when it comes to messaging a smart phone will send messages and also email messages. Contrary to it, Smart phone not durable especially when not taken good care of. It is very expensive to buy compared to other phones and more complex when it comes to operating. It can only work efficiently where there is accessible internet connection when it comes to browsing. Smart phone cannot be used to store large amount of data due to their storage memory. Teens cannot depend on smart phone for all their works.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents survey of related literature and writing of recognized experts, both of which have significant bearing or relation to the problem under investigation. The definition of what constitutes a smartphone is not clearly defined, however, it is commonly understood to be a mobile phone which includes advanced functionality beyond the traditional mobile phone features of providing the ability to make phone calls and send SMS messages. The majority of smartphones provide additional functionality such as cameras, the ability to view and store photos, store and play music via an integrated music player, access the internet, access email as well as a range of other applications which are developed specifically for smartphones. While the word Smartphone for most consumers is synonymous with Apples iPhone and Android devices from other providers which were released to mainstream consumers in 2007, the development of what we have come to know as the Smartphone actually began in the early 1990âs. The literature review presents an overview of the development of the Smartphone. It also examines the effects the introduction is perceived to have had on users.
There are an abundance of media articles which focus on the effect increased use of the internet and now the introduction of smartphones is having on the work-life balance of employees in the information society. Academic research is also beginning to emerge in this area. The literature review presents some detail on what some researchers believe constitutes a healthy work-life balance. The smartphone is a relatively new addition to the life of most people having only become widely available to the general consumer in the last five years. This makes it difficult to ascertain exactly effect this will have on people and society in general. The literature review presents an overview of some of the initial effects noted by the media and academics. It also examines how smartphones have impacted the work-life balance. Literature Review: Rise of the Smartphones
While the average consumer has only become familiar with the smartphone in the last 5 years, development of what we know as the smartphone today actually began in the early 1990s.The diagram below shows the key development timelines for the smartphone.
Figure 2: Key Development Timeline In the early days of the smartphone (from 1992 to 2002) the prohibitive pricing and overall marketing strategy meant smartphones were generally only used by business users. Most of the smartphone models during this period focussed on providing core business functionality which essentially combined the mobile phone with a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).The release of Nokiaâs N-Series phones marked the beginning of phones being marketed as mobile PCs. This range of phones introduced enhanced functionality such as an MP3 player and camera. This could be seen as the initial stages of phone providers moving the smartphone concept from the business market to the consumer market. While (2010) highlights a number of key technological advances that have assisted technology and telecommunications companies in brining smartphones to the general consumer. These include: ⢠Dramatic improvements in network bandwidth.
⢠Increased availability of wireless broadband.
⢠Increased size of memory cards for mobile phones.
⢠Technological improvements in screen design which enhance the quality of images. ⢠Improvements in battery life.
Smartphones have changed almost beyond recognition in recent years. As discussed in the section on the history of smartphone, the introduction of the iPhone and their competitor Android phones has meant these devices are no longer only available to business users of certain positions within the modern day organisation. They are now widely available to everyday consumers and offer apps for almost every conceivable task. They also mean that users are now constantly plugged-in to the web at all times bringing the world closer to a truly networked society. This has undoubtedly been of benefit to people as the Web 2.0 model has enabled software providers to create apps which deliver specific information via apps that users would previously have had to search explicitly for on the internet. This is helping to further develop the information society and make workers more efficient in carrying out everyday tasks. However, with all new technology that offers benefits to users there are disadvantages.
The media has taken a keen interest in discussing the negative effect smartphones are having on users. There are also a number of academic papers focussing on the effect smartphones have had on workers. A common theme of many of the media and academic reports are that smartphones are habit forming and that they are resulting in work invading what was traditionally considered personal/free time of the user. An academic study conducted by Oulasvirta, A., Rattenbury, T., Ma, L., Raita, E. (2010), presented results that smartphones are habit forming. Their study found that people who owned a smartphone developed âcheck habitsâ which saw users ritually unlock and check one or more applications such as email or social networking on their phone. Users who participated in the study cited this habit as an annoyance and one which increased in frequency over time. While the study does not aim to study the potential for smartphone usage to develop into addiction it does cite references to the potential for smartphone check habits to develop into addiction. The concept of people becoming addicted to their smartphones is one that probably warrants further study as usage of the devices becomes more widespread. According to the magazine, The New York Times (2010) they ran a series of articles focussing on the effects of smartphone usage on users.
Connellys (2010) article reports that users of smartphones find they affect their concentration and stress levels and can intrude on other activities. Scelfos (2010) article reports, possibly more worryingly that parents who use smartphones are not engaging in enough quality time with their children as their focus is on their devices instead. The Editors (2010) of the New York Times also ran a blog series which received contributions from a number of leading industry experts. Many of these suggest that smartphones have resulted in users never ceasing to multi-task. It was suggested that this has the potential to increase the stress levels of users and many offered advice on how to overcome this. The two opposing viewpoints of technological determinism and social shaping of technology both have relevance to some extent in evaluating the effect the smartphone has had on society mainly to teenagers. Technological determinists such as Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman are of the view that any new technology changes the behaviour of society.
The rapid development and user adoption of the smartphone has led to significant changes in peopleâs behaviour in relation to work related tasks in the information society. It has also led to an entirely new set of behaviour as people now use their smartphones to access a host of information not previously available to them when they were mobile. Technological determinists would be of the view that the technology i.e. the smartphone itself has resulted in this change. The following example cited by McLuhan, M. (2001 pp. 8 – 9) illustrates the viewpoint taken by technological determinists. Let us return to the electric light. Whether the light is being used for brain surgery or night baseball is a matter of indifference. It could be argued that these activities are in some way the âcontentâ of the electric light since they could not exist without the electric light. This fact merely underlines the fact that âthe medium is the messageâ because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. Here McLuhan is saying that the medium itself is what shapes society and the evolution of how people in that society behave. I donât think this is true for the smartphone.
Oulasvirta, A., Rattenbury, T., Ma, L., Raita, E. (2010) observe in their study that users use of their phone becomes more frequent as they uncover more meaningful content. They also observed that the longer a user owns the phone the more content they discover and therefore this increases their interaction times. This would seem to contradict the view that the medium itself is what changes behaviour rather than content. While it is true users would not be able to access this information on the move without the smartphone equally they wouldnât continue to and their behaviour would be unlikely to continue to change if the content did not engage them. I therefore donât feel that this aspect of the technological determinist viewpoint is true for the smartphone. While to a certain extent the functionality offered by this new technology has influenced the way employees live their lives I donât believe the smartphone on its own would not have been able to effect change on society that has been witnessed in recent years.
Government investment in wireless broadband infrastructure has also been crucial. The improved quality and availability of wireless connectivity has also been instrumental in increased user adoption. In Ireland, political influence to change the regulations surrounding mobile operator licences has resulted in the mobile phone market in Ireland becoming more competitive to the benefit of consumers. âThe decision to plug in or unplug is a personal one. My job is fast-paced and demanding. If Iâm not paying attention during the off-hours, things could go south.â One of Neil Post manâs most famous assertions was that most technology is affected by a kind of Frankenstein syndrome in which technology is generally developed for a specific purpose âBut once the machine is built, we discoverâsometimes to our horror, usually to our discomfort, always to our surpriseâthat it has ideas of its own” (Postman 1982, p.23). This would appear to be partly true of the effect that the smartphone has had on workers in the information society. The technology has been developed for consumers of all kinds and provides access to a high volume of entertainment and media related content. Conclusions
The smartphone has undoubtedly revolutionised how people communicate for work and how they access information related to studies and personal interests. Having a smartphone is personal choice that all owners of this technology need to make in relation to usage patterns of the devices for work related activities. Some users are happy to be connected all the time and see no issue with it. As Postman (1995) discusses in a 1995 interview that all new technology is like a âFaustian bargain in that it gives us something important but we also lose something important in the processâ. This would appear to be true of the smartphone.
The benefits of the smartphone have been discussed throughout this paper as have the negatives. They provide users with the ability to stay on top of work outside of the office and employers in theory benefit from increased productivity, often at little expense to themselves as users are choosing to purchase the phones themselves. The research feels that it is really a personal choice that all owners of this technology need to make in relation to usage patterns of the devices for work related activities. Some users are happy to be connected all the time and see no issue with it. However, others cite that it results in increased stress, while others particularly those who have been using the devices longer state that they have consciously imposed boundaries in relation to their smartphone use. Much of the academic literature in this area has focussed on managerial level users of smartphones.
Chapter 3
Method of Research Used
In this study, the researchers used a survey to work with, explore, and examine the concepts. We have proposed in this research that the smart phones among Filipino teenagers today is a fervent way of communicating. It is considered as a handheld computer that can help them in their studies. The researchers conducted a survey become more reliable in all aspects of this research. Subjects of the Study
Teenagers are the main subject of this research. In the survey there are 100 respondents which all are teenagers ages 13-18. Selected teenagers answered various questions regarding the essence of having smart phones and how these smart phones a great benefit for them etc. In the survey no questions left unanswered. Techniques
The researchers also gathered various informationâs from the internet. Different websites pertaining to smartphones were sited. They also used the library as their main source for this research. Clippings about cellular phones in the periodical were used to collect some informationâs from the past to present day.
In this chapter an analysis of the data collected for the study is made, statistical techniques are applied and interpretations are made in order to draw the conclusions of the study. Analysis of the data collected for the study is made, statistical techniques are applied and interpretations are made in order to draw the conclusions of the study. To complete this study properly, it is necessary to analyse the data collected in order to test The hypothesis and answer the research questions. This chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings resulting from this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out. The first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals with a quantitative analysis of data. Specifying: it sought to answer to the following question:
1. Why teenagers are into smartphones today?
2. How does smartphones improve communications?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having smartphone? 4. How does smartphones help teenagers in their everyday life? 5. How smartphones differ in ordinary cellular devices?
* Why teenagers are into smartphones today.
60% of teenagers now a day, owns a smartphone, which only proves that teenagers are totally into smarttphones. Teenagers are always on the go and they want to communicate with others easily. And as a student it helps them their everyday life. For teenagers, smartphones are not only for communicating but also for sharing through the internet. And lastly smartphones are very handy and convenient thus they can bring it anywhere. And having a smatphone is a great way to keep them busy when they are bored of while they are doing nothing. They can put in music, videos or applications in the smartphone too, * How smartphones help to improve communication.
Smartphones improve communications in a way that people didnât think was possible. Communicating with their loved ones, friends or families is necessary for every teenagers meaning owning a smartphone is a basic necessity for them. Not only are smartphones very handy and convenient, we can bring it anywhere, call, text, email anyone we want to when we have to. We can connect it to the internet to make it easier to talk to our loved ones who are far away. Teenagers, always have somewhere to go, whether it is at their school, parties, malls. They always prefer to bring their smartphones with them wherever they go.
* The advantages and disadvantages of owning a smartphone. The advantages of having a smartphone is that it makes us easy to communicate with others and our loved ones, also it helps us to do tasks we are assigned to easily. Some disadvantages to having a smartphone is that it can distract some of our daily routine, and some of our chores, since itâs easier to bring itâs hard for teenagers to let it go. Since they find their smartphones difficult to let go, they most probably use it often. 50 % of teenagers says they often use it and it gives them a lot of advantages. For teenagers, having a smartphone wth them while studying is a big advanatage specially when they are in a loud place they can use it to listen to music and concentrate more on what theyâre studying on, and sometimes when they forget their handouts or copies of the lessons it much handy to use their smartphones. * How smartphones help teenagers in their everyday life.
Smartphones helps teenagers in a way to keep us updated about things in our community or society, it helps the teenagers to be more aware of what is happening around them. It also makes communicating with others specially to our loved ones easily. Computers are a big help to teenagers and students, they use it for their projects, reports and assignments, but smartphones and computers have a lot in common. Only smartphones are faster and it is easier to bring than computers so teenagers prefer the use of smartphones, since they donât like their devices to be heavy. Though smartphones and computers has their differences they are both a big help for students and teenagers. Although sometimes having a smartphone is a big distraction for teenagers, they still prefer to use it because it is also a huge help for them.
* Difference between smartphones and ordinary cellular device. Smartphones differ in ordinary cellular devices in ways that smartphones can be used to connect through the internet; itâs much faster than ordinary cellular devices. It is more convenient and efficient. It has everything we need. Ordinary cellular devices are far too simple while a smartphone is like a portable computer and it can update us in everything that we need since it is like a portable computer. Ordinary cellular devices can only be used for calls or texts so after youâve used it you can keep it already but having a smartphone can distract us from our daily routine. QUANTITATIVE INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS
Analysis of Questionnaires
Of a total of 100 questionnaires distributed, questionnaires were the base for computing the results. Data gathered through the questionnaire was subjected to frequency counts. In other words, the subjectsâ responses for each individual question were added together to find the highest frequency of occurrence (i.e. the number of times that a particular response occurs). These responses to the questions, which are quantified, are then presented in percentage forms.
Question 1: Do you own a smart phone?
Graph 1: Shows that 60% of the teenagers own a smartphone while 40% of teenagers do not have a smartphone. Question 2: Do you think that smartphone could help you in your daily life as a student/ teenager?
Graph 2: Shows that 70% of the teenagers said that smartphone could help them in their daily lives while 30% of teenagers said that smartphone couldnât help them in their daily lives. Question 3: Do you think having a smartphone can be a basic necessity for teenagers like you?
Graph 3: Shows that 70% of the teenagers said that smartphone could help them in their daily lives while 30% of teenagers said that smartphone couldnât help them in their daily lives. Question 4: Do you prefer bringing your smartphone mostly everywhere you go? Graph 4: Shows that 60% of the teenagers said that they prefer bringing their smartphone mostly everywhere they go while 40% also of teenagers said that they do not prefer bringing their smartphone mostly everywhere they go. Question 5: How often do you use your smartphone?
Graph 5: Shows that 50% of the teenagers always use their smartphone, 30% of the teenagers often use their smartphone, 15% of the teenagers sometimes use their smartphone and 5% of the teenagers never use their smartphone. Question 6: Do you think that smartphone could be a help to your study?
Graph 6 Shows that 70% of the teenagers said that smartphone could help them in their studies and 30% of teenagers said that smartphone couldnât help them in their studies.
Question 7: Do you prefer smartphone than computers?
Graph 7: Shows that 80% of the teenagers said that they prefer computers than smartphones than computers and 20% of the teenagers said that they prefer smartphones than computers. Question 8: Would you prefer the device to be heavy?
Graph 8: Shows that 90% of the teenagers said that they do not prefer smartphones to be heavy and 10% of the teenagers said that they prefer smartphones to be heavy. Question 9: Do you think that today, smartphones are one of the most portable uses to be updated on the issues in your everyday life?
Graph 9: Shows that 85% of the teenagers said that smartphones are one of the most portable uses to be updated on the issues in their everyday lives and 15% of the teenagers donât agree that smartphones are one of the most portable uses to be updated on the issues in their everyday lives. Question 10: Do you think a Smartphone has a negative side on you? Graph 10: Shows that 80% of the teenagers said that smartphone has a negative side on them and 20% of the teenagers said that smartphone has a positive side on them. Chapter 5
Summary of Findings
The research found out the smartphones is really a helped to teenagers this days. Mainly reason are its very handy that any teenager could bring it anywhere anytime. The uses of Smartphone for teenagers in their daily life help them to access and search local information, participate in social media or networking sites and to read the current news and entertainment. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the use and effectiveness of Smartphone for teenagers nowadays. Specifically, the study answered the question of Smartphones could really be a helped to teenagers. Smartphones give teenagers their specific wants such as having audio in hand, media on hand, personal organizing and most especially they have World Wide Web in just one single touch of the phones. Also, nowadays teenagers want to have a faster web browsing which Smartphones can give. Considering the fact that teenagers are fervent communicators nowadays and that a lot of networking site attracts them, they want an easy way to update their status in twitter, Facebook and other networking sites with Smartphones they can achieve this all with one single touch. The Study used Survey method and the main tool used was the research-made or self-made type of examination (questionnaire), including 100 respondents which are 13-18 years old of age. The data gathered in this study were analysed by tallying all the specific answers given by the respondents. Findings:
1. Level of teenagers who actually says that Smartphones could be a helped to their everyday life. Majority of 71.4% of teenagers actually says that having Smartphone helps them in their everyday life. 2. Users
Almost more than half of teenagers own a Smartphone today with a majority of 62.3%. 3. Prefer that Smartphone is a basic necessity
The researchers found out that almost half of the teenagers prefer that Smartphone is a basic necessity to them with a majority of 65.4%. 4. Smartphone vs. Computer
The researchers found out that most of the teenager mostly use and prefer Smartphone is doing some school works and mostly in browsing social networking site with the majority of 82.3% of respondents.
5. Negative side of Smartphones
Most of the respondents says that Smartphone is one of the main distractions in the studies with majority of 80% with the reason of they put so much using their phones to do social networking. Conclusion
The researcher concluded in this study that Smartphones is really a helped in their everyday life mostly when it comes to communication and wanting to have media on hand. The researchers also concluded that beyond basic phone and text capabilities, smartphones typically offer audio/video playback, personal organization applications, Internet access, and global positioning systems (GPS). Also in many cases, they allow users to do away with having multiple electronic devices, such as PDAs and MP3 players, in addition to a cell phone. However, with this entire conclusion the researcher also concluded that with this many use teenagers fails to focus more on their studies and tend to have more time exploring the wide range uses of Smartphones. In conclusion, the student should manage not to be distractive with this networking sites and should know their limitation when only to have more social time because thinking that the improvement of our technology should not harm any human specially teenagers who are the future generations to enhance our way of life.
These recommendations are then suggested. The proposed module enrichment designed by the researcher based on the findings of the study should be utilized because it gives more emphasis to the uses of Smartphone. They should make more improvements that could help not just teenagers but all human being working and non-working. The phone manufacturers should also endeavour and make sure to provide such uses that could enhance daily life of all people. In all aspects they could always be an advantage and should reduce fails and errors in terms of their products. They should give an influential mobile environment to all skills of many users. Smartphones should ensure high-tech capabilities that could help mankind that is suitable for all kinds of user.
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