Develop Positive Relationships

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1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained, these may include • Communicating effectively •Identifying and sorting out conflicts and disagreements • Being consistent and fair • Showing respect and courtesy • Valuing and respecting individuality • Keeping promises and honouring commitments • Monitoring impact of own behaviour on others • Keeping confidentiality as appropriate • Recognising and responding appropriately to the power base underpinning relationships
Positive relationships with children and young people are important for a number of reasons. Firstly, if I have a positive relationship with a child I feel more certain that they will come to me for help, if they are in trouble or if they need to talk. This means that the child feel supported and also that, as professional, I know that their needs are being met and that they are happy and healthy. Additionally, children and young people model their behaviour according to what they observe others doing- if I have a positive relationships with a young person, they will learn how to create positive relationships with others and also, be more able to recognise a relationship that is not positive. Lastly, by maintaining positive, professional relationships with the young people I work with, I am also safeguarding myself. I am reducing the likely hood of accusations and of my conduct being called into question.
Positive relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. When striving to create a relationship with a young person it is important to respect their individuality- I take the time to find out their likes and dislikes, their views and their ideas. I find it helpful to find a common ground, but it is also important for me to show them that I am an individual too; that I have likes and dislikes- even if they’re not the same as theirs. This way, the young person knows that I am being honest, that I respect their views and that they can respect mine and others’ too. When working with young people, it is essential to be consistent in practice and in expectations. Children generally respond well to clear boundaries, consistent rules and fair expectations. I ensure that young people know what to expect from me and what I expect of them. That way, they feel more comfortable around me and are more likely to respond positively to you.
To maintain positive relationships, it is important to remember that nothing stays the same- routines change, personalities change and wants and needs change. On a daily basis communication should be instigated by both adult and young person. I always chat to the young people about their day, their interests and share a little something about my day. It is important to casually communicate frequently so if there is an issue or a particular topic which needs to be discussed, they are used to speaking with me and it is less pressure. Both parties should take their turn in talking and listening, and as a professional, I am aware of their communication needs. I make sure we are using a shared language and that they have the tools they need to communicate effectively.
Open and honest communication is also important for conflict resolution, the young person should feel they can be honest with/about me and they should know I will be honest in return. It is also essential that professional boundaries are maintained. I would never tell a child intimate or inappropriate things about my own life and any physical contact are in line with our policies about being appropriate and purposeful. Although I want to maintain close relationships with the young people, and I want them to come to me if they need me, I would not promise to keep secrets, but reassure them that I will help and that I will only tell other people who will help.
In maintaining positive relationships, I try to reflect on my own practice and monitoring the impact my behaviour has on others. I try to be aware of the body language and actions of the young people I work with as children often display reflective behaviours. If a child or young person often shouts at me and not at other staff, I will assess the way I speak to him/her- perhaps he feels that I shout at him too. Additionally, if I am finding it hard to build or maintain a relationship with a particular young person, I will observe other staff working with him/her, discuss it in my supervision and ask staff for peer-to-peer advice.
Outcome 2 – Be able build positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people This column ids for assessor use only
2.1 Explain why positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important. These may include: • Colleagues •Organisational managers and supervisors •Carers • Official visitors • Other visitors • Colleagues from other agencies and services • External partners
Positive relationships with people involved in the are of children and young people are important because these relationships affect the efficiency of the service and ensure consistent and appropriate practice.
Positive relationships with people within an organisation ensure effective sharing of successful practice. If there is good communication between colleagues, managers and supervisors, it also means that the service will run smoothly- everyone will know their role and responsibilities, and the roles of others- mutual respect for each others work and the ability to support one and other in daily work or in a crisis. Having positive relationships with colleague’s means that, as an organisation, we are able to provide consistent care to each service user.
Positive relationships with parents and carers are very important in my workplace. The families have to be able to trust us to care for their children and they also need to be able to turn to us if the need additional support, so that a child is not at risk. Also, the children and young people should hear us speaking positively about their families and their families speaking positively about our service so that they feel comfortable and happy in both environment and are able to apply themselves and achieve.
It is important to have positive relationships with official visitors because they will be able to report back to commissioners and funders about what they have seen or experienced, they will also be able to effectively tell us about what they expect from us, what we are doing right or what we could be doing better. Official visitors include inspectorate bodies such as OFSTED and Reg 33. Assessor feedback
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