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Brave New World Essay

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Ladies and Gentlemen, close your eyes and place yourself in a place where technology and machinery beyond your wildest dreams are in your very possession. Imagine a world where no conflict and wars take place; everyone is happy. Imagine yourself living in a haven where everything to suit your needs are available whenever you wish. Imagine yourself in Brave New World…

Uniqueness will greet you at the very gates of our society. A completely different and better world compared to your present world. ‘How and why?’ you ask. Everyone is happy in Brave New World; everyone is satisfied. There will be no more thoughts of envy or jealously, no more feelings of disappointment or sadness, just happiness and contentment. Citizens of our world are conditioned to be satisfied with their rank and class. Due to this, conflicts will be avoided and thus, fighting and war will be a thing of the past.

What is one of the main things people fear? The answer: Old age. In your world, it is considered normal to see old citizens walking down the street with hunched backs, rotting teeth and vulnerable to diseases. Would you want to stay healthy and in shape as the years pass by? The citizens of Brave New World will have an artificially balanced equilibrium, transfusions of young blood and of course, the prevention of diseases with state of the art technology. The fear of sickness will be washed away.

Challenges await you at every corner. In our society, citizens are free to indulge themselves in challenging games of Obstacle Golf, Escalator-Squash and many other activities. Equipped with machines and the latest technology, these activities will never cease to interest you.

In Brave New World, there is no worry or fear of bad drugs. Soma is a beneficial drug that causes no harm to the body whatsoever. A few grammes of soma will wipe all your troubles away for a period of time depending on the amount. Did you have a hard days work? Soma will give you the relaxed holiday that you deserve. Perhaps a trip to gorgeous cities or a holiday romance with pneumatic girls; soma will be your ticket from reality.

Brave New World is a world where pregnancy and birth do not exist. Why should women suffer for nine months and go through harsh pain during labour to deliver less than ten children? This process is not necessary in our world. With the discovery of Bokanovsky’s Process, ninety-six identical twins can be made with just a single female egg cell. The world population can be easily stabilized and controlled with the founding of this magnificent process. There will be no heartbreak of losing a member of the family with Bokanovsky’s Process. Citizens are granted carefree lifestyles at the very beginning of their creation; no worries whatsoever.

Under the rule of Ford, Brave New World is a unique world where everyone has their own purpose, no one will feel excluded. Everyone benefits from everyone, and everyone belongs to everyone. A worry-free world where everything you need will be provided for you. Everything you do will contribute to society and society will contribute to you. No other world can compare to this haven…

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